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Introductions ? People to Know Administration. Jose BroszPrincipalTeresa KramerAssistant Principal (A-F ) Esther Wise Assistant Principal (G?M)Charles Quillin IIIAssistant Principal (N- Z)Dean Nafarrete Assistant Principal/Dean of Activities Sabino Muro Administrative Assista
2. Introductions People to KnowAdministration Jose Brosz Principal
Teresa Kramer Assistant Principal (A-F )
Esther Wise Assistant Principal (GM)
Charles Quillin III Assistant Principal (N- Z)
Dean Nafarrete Assistant Principal/Dean of Activities
Sabino Muro Administrative Assistant-Attendance
Mark Patterson/Nikki Chigas Administrative Assistant-Categorical
Andrea Hassan
Isabel Lopez School Psychologist
Gene Alim Athletic Director
Vicente Martinez/Ramon Almaraz AOCJ Program Coordinator
4. Otay Ranch Highlights Current API - 824. Goal for 2012 - 860
19% of our students are GATE identified
ORH will administer over 1300 AP tests during Spring 2012
ORH received 6 year WASC accreditation
Over 160 of our seniors accepted to four-year universities or colleges
5. Otay Ranch Highlights (cont.) #1 in District for Attendance
2011- Over 1.2 Million dollars in scholarships awarded
Over 75 League Athletic banners
Mens Volleyball CIF Champs 2011
2011 State runner-up
Currently Nationally Ranked #5
6. Counseling Department Alex Santana (A-Cari)
Betty Camara (Carl Fern)
Elvia Estrella (Ferr Hort)
Monica Duprat (How Mar)
Raquel Lopez (Mas M. Perez)
Monica Bryan- Gonzalez (N. Perez Sil)
Amelia Cendejas (Sim - Z)
7. High School Graduation Requirements Total Credits Required: 44 Semester Credits
Required Credits: 39 Semester Credits
Elective Credits: 5 Semester Credits
8. PE Requirement * Student must pass the Fitness gram or will continue taking PE ?Math Requirement
3 years of math (complete through Intermediate Algebra)
Pass State of California Algebra Requirement
Pass both Math and English portions of the CA High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)
Minimum of 30 hours of Community Service
9. Math Courses for Incoming 9th Graders Algebra
with Support
Intermediate Algebra
10. Tutoring Afterschool tutoring offered three times a week from 2:45 to 3:45.
Every math teacher offers tutoring at least once a week.
Monday Pro-Hour Algebra Tutoring for 9th graders.
11. Online Resources HOLT Online
Website: my.hrw.com
Username: orhstudent
Password: mustang
KHAN Academy
Website: khanacademy.org
Contains hundreds of video lessons and practice.
12. HOLT Online Resources Available Online Textbook
Additional Practice
Video Tutorials
Interactive Practice Test
Scientific & Graphing Calculators
Know-It Notebook (Concept Organizer)
Intervention & Enrichment
13. Algebra Success Connection One week Algebra Summer Bridge Program July 16th-20th.
Follow-up intervention study groups throughout the year.
Assigned a mentor from CSF.
14. Honors Diploma Requirements By the end of the 7th semester of high school, students must have:
- Completed 17 credits of accelerated, honors and/or AP courses with an A or B grade.
-Taken at least 2 of the 17 credits in the senior year
-Earned a minimum 3.0 overall unweighted GPA in scholarship & citizenship
15. CSU and UC Requirements U.S. History/Government and World History: 2 years
English: 4 years
Math: 3 years/4 recom. (with Intermediate Algebra)
Laboratory Science: 2 years/3 recom.
Foreign Language: 2 years/3 recom.
Visual/Performing Arts: 1 year
College Prep Electives: 1 year
16. Schedule Change Policy Class Change Procedures
- Student initiated schedule changes must be completed prior to the beginning of each semester.
- Please see your counselor today
18. Code of Conduct Goal of ORHS is to create a culture that models diversity, integrity, respect, trust, and a sense of belonging.
Discipline is defined as the steps or actions teachers, administrations, staff, parents, and student follow to enhance students academic and social success
Progressive Discipline
Zero-Tolerance : Fighting, Drugs, Bullying
19. Dress Code A student may not remain in the classroom dressed in a manner which:
Creates health/safety hazard for the student
Constitutes a serious/ unnecessary distraction to the learning process
Disrupts campus order
Conflicts with districts goals and philosophy for the prevention of substance abuse and gang activity
20. Electronic Devices
Use of technology
Responsibility of Student
Students are bringing these items at their own risk
21. Attendance Policy "you miss school, you miss out
96.84% attendance rate
"10 day rule" (SUHSD Board Policy 5113)
10 School days to excuse an absence
10 days of excused absence per year
Short term Independent Study Contracts
5 to 15 days of consecutive absences
Absences cleared upon completion of contract
Tardy Sweeps (Morning, Nutrition Break, Lunch)
Attendance Recognition
22. ORHS is #1
23. Transportation For Bus Pass Applications:
Phone: 691-5527
On line bus application and purchases - web site link: http://www.sweetwaterschools.org/transportation
24. Activities and Events
25. Extra Curricular Clubs/ Activities Over 50 Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Sports.
Over 60 proposed clubs and organizations (charters are available in the ASB to create/add additional clubs)
Peer Counseling, Orientation and Student Assistance Programs.
Class of 2016 officer Applications will be available during the second week of school
26. Over 60 Clubs and Organizations TENTATIVE ORH CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS
Academic Decathlon
Academic League
Answer the call
Absolute Truth Christian Club
Associated Student Body (ASB)
Ballet Folklorico
Cal. Scholastic Fed. (CSF)
Class of 2016
Class of 2015
Class of 2014
Class of 2013
Earth Service Crew (ESC)
Fashion Club
Huck Finn
Japanese Club
27. Associated Student Body(ASB)
(Aug. - Nov.) (Nov. - Feb.) (Feb. - May)
Cheer Basketball (F/M) Baseball (M)
Cross Country (Co) Basketball Frosh (F/M) Softball (F)
Field Hockey (F)* Cheer Swimming (Co)
Volleyball (F/f) Roller Hockey (Co) Tennis (M)
Water Polo (M) Soccer (F/M) Track (Co)
Football (Co) Water Polo (F) Volleyball (M)
Football Frosh (Co) Wrestling (Co) Golf (M)
Golf (F) Lacrosse (F/M)
Tennis (F)
35. What are the Benefits ? An opportunity to interact with law enforcement and criminal justice personnel
Field trips to Donovan State Prison, World Link Conference, courtrooms, mock trials, harbor police, and other related venues
Access to investigative tools and technology
Dynamic Projects Murder at the Ranch
Use of the obstacle course
Defensive Tactics
36. Special Education Program Otay Ranch High School offers a continuum of services for Students with Disabilities:
Moderate/Severe Courses
Moderate Courses
Fundamental Courses
37. Special Education Program Designated Instructional Services
Speech, Language & Hearing
Adaptive Physical Education
Occupational Therapy
Vision Services
Services are based on students needs and are provided as indicated on the students IEP
38. Special Education Program
Special Education Parent Night for Incoming 9th graders:
May 3, 2012 ~ Mild/Moderate
May 8, 2012 ~ Moderate/Severe
39. Dual Language Program
40. Dual Language ProgramHighlights
41. Parent Involvement GATE Parent Committee (Supports Gifted and Talented Identified Students)
PTSO (Promotes closer relationships between school and home)
School Site Council (Elective committee that reviews the school budget and the school site plan)
ELAC (Supports English-Language Learner Students)
Parent Volunteers (Supports school activities and projects during the school day)
Boosters/Athletics (Supports school team and athletic activities)
42. Otay Ranchs Web Pagewww.sweetwaterschools.org/orh