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Temperate Grassland

Temperate Grassland. Alex, Ashley, Nicole. Temperate Grassland. A temperate grassland is a biome that is dominated by grasses and that has very few trees, and the richest soil on earth.

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Temperate Grassland

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Temperate Grassland Alex, Ashley, Nicole

  2. Temperate Grassland A temperate grassland is a biome that is dominated by grasses and that has very few trees, and the richest soil on earth.

  3. Climate: the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years Precipitation for a temperate grassland is 50 to 88cm per year. Rainfall that a temperate grassland recieves is moderate compared to the amount a forest recieves. Climate

  4. Animals Temperate grasslands consist of grazing animals as well as underground burrowing animals. Grazing: Pronghorn antelope and bison Burrowing: Badgers, prairie dogs, and owls

  5. Plants Plants in a temperate grassland need to be able to survive year round with a chance of low precipitation. Some of these consist of: • Prairie grasses • Wildflowers • Perennials These plants contain deep roots to withstand the constant winds.

  6. Plant Adaptations Root Adaptations Stems and Leave Adaptations Prairie grasses have adapted to the unpredictable amounts of precipitation by growing narrow leaves, which are able to restrict water loss. Many grasses take advantage of the windy weather conditions and are pollinated through wind. On the other hand soft stems enable the plants to bend in the strong winds and prevent any damage. The root system of prairie grasses adapt by growing deep down into the ground to absorb as much water as possible, as well to prevent pulling roots completely out of the ground. This is also done to protect the plants during fires, the roots are deep enough to not be affected as the top portions are.

  7. Animal Adaptations Grazing Animals Grazing animals adapt to their life in a temperate grassland by having a great sense of hearing and also speed to get away from predators.

  8. Animal Adaptations Burrowing Adaptations Burrowing animals adapt to their life style by being quick to bolt underground where they’re safe from predators.

  9. Adaptations of Both Type of Animals Both types of animals adapt to grasslands by being able to go without water during a drought if necessary. They can also withstand hot summer as well as cold winters.

  10. Location Argentina - pampas Australia - downs Central North America - plains and prairies Hungary - puszta New Zealand - downs Russia - steppes South Africa - veldts

  11. Human Disruption Humans are taking use of the rich soil in temperate grasslands to their advantage and making it farmland. Using this biome as farmland is producing a lot of food such as wheat. Temperate grasslands are becoming feeding grounds for cattle which are then being turned into food. This food is important to America, but this disruption may cause the plants and animals that live in this biome to loose their homes and maybe loose their lifes.

  12. Overview of a Temperate Grassland http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pZc7Ya5ikg

  13. The End http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6EmBii4TI8&NR=1&feature=endscreen

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