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NEES-CABER Group Meeting 01/25/08 Research Team at GW Professor Pedro F. Silva Graduate student Linh Nguyen. Objective. 1. Construction options for testing specimens at UIUC 2. Preliminary cost estimate 3. Work progress using shake table at GW 4. Coordination with other teams.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NEES-CABER Group Meeting01/25/08Research Team at GWProfessor Pedro F. SilvaGraduate student Linh Nguyen

  2. Objective • 1. Construction options for testing specimens at UIUC • 2. Preliminary cost estimate • 3. Work progress using shake table at GW • 4. Coordination with other teams

  3. Option 1: All three columns to be built by the staff at UIUC Option 2: All three columns to be built by local contractors with instrumentation to be prepared by GW students Option 3: All three columns to be built by local contractors with steel cages for circular portion of these columns and instrumentation are prepared by GW students at GW campus Construction options

  4. Specimen size used for cost estimate purposes only Information needed from UIUC (discuss it later) 1. Sizes and reinforcement layout for top and bottom blocks

  5. Contractor will furnish 6000 (?) psi concrete and reinforcing bars for the base, the cap, and the circular portion of all three columns. Assemble reinforcing cages provide formwork cast all three units transport the completed units to UIUC. Project team will provide and install instrumentation on reinforcement. Work to be done by contractors and research team in option 2

  6. Contractor will furnish 6000 (?) psi concrete reinforcing bars for the base and the cap only of all three columns. Assemble reinforcing cages for stub blocks provide formwork cast all three units Transport the completed units to UIUC At GWU Project team will assemble column reinforcing cages install instrumentation on reinforcement Work to be done by contractors and research team in option 3

  7. There are three contractors: - Egyptian Concrete Co. (EPC) - A-VAN-STEP Concrete (AVS) - Atlanticwood (AW) Contractors participating

  8. Cost estimate for each options

  9. There have been a delay due to training availability from support contractor. Two team members have been trained since January 18th, 2008 Bridge structures have been assembled in the lab Testing using shake table will be carried out intensively in February Shake table at GW

  10. Shake table at GW

  11. At UIUC, costs that need to be considered after the three columns are delivered to the lab? I believe that there is some sort of agreement for members using NEES lab facility without charges, is it true? Need to know the column height limitations at UIUC I would like to get information for building the top and bottom stub blocks Length requirements for instrumentation cables I am assuming that the instrumentation will be the same as the columns already tested at UMR. Can I also have the instrumentation plan for the columns that are currently being tested at UIUC and UNR. Is this information available at NEES central. I have asked NEESinc for an account with NEEScentral. The time frame available for testing these three columns. I would like to arrive at UIUC two days prior to our meeting to have a one on one discussion and to get familiar better with all the testing needs at UIUC. Is there any consideration or suggestion? May I have info of the contact person? Professor Belarbi, Dr. Silva told me that there is steel donated to the project. If so, may I have contact information? How much could it probably be? Column size: any considerations (to be discussed in the FEB meeting?) In order to better prepare for this meeting(Feb) and to get good progress I would like to get information from the columns tested at Reno and UIUC. I have performed bridge system analysis using opensees and I understand that UIUC/UCLA team has been working intensively on bridge system. May I have some information about your progress and your findings? May I contact your team member? (email or tel.) Earthquake record who will be providing the data file. For this chosen earthquake record we will also need to know the levels Coordination with other teams

  12. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!!Questions?

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