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"Academic Greybeards and the Net Generation". UCT. Derek Smith. Traditional Teaching Space. The “Wise Guru” transfers Information and Knowledge and Wisdom. The Great Unwashed. The Net Generation (born after 1982) likes……. Digital, Connected, Experiential, Immediate, Social
"Academic Greybeards and the Net Generation" UCT Derek Smith
Traditional Teaching Space The “Wise Guru” transfers Information and Knowledge and Wisdom The Great Unwashed
The Net Generation (born after 1982) likes…… • Digital, Connected, Experiential, Immediate, Social • Teams, peer-to-peer • Engagement & experience • Visual • Things that matter (Oblinger,2005)
Is anybody actually listening (apart from the guy in the orange t-shirt?
Academic 1.0 WEB 2.0 Learning Space Information Knowledge wisdom ? • Grey-beards aka Baby Boomers • - Boomers retiring soon • Taking their knowledge with them? The Net Generation
Academic 2.0 Web 2.0 Learning Space New competencies: Advisor, Facilitator, Mentor, Knowledge manager, Administrator
Web 2.0 My Learning Space?
it is a community I belong to, not an e-mail list
I am learning about a bleeding edge topic (Radical management)
Connecting with alumni and professional colleagues
Broadening my Knowledge.
My Proposal to the SACLA conference Build a Community of Practice for IT academics in Southern Africa where: • courseware and research is shared, reusable and online and • where experts can give advice on problems
Developing IT Project Managers • ~1500 “PM graduates” over 20 years for commerce and industry • Ongoing shortage of PM expertise in South Africa • How to fast track to a mastery level?
My Proposal....... Build a common portal for an IT project manager Community of Practice which provides connectivity, problem-solving, knowledge sharing, resources and research output
Communities of Practice..... ......are “groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or passion for a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting on an ongoing basis”. (Wenger et al, 2002)
A CoP can.... • Connect people • Provide a shared context • Enable dialogue • Stimulate learning • Capture knowledge • Provide an information exchange process • Help in problem-solving • Generate new knowledge and change (Cambridge et al, 2005)
A CoP fails because.... • Low facilitator involvement • Irrelevant topics for users • No organisational support (Dube et al, 2005)
What motivates CoP members? (Zboralski, 2009)
CoPs Lifecycle Wenger et al, 2002
So we can all belong to many CoPs but they all require a ......... • Technical architecture that provides a platform for communication and collaboration • Social architecture of the community to enliven it. Wenger et al, 2002
PURPOSE of the CoP • Every community is unique • Each has distinct goals, member characteristics/needs and purpose • The Purpose can be a mixture of: • Develop relationships • Learn and develop practice • Carry out projects • Create new knowledge
UCT Strategic Plan 2010-2014 • How can UCT augment its activities to better answer the pressing social, economic and developmental problems facing South Africa and the rest of Africa? • Goal 6: Expanding and Enhancing UCT’s Contribution to South Africa’s Development challenges
An Exciting Opportunity for UCT? • Offer a “community” service to provide a broad CoPtechnical architecturefor communication and collaboration • Use retirees (greybeards) and alumni (net generation) to build the social architectures
Greybeards supporting the net generation CoPs hosted by UCT? technical architecture social architectures
Possible Way Forward? • Feasibility Study and Business Case for a CoP pilot • My commitment to • SACLA and • “project managers in Western Cape”.
Readings Cambridge, D., Kaplan, S. & Suter, V. (2005). Community of Practice Guide: A Step-by-Step Guide for Designing & Cultivating Communities of Practice in Higher Education. Accessed www.educause.edu on 8 November 2009. Debe, L., Bourhis, A. & Real, J. (2005). The Impact of Structuring Characteristics on the Launching of Virtual Communities of Practice, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 18 (2): 145-168. Oblinger, D.G. (2005) Educating the Net Gen, Accessed www.educause.edu/section_params/conf/aascu05/AASCU on 7 May 2009. Smith, D.C., Brokenshire, R., Maine, R. & Maphai, K. (2006). Using Storytelling to Assess the Competencies of a Master Project Manager, in Proceedings of PMSA Conference 2006, 30 May-1 June, Gallagher Estate, Midrand. Wenger, E. McDermott, R. & Snyder, W. (2002). Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge, Harvard Business School Press: Boston MA. Zboralski, Katja. (2009). Antecedents of knowledge sharing in communities of practice. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(3): 90-101.