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Waste Development Framework

Waste Development Framework. CC roles and responsibilities for waste What the WDF is (and isn't) How waste procurement fits in a parallel universe And (very briefly) what waste procurement isn't. County Council roles and responsibilities. Waste Planning Authority

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Waste Development Framework

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Waste Development Framework

  2. CC roles and responsibilities for waste • What the WDF is (and isn't) • How waste procurement fits in a parallel universe • And (very briefly) what waste procurement isn't

  3. County Council roles and responsibilities. Waste Planning Authority • Land use/spatial planning policy framework - Preparation of Waste Development Framework • Deciding planning applications for waste management/disposal facilities • Monitoring and enforcement of waste related development Reports via Environment and Planning Panel

  4. County Council roles and responsibilities. Waste Disposal Authority • Disposal of collected household waste (and some collected trade waste – collectively municipal waste) • Disposal of street sweepings, and litter • Provision of Household Waste Recycling Centres • Procurement of municipal waste treatment capacity • WasteAware and Hertfordshire Waste Partnership programmes Reports via Waste Management Panel

  5. Joint County/District Council roles and responsibilities Hertfordshire Waste Partnership • Preparation of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy. • Working jointly on contracts for recycled materials. • Ensuring best practice.

  6. Waste Development Framework Statutory Plan – requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Consistent with RSS and national policy • Core Strategy • Development Policies • Site Allocations

  7. Production stages • Issues and Options – The council sets out the issues relating to waste planning for the county and proposes options for dealing with them (Nov 2009) • Submission – The council submits the waste development framework to the Secretary of State (Summer/Autumn 2010) • Examination – The planning inspectorate conduct an examination into the ‘soundness’ of the plan, including public hearings (Spring 2011) • Adoption – if found ‘sound’ the council adopt the plan as county policy (October 2011)

  8. Waste StreamsSource: Defra, Waste Strategy for England 2007, Cm 7086, May 2007, p 24

  9. Waste Core Strategy (1) All waste streams • Identifies existing waste arisings • Identifies projected growth in waste arisings • Identifies targets for municipal/C&I/ C&D • Identifies capacity gaps – number of facilities required

  10. Waste Core Strategy (2) All waste streams Identifies the issues for Hertfordshire • Spatial strategy – reflects existing and proposed growth – KCDCs • Flexible approach – range of facilities and mix of sites (size and location) • No preferred treatment type but promotes the waste hierarchy

  11. Municipal Waste • Strategy based on 3 broad locations for treatment (other than recycling or composting), reflecting drive times and complementing Waterdale • Could be 1 or more treatment facilities supported by transfer facilities; or 3 smaller treatment facilities • No preferred treatment but needs to minimise disposal to landfill • 2 broad locations for additional composting capacity

  12. What the Waste Development Framework is not • Promoting a specific treatment • Promoting a specific site

  13. Procurement - Process • Business case for funding credits • Demonstrate effective treatment to meet requirements and potentially acceptable site – reference case (PFI approved April 2009) • Invite bids • Outline solutions – from July 2009 • Detailed solutions (based on outline solutions but site can be varied at any time) – from November 2009 • Final tenders - fromNovember 2010 • Preferred bidder – appointJune 2011 • Contract Close – October 2011

  14. Waste Planning/Procurement • WDF must inform and be informed by Municipal Waste Management Strategy • But the tail doesn’t wag the dog!

  15. Parallel Universe

  16. What waste procurement is not • Promoting a specific treatment • Promoting a specific site

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