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Getting Results: Impacting Each Student within All Students. Going Deeper with TBTs and the Ohio 5-Step Process. Going Deeper with TBTs and the Ohio 5-Step Process Region 4 – SST January 31, 2012. 2011-2012 SPDG Professional Development. Teacher Based Teams.
Getting Results: Impacting Each Student within All Students Going Deeper with TBTs and the Ohio 5-Step Process Going Deeper with TBTs and the Ohio 5-Step Process Region 4 – SST January 31, 2012 2011-2012 SPDG Professional Development
Teacher Based Teams Data: Digging Deeper Steps 1, 2 & 3 This document/product/software was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, (Award #Q27A090111A, CFDA 84.027A, awarded to the Ohio Department of Education). The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and no official endorsement by the Department should be inferred.
Our Targets For Today COMMON Summative & Formative Questions Root Cause and Rigor Formative Classroom Assessments Embedded Learning Targets Effective LRE Differentiated Instructional Strategies Curriculum Updates Revised 1/25/12
The Ohio 5-Step Process: A Cycle of Inquiry
Teacher Based Teams: Steps 1 & 2Outcomes • Analyze “common” assessment questions to determine: • Summative or Formative in nature • Distracters • Deconstruct embedded learning targets and identify category of learning for each target • Apply and analyze the use of classroom formative assessments
Parking Lot Materials Working Agreements Getting Started Roles and Responsibilities Facilities 6
Working Agreements • Stay Focused • Manage Electronic Devices • Practice Timely Attendance • Pass Notes instead of Sidebar Talking • Respectfully Challenge One Another • Listen Actively • Participate to the Fullest of Your Ability
Inclusion Activity Anticipation Guide • Answer each question • Talk at your table about your responses
Do you agree? Think of literacy as a spine; it holds everything together. The branches of learning connect to it, meaning that all core content teachers have a responsibility to teach literacy. • Yes • No
DO YOU AGREE?“Offered a list of standards, we should scrutinize each one but also ask who came up with them and for what purpose. Is there room for discussion and disagreement?” • Yes • No
Do You Agree? We test too much? • Yes • No
Quick Check for Learning Anticipation Guide • Statements that can be reacted to without having read the text. • Statements that challenge beliefs. • General rather than specific statements. • Write statements that you want them to think about as part of upcoming content. Formative classroom assessments for learning
Curriculum • Define what parts we are discussing • Data – need assessments • Assessments – need curriculum • Looking at CFA for building for TBTs
What is “Deconstructing”? aka Unwrapping & Unpacking “Taking a broad and/or unclear standard, goal, or benchmark and breaking it into smaller, more explicit learning targets that can be incorporated into daily classroom teaching” Stiggins et al. 2006
Deconstructing Standards into a Progression of Learning Targets • A systematic process to identify embedded learning targets in standard indicators so that nothing essential is missed during instruction • Learning targets: What students should know, understand and be able to do to master the indicators • Sequence the targets into a developmentally appropriate learning progression
Deconstructing the Golf Game Will be able to perform basic golf skills, model acceptable social behavior and apply fundamental knowledge of the rules of golf to enable participation in a regulation or modified game of golf.
Perform Basic Golf Skills • Proper grip • Stance • Alignment of feet to target • Distance of body from ball • Bend at the waist • Swing fundamentals • Wrist position at top of swing • 2. Acceptable Social Behavior • All swings count towards • your score • Clubs are not thrown • Mark your ball when it is • on the putting green • Keep the pace of play • Do not talk or make • noise while others are • swinging
Tips for Deconstructing Analyze the wording of the standard/objective to determine key concepts and key skills • Read through indicators • Circle verbs to identify key skills • Underline nouns and noun phrases to identify key concepts Example: Create grade-appropriate real-world problems involving any of the four operations using multiple strategies, explain the reasoning used, and justify the procedures selected when presenting solutions.
Example Describe what happens when two forces act on an object in the same or opposing directions. 1. I can give the definition of force. 2. I can tell what 3 changes might happen to an object when a force is applied. 3. I can write in words and also create a diagram to explain what happens when two forces act on an object in the same direction. 4. I can write in words and create a diagram to explain what happens when two forces act on an object in opposite directions.
New Content Standards • Choose a content area from the samples on your table. (Pairs or Triads) • “Deconstruct, Unwrap, Unpack” one of them and record in the 1st column of the template • At your tables share your work
Quick Check for Learning Whip Around • Make a list of 3 items related to your understanding and application of types of targets. • Everyone stands. • One at a time each person’s 3 items are reviewed. Others cross off if their own list if duplicated. Sit when your 3 are done or have already been stated. Formative classroom assessments for learning
Assessment Continuum Annually Summative District & State Assessment Data about people, practices, and perceptions 2-4 Times a year Quarterly/End of Unit Benchmark Common Assessments 1-4 Times a month Formative Common Assessments Formative Classroom Assessments for Learning Daily-Weekly
How We Assess Learning Target Students will be able to solve problems requiring them to add fractions with like and unlike denominators.
Skills Arrange Learning Targets in Categories Knowledge Products Reasoning EXAMPLE: 8th Grade Reading Use pre-reading and comprehension strategies (e.g. generating questions and previewing, activating and evaluating prior knowledge and scanning or skimming texts) to critically analyze and evaluate the comparison of literary and informational texts for: • Making judgments • Hypothesizing • Making complex or abstract summaries
Answers Please… Knowledge • know what strategies are considered to be pre-reading strategies • understand the types of comprehension skills and (example) how to locate a main idea and details • understand the process for inferring, drawing generalizations etc. • understand the difference in skimming and scanning processes Reasoning • generating questions • activating and evaluating prior knowledge • critically analyze and evaluate • making judgments • hypothesizing • making complex or abstract summaries Performance • scanning or skimming • previewing
Back to Your Deconstructing Template: Complete the 2nd column (Category of Learning) for each of the embedded learning targets that you identified earlier.
Aligning Learning Targets to Appropriate Assessments Stiggins 2006
Can we mix summative and formative type questions in the same assessment?
I Don’t Like “Tricking” Students Multiple choice items MUST be created with “diagnostic” distracters that can pinpoint what is understood and not understood. They allow for teaching with precision. Distracters are more difficult to write than the correct answers!
Activity – Assessment • In small groups, analyze the assessment to determine whether each question is summative or formative. How do you know? • Choose 1 question and rewrite it as formative. • Choose 1 question and determine what kind of distracters are used.
Original Terms New Terms • Evaluation • Synthesis • Analysis • Application • Comprehension • Knowledge • Creating • Evaluating • Analyzing • Applying • Understanding • Remembering (Based on Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 8)
Quick Check for Learning Bump in the Road Write down something that you find confusing or a skill or concept you find difficult. Formative classroom assessments for learning
Data Analysis Data informs curriculum, assessment, and instruction • State • District • Building • Grade Level/Content Area • Teacher • Student
Data Analysis Activity • Rotation Centers • Analyze Different Sets of Data Guiding Questions What does the data inform? What should be done with the data?