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Please enter the room quietly and make note of the daily objective, class work and homework in your agendas. Will the person responsible for retrieving the journals for your table please do so. . Vocab Word Search (pages 191 - 195):. extended family - . sphere of influence - . alliance - .
Please enter the room quietly and make note of the daily objective, class work and homework in your agendas. Will the person responsible for retrieving the journals for your table please do so.
Vocab Word Search (pages 191 - 195): extended family - sphere of influence - alliance -
Vocab Word Search (pages 191 - 195): a grouping of several related family that lived together. extended family - sphere of influence - alliance -
Vocab Word Search (pages 191 - 195): a grouping of several related family that lived together. extended family - an area that is strongly influenced or dominated by a particular ruler or government. sphere of influence - alliance -
Vocab Word Search (pages 191 - 195): a grouping of several related family that lived together. extended family - an area that is strongly influenced or dominated by a particular ruler or government. sphere of influence - an agreement between people or states to cooperate to achieve a common goal. alliance -
TIPS ON NOTE TAKING: GREEN - Don't write it down if you don't want. It is there for to read and make a mental note. BLUE - You should write this information down, but put it in your own words. Don't worry about coping it exactly. Put it in a way that you'll remember. BLACK - You need to write this down. It is important. If you can find a way to write it using less words that okay, but make sure you are getting this information in your notes. RED - This is very important and needs to be written in your notes EXACTLY as it is on the board.
Maya Society How were the roles and responsibilities of nobles and commoners different in Maya society?
Life Among the Mayas *Pre-Classic Period: A) Mayas lived in small town. B) Led by local chiefs. C) Most everyone was a farmer. *Classic Period: A) Society became more complex. B) Ruled by a God-King (office that was passed down from father to son).
Pre-Classic Maya: Lived simply on farms with a local chief in charge. Classic Maya: Lived in more complex cities and the people were ruled over by a God King.
Social Structure *During Classic Period society was broken up into two main groupsnobles and commoners. Nobles - aristocrats born into powerful families: A) Included - king, top officials and priests. Commoners: A) Majority of Maya population. B) Mostly farmers (worked for nobles). *Middle Class - Did not fit into either noble (low ranking lord) or commoner (high ranking commoner): A) Minor officials, soldiers, scribes (nobles) B) Skilled artisans, artists and entertainers (commoners)
Maya nobles are at the top. Kings, priests and lords. The middle class didn't fit directly into either the nobles or commoners. Commoners were at the bottom of the social class. Most everyone of the commoners were farmers.
Daily Life The majority of Maya society were peasants who worked lands outside of major cities. *Men: A) Worked on the fields (farmers). B) maintained village buildings. *Women: A) Raised the children. B) Tended family garden/livestock. C) Prepared food. Basic social unit for Maya society was extended family. A) Group typically included generations of children to grandparents. B) Lived in a cluster of simple houses.
Daily Life On days of major celebrations or ceremonies: A) People went to city centers. 1) Saw great stone pyramids, temples and homes of noble families. 2) Encountered merchants to buy and sell goods using stones, shell beads, red beans and feathers for currency. B) Mayas favorite form of entertainment was a ballgame. 1) Played on a special court with sloped stone walls. 2) Players would use their hips, thighs, and upper body to put a ball in a small hoop to score points (like soccer and basketball). *Ball game was not just a game but was a sacred ritual that was thought to bring good fortune to victorious teams city and king.
Ball game was not just a game but was a sacred ritual that was thought to bring good fortune to victorious teams city and king.
Maya Rule Each major city had its own king (kingship was passed from father to son). * Maya rulers used wealth/power to support nobles, who served and advised the king. * Maya kings increased their power and prestige through warfare. Wars were fought: A) To take captives from other cities. B) To take control of trade routes and land. Maya rulers never built true empires but instead focused on building up their sphere of influence and formed alliances to increase power and influence.
The Maya royalty fought wars to win prestige and take captives from other tribes in their region.
Maya Religion * Mayas were deeply religious people who worshipped many gods (polytheistic). Maya gods represented natural events (i.e.; rain, lightening, and the planets). A) People believed kings were descendants of gods. Kings were expected to communicate with the gods through rituals (i.e.; ballgames). B) Priests carried out rituals/interpreted the gods' wishes.
Maya Religion Important Maya rituals: A) Spilling of blood - kings would pierce themselves with thorns and offer their bloods to the gods. B) Human Sacrifice - captives (prisoners of war, slaves, sometimes children) would be offered to the gods as sacrifices. 1) Involved removing victims heart with a ceremonial knife.
Maya human sacrifice and blood letting rituals. * Mayas believed that human sacrifice was part of the natural cycle of death and rebirth. They believed these ceremonies would keep the universe in balance.
Maya Religion * Mayas held festivals throughout the year: A) Featured elaborate costumes, music and ritual dancing. B) Masked actors and clowns performed plays. C) Storytellers recited fables and legends.
Important things to remember: * Maya was primarily divided into two groups; nobles and commoners. The majority were commoners (peasant farmers). * The top levels of Maya social system were royalty, nobles and priests. * To appease their gods Mayas participated in many different rituals, like human sacrifice, kings spilling their own blood and priests organizing ball games.
Use textbook pages 191 - 195 Work on the top half first. Work on the bottom half second.
Maya Religion and Society (Video): 1) What were many of the large stone structures in places like Tikal used for? 2) Who performed the most important religious ceremonies and who was the leader of this group? 3) Who were most people in Maya society? 4) What idea is all of Maya life built around? 5) What are good days and bad days called by the Mayan priests? 6) What were the two typed of calendars that the Maya used and how long is a "Maya Century"? 7) What were the types of religious ceremonies that were practiced by the Maya?
Thinking Map: Use words and phrases to describe the Mays religious rituals, ceremonies and practices and who were involved in them. Maya Religious Rituals
Maya Religious Rituals
Homework: You must include at least three short phrases about the part of Maya Society you have chosen to do your circle map on. You may use pictures as well as long as you label them. You MUST include a color picture of the part of Maya Society you have chosen and then write the name on the line at the bottom. Maya blood ritual Maya Society: Maya Religion