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Tourism. Tourism in Romania. Something about ….

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tourism Tourism in Romania

  2. Something about … • Romania…it a a reach country with many resources, many impressive places, a variety of richness. Concerning the development of tourism and the importance of it, the romanian people don’t know how to value our treasure…because our country is a treasure…a non discovered treasure… • The tourism is high in our country thanks to the Black Sea situated in the south-east part of the country, The Danube, our mountains ,our monasteries which represents our cultural part.

  3. The monasteries • These monasteries represent a part of the romanian culture. These are very old have the influence of many old cultures.

  4. BUCOVINA • Bucovina is a wonderful place with beautiful landscapes and impressive buildings.

  5. Monastery of Moldova

  6. Monastery from south Romania

  7. Other Monasteries

  8. The Black See

  9. A hotel from the Black See

  10. Danube Delta

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