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The BALTEX BRIDGE Campaign (BBC) cases. Susanne Crewell, Nicole van Lipzig, Wenchieh Yen Meteorological Institute Munich. Contributions. Felix Ament, University of Bonn Lokal-Modell (LM) of DWD, x = 1.1 to 7 km - horizontal resolution, - different cloud schemes
The BALTEX BRIDGE Campaign (BBC) cases Susanne Crewell, Nicole van Lipzig, Wenchieh YenMeteorological Institute Munich
Contributions • Felix Ament, University of BonnLokal-Modell (LM) of DWD, x =1.1 to 7 km- horizontal resolution, - different cloud schemes • Ulrika Willén, SMHIRCA, x = 18 km - vertical resolution (24, 40, 60 layers) • Erik van Meijgaard, KNMIRACMO, x = 18 km - different physic packages • Jean-Pierre Charboreau, Laboratoire Aerologique, Méso-NH, x = 2.5 km
BALTEX BRIDGE Campaign (BBC) Crewell, S., et al, The BALTEX Bridge Campaign: An integrated approach for a better understanding of clouds, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. , in press.
0 UTC, 23 Sep 01 0 UTC, 24 Sep 01 23 September 2001 sea levelpressure wind at850 hPa Geopotentialheight [gpm]at 500 hPa IWV [kg m-2] Cabauw .
23 September 2001 MODIS 10:40 UTC Cabauw Radiosoundings, μ- & IR radiometer, lidar super site
23 September 2001: aircraft 1.4 km 10 km CASI observations by FU Berlin, Radiances at 753 nm
23 September 2001: LWC Satellite retrieval from KNMI
23 September 2001 Cloud radar - refectivity- velocity- LDRLWP Lidar Radiosonde
23 September 2001: cloud radar Markus Quante, GKSS
23 September 2001: LWC Löhnert, U., S. Crewell, C. Simmer, 2004: An integrated approach towards retrieving physically consistent profiles of temperature, humidity, and cloud liquid water, J. Appl. Met.,
7:58 to 9:57 UTC mean LWC adiabatic 90 % percentile aircraft meas. in the vicinity of the measurement site (< 5 km) LWPIPT= 64 g m-2 LWPadiab= 100 g m-2 23 September 2001: LWC
23 September 2001: aircraft Aircraft observations by Merlin, Partenavia, Cessna GKSS
Cloud cover at Cabauw RACMO with 24 layersand ECHAM4 Physics RACMO with 40 layersand ECMWF physics Ulrika Willen Model comparison
Cloud cover at Cabauw Ulrika Willen Model comparison
RACMO (ECHAM4) RACMO (ECMWF) LM LWC Model comparison: Cabauw site RCA Méso-NH
LM and Precipitation LWP, 23 September 12 UTC Cabauw Frequency of occurence [%] Black contours show edgesof precipitation areas 0 0-0.1 0.1 -1 > 1 Precipitation [mm/h]
0 UTC, 23 Sep 01 0 UTC, 24 Sep 01 21 May 2003 sea levelpressure wind at850 hPa Geopotentialheight [gpm]at 500 hPa IWV [kg m-2] Cabauw
MODIS, 10:01 UTC 21 May 2003 LM, LWP 11 UTC 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 kg m-2 Cabauw Marc Schröder over land
wind speed wind direction temperature LM LWC domain average 11 UTC, Top 2700 m 5:15 8:30 11:20 14:17 virt. pot. temp. spec. humidity rel. humidity (+ice sat)
21 May 2003 ACTOS systemHolger Siebert IfT Leipzig
Cloud cover at Cabauw Model comparison
Cloud cover at Cabauw different vertical resolutionsfor RCA model Ulrika Willen Model comparison
Conclusions • two well documented cases (stratiform – convective) from BALTEXBRIDGE Campaigns • all observations (also for all other CLIWA-NET days) are available on request and soon using anonymous ftp at bbc.knmi.nl cliwa_dvd • all models seem to represent synoptic situation well • for stratiform case Meso-NH reproduces low level stratus cloud best • for convective case statistical analysis has to be made • Lokal-Modell has problems with contiguous clouds and the production ofslight precipitation
400 200 0 10 5 0 23 September 2001: Wind
23 September 2001 low-pressure system, still pronouncedly present in the upper air, moved to Denmark on the 21st, but it crossed the Netherlands again on the 23rd. 21-22 Sep: cloudy with (from time to time heavy) showers. 23 Sep: low-level clouds in the morning transferring into shallow cumulus in the early afternoon. MODIS 10:40