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History , Tasks and Goals of the Danube Commission (DC). Petar Margic Budapest, September 17th, 2013 Danube Commission , Budapest. HISTORY OF THE DC. 1815 : Congress of Vienna, Final Act principle of freedom of navigation on international waterways.
History, Tasks and Goals oftheDanubeCommission (DC) Petar MargicBudapest, September 17th, 2013 DanubeCommission, Budapest
HISTORY OF THE DC • 1815: Congress of Vienna, Final Act principle of freedom of navigation on international waterways. • 1856: Paris Conference, 18 March 1856: signature of the Treaty of Paris Black Sea open and free to vessels of commerce of all nations. • Danube: subjected to the rules of the • Final Act of the Congress of Vienna. • Creation of the European Danube • Commission (EDC). Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013
HISTORY OF THE DC EUROPEAN DANUBE COMMISSION Task: responsible for the execution of works in order to have no obstacle on the Danube (Article 16 of the Treaty of Paris). 7 Member States: signatories of Treaty of Paris:Russia, Austria, France, Great Britain,Prussia, Sardinia, Turkey, initially founded for two years. Participants to the Congress of Paris (1856) Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013
HISTORY OF THE DC INTERNATIONAL DANUBE COMMISSION • 1921: Paris Conference, established that “the navigation on the Danube shall be free and open for the vessels of all flags on a footing of equality along the whole naviagble part of the river from Ulm to the Black Sea and fluvial part declared as an international” • Creation of two Commissions: • European Danube Commission (EDC) – resumed operations on the "maritime Danube” from Braila to the Black Sea, and • International Danube Commission (IDC)set up for the "fluvial" river from Ulm to Braila. • 1940: Vienna Conference: • dismissal of IDC. Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013
HISTORY OF THE DC • After World War II, Conference: delegations from Danubian States, USA, England, France. • 18 August 1948: Belgrade Conference, signature of the Convention regarding the Regime of Navigation on the Danube (BC) + establishment of the Danube Commission (DC). • BC: founding document, international legal instrument governing navigation on the Danube. • Entered into force on 11 May 1949. • 11 Member States (1948, 1998) • Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, R.Moldova, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia. • 9 Observers (2001, 2006, 2008, 2012) • France, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Belgium, FYRM. Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013
DANUBE RIVER Length:2850 km, international navigation -2411 km Basin area: 817,000 sq km 120 Tributaries Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013
TASKS OF THE DC • BELGRADE CONVENTION (1948) • to supervise theimplementation of the provisions of the Convention • to prepare a General Plan of the Major works • Plan for major works on the achievement of recommended fairway parameters, hydrotechnical and other facilities on the Danube; • Recommendations on minimum requirements for standard fairway parameters, hydrotechnical and other improvements on the Danube (loaded draught of 2.5 m); • LIST OF NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS (regularly upgraded). Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013
TASKS OF THE DC • to consult with, and make recommendations to the Danube States in respect of the execution of the said works • to consult, make recommendations and exchange of information with the Special River Administrations • to establish a uniform system of traffic regulations on the whole • navigable stretch of the Danube • to lay down the basic provisions governing navigation on the Danube • Basic Rules of Navigation on the Danube/DFND • Recommendations on technical requirements for inland waterway vessels, etc. • to unify the regulations governing river inspection • Rules for River Surveillance, etc. Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013
TASKS OF THE DC • to unify the regulations governing river inspection • to co-ordinatethehydro-meteorological services on the Danube • to produce statistics on aspects of navigation on the Danube • to publishreference works, sailing directions, navigational charts and atlases for the purposes of navigation • to prepare and approve the budget of the Commission. Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013
GOALS OF THE DC • Modernization and unification of the rules and regulations related to the navigation, environmental protection, technical and economic aspects applied on the Danube. • Contribution to the improvement of political relations of River countries, particularly as a political mediator in case of political obstacles to a free navigation, as well as sustainable prevention of such obstacles. • Systematical collection, critical evaluation and promotion of everything serving the navigation on the Danube, coordination of national activities of the river states and incentive support of navigation on the Danube as a whole. Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013
Thank you for your attention! Petar Margic Director-General Secretariat of the Danube Commission petar.margic@danubecom-intern.org H-1068 Budapest Benczurutca 25 Workshop 2013 - a prosperous future for the Danube navigation Budapest, September 17th, 2013