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Explore the beliefs and key events of Christianity, including the origins of Jesus Christ, his ministry, miracles, persecution by the Romans, and the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire.
Bellringer: In your notebooks, complete the triple venn diagram-What do the religions believe in/ what are their:holy book, god, place of worship, name of followers, symbol What questions do you have about the religions? Christianity Judaism Islam
Origins • Yeshua of Nazareth, is commonly referred to as Jesus Christ. • "Jesus" is the Greek form of his actual name "Yeshua." • "Christ" is Greek for "Messiah" or the "anointed one."
Birth • Yeshua was born sometime between 7 & 4 BCE • Most Christians believe that he was born of a virgin. Little is known about his childhood or his early adult life.
Religious Life • As Jesus approached the age of 30, he joined an apocalyptic group obsessed with the end of the world. • The group was headed by John the Baptist. After John's execution, Yeshua struck out on his own.
Ministry • Jesus gathered about a half dozen very close followers – men & women -- along with over 60 less prominent students. • Jesus’ Ministry was based in Judea and Galilee and may have lasted 1-3 years
Miracles • Born to a virgin • Water into wine • Healing the sick, lepers, paralyzed man • Brought Lazarus back from the dead • Calming water • Walking on water • Curing blind people • Feeding 5000 people- multiply water and fish
Beliefs • Jesus was an Orthodox Jew, Preacher • Golden Rule • Heaven: a place where sadness, pain, death end once and for all • Sermon on the Mount teachings of Jesus to his disciples "What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow.“ "Pass not judgment upon thy neighbor until thou hast put thyself in his place."
Spread of Christianity • The ideas of Christianity spread throughout Rome • Roads • Pax Romana • Laws • Poverty in Rome • Constantine's conversion to Christianity led to Christianity later becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire
Christians & Romans • Local Roman officials saw Christianity as a threat to power and control • Romans merged many religions into their societal beliefs, if you worshiped Romans gods you could believe in your own god • Christians refused to acknowledge any god but their god • Emperor Nero did not put out massive fire in Rome • Nero places guilt on Christians • Christians punished for hatred of mankind
Charge of cannibalism- false understanding of Eucharist: “take and eat, this is my body broken for you” • Christians Scripture refers to brothers and sisters and encourages them to greet one another with a “holy kiss” • Married couples referred to as brother & sister
Roman Persecution of Christians • Romans feared Christians were conspiring against Romans • Christians were subjected to brutal punishments, including death, under nine Roman emperors. • Romans arrested and killed many Christians • Those killed: martyrs (people who die for their faith=inspired others to believe in same faith)
Arrest • Jesus commits aggravated assault in the Jerusalem temple • close to the time of Passover • he was arrested by the Roman Army, tried, and sentenced to death as a rebel.
Last Supper • Christians reenact the last meal of Jesus and his disciples as a religious ceremony
Betrayal • According to Christian belief, Jesus was betrayed by his most trusted disciple
Torture & Murder (execution) • Christ was sentenced to death by crucifixion by the Roman Empire
Resurrection • According to the Bible, Jesus was resurrected shortly after his death • He ascended into heaven sometime later
BIBLE: primary or secondary Secondary • Jesus himself didn’t write the Gospels. • They are late-first-century accounts that we are continually interpreting • Written by his apostles Primary • The bible represents the values of the time it was written • Reflects cultural setting of the time • Oral history passed down to followers of Christianity
Homework: complete these on loose leaf • Write down three different reasons why Christianity is important • List 3 factors of Roman society that encouraged the spread of Christianity • Write an informative paragraph explaining why the Romans treated Christians the way they did.