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TOURISM. PETER ROBINSON MICHAEL LÜCK STEPHEN L. J. SMITH. 12. Destination Management. Learning Objectives. To explain destination management within a theoretical and conceptual context To understand the structures that exist to facilitate effective destination management

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  2. 12 Destination Management

  3. Learning Objectives • To explain destination management within a theoretical and conceptual context • To understand the structures that exist to facilitate effective destination management • To evaluate the management of a destination

  4. Defining a Destination ‘A physical space in which a visitor spends at least one overnight. It includes tourism products such as support services and attractions, and tourism resources within a day’s return travel time. It has physical and administrative boundaries defining its management, and images and perceptions defining its market competitiveness.’ (UNWTO, 2007)

  5. Dickman’s (1997) Five A’s of a Destination • Attractions • Activities • Accessibility • Amenities • Accommodation

  6. Butler’s (1980) Tourist Area Life Cycle

  7. Levels of Planning • Destination planning should take place at three distinct levels • National and regional level: involves the co-ordination and management of large tourist regions or a country as a whole • Destination level: the organization and development of visitor attractions and services in and around destination communities • Individual sites and businesses: the planning, design and development of individual tourist attractions, services ad facilities

  8. Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) • DMOs are often referred to as DMPs (partnerships), reflecting the partnerships of various stakeholders • DMO is often referred to as a Destination Marketing Organization • Functions: external focus, environmental protection, supply management, community welfare

  9. Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) • Tasks • Marketing, promotion, publicity • Administration of a Destination Management System • Providing business support and advice • Developing new tourism products and packages • Fostering a partnership approach to destination management

  10. Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) • Tasks (cont.) • Managing stakeholders • Developing revenue income and streams • Managing specific tourism projects • Coordinating and/or managing the Tourist Information Network • Lobbying on behalf of the tourism industry

  11. The VICE Model

  12. Destination Auditing • Geographical analysis • Visitor satisfaction surveys • Community surveys • Assessment of destination carrying capacity • Economic impact assessment

  13. Stakeholder Responsibilities in Destination Planning

  14. Destination Development • Quality management • Destination management systems • Sustainable transport • Tourist taxes and visitor payback • Promoting local distinctiveness • Sustainability schemes • Tourist interpretation and education • The Visitor Information Centre

  15. Marketing • Step 1: Market evaluation • Step 2: Market identification • Step 3: Marketing mix

  16. Performance Management • Indicators • Volume and value of tourism • Visitor satisfaction • TIC satisfaction • Industry satisfaction • Marketing performance • Quality performance • Organizational performance • Environmental performance • Comparative performance

  17. Funding and Finance for Destination Marketing • Advertising • European funding • Marketing campaigns • Sponsorship • Tourist Information Centres

  18. Destination Strategy • The ultimate success of a DMO relies upon a range of supporting strategies and plans • On-going research • Visitor management strategies • Marketing plans • Funding strategies

  19. References • Butler, R. (1980) The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: implications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer 241, 5–12. • Dickman, S. (1997) Tourism: An Introductory Text. Holder Education, Rydalmere, New South Wales. • UNWTO World Tourism Organisation) definition (2007),  • UNWTO (2007) International Recommendations on Tourism Statistics: Provisional Draft, Revision 5. World Tourism Organization, Madrid, Spain.

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