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UNC Hiring Procedures Faculty/Exempt. Independent Review Screening Committee Search Committee Requirements for Hiring International Faculty or Staff. Procedures recommended in selecting exempt administrators/faculty at UNC.
UNCHiring ProceduresFaculty/Exempt Independent Review Screening Committee Search Committee Requirements for Hiring International Faculty or Staff
Procedures recommended in selecting exempt administrators/faculty at UNC The University of Northern Colorado is committed to equal employment opportunity and a diversified workforce and to ensuring that no one is excluded from consideration for employment because of race, age, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, political affiliation, or disability. With this thought in mind, all employment-related actions shall be based solely on valid nondiscriminatory criteria and requirements with a goal of employing those individuals who best meet the needs of the University, the department, and the Human Resources website at www.unco.edu/hr. 2
Position Review: • All exempt administrative positions must be approved for exemption by the State Department of Personnel prior to beginning the selection process. • When a position is vacant or newly created, the hiring authority will review the duties and responsibilities and the minimum education and experience requirements to ensure that all criteria truly reflect the skills and abilities necessary in performing the tasks assigned. If changes are necessary, these changes must be made prior to beginning advertising for the position. If assistance is needed at any time in the review or job development process, the hiring authority may contact Human Resources for assistance. • When the hiring authority has completed reviewing the job description and made appropriate revisions, the Position Authorization Form (PAF), Vacancy Announcement, and Job Description must be completed with appropriate signature(s) and processed for approval. 3
Independent Review • The hiring authority receives all applicant files and reviews, personally, to narrow applicant pool to a short list. • Those on the short list may be interviewed via telephone or in person by the hiring authority and/or others deemed a part of the hiring decision. • The hiring authority is responsible for ensuring compliance with the University’s commitment to diversity. 4
Screening Committee • The hiring authority may appoint a committee of one to three subject matter experts to review all applicant files and screen for minimum qualifications. • The screening committee refers only those files of applicants successfully meeting the minimum requirements. • The hiring authority may request that a representative from Human Resources perform this screening. • The hiring authority is responsible for ensuring compliance with the University’s commitment to diversity. 5
Search Committee • The hiring authority may appoint a committee to perform any or all aspects of a search except for the final selection. • This includes suggesting selection criteria to be applied to all applicants, reviewing all applicant files, developing a short list, conducting telephone and/or preliminary interviews to determine the recommended finalists, conducting references checks, and making recommendations for final consideration to the hiring authority for interview and selection. • The hiring authority retains the right to consider any or all applicants and retains the responsibility for the final selection. The hiring authority should determine the exact role of the committee prior to the committee beginning work. 6
Search Committee (continued) • This option shall be used for filling academic dean and above positions unless the President approves an interim or Request for Direct Appointment • No interim appointment to an exempt administrative position shall be considered final until the President and the Board of Trustees have approved it. • The number of members of a search and screening committee shall not exceed five (5) unless a larger number is approved by the Vice President or President due to unusual circumstances. • In composing a search and screening committee, the hiring authority should carefully consider unique personal, professional, cultural and organizational contributions sought from each potential member. • When a search and screen committee process is used to fill a position for level four (4) and below, unless specifically authorized in writing by the President or appropriate Vice-President, the maximum travel allowance for bringing candidates to on-campus interviews shall be five hundred dollars ($500) per candidate. The use of less expensive technology to conduct interviews is encouraged. 7
Search Committee (continued) • Once the hiring authority has determined the selection method, a recruitment plan must be developed indicating in what geographic area the position will be advertised and through what method. Normally, the position is announced for a minimum of ten (10) calendar days. This time may be extended based on the type of coverage i.e., local, regional, or national. Human Resources advertises all searches in higheredjobs.com and the UNC Report. • The hiring authority must submit current forms of the Position Authorization (PAF) along with all required documents (vacancy announcement, recruitment plan, written charge, screening criteria, list members of the search and screening committee). The hiring authority forwards all documents with PAF signatures to the University Budget Director for funding approval and then to the Director of Human Resources for approval and announcement. 8
Search Committee (continued) Selection • Once the hiring authority has interviewed all finalists, verified references, and determined the candidate who best meets the needs of the department and the position, a tentative offer may be made. It is advisable that, prior to making the offer of employment, the hiring authority discusses the tentative offer with the appropriate Vice President and/or Dean. The hiring authority or committee chair, if a committee is used, must complete the Closing—Contract Offer form and submit for approval with signatures prior to issuing a contract or letter of intent. • All original documents submitted in the application process become a permanent part of the employee’s personnel file. 9
Search Committee (continued) Selection • The search is deemed closed once a successful candidate is hired. The AAEO Coordinator will oversee the Exit Interview and submit the form to Employee Relations. Any subsequent issues regarding the search process should be directed to Employee Relations. • To close the search the hiring authority must submit to Employee Relations the Closing—Contract Offer form with all position finalists and signatures; the Search Chair Check Off List with all it’s enclosures and the finalist files. Applicant files and all other search materials are stored with the hiring authority. 10
Search Committee (continued) If a search fails to produce a successful candidate, the hiring authority may: • Personally review or direct the committee members to review all applicant files to determine other finalists to consider; • Begin the hiring process again using the same or different process/committee; or • Request a Direct Appointment based on extenuating circumstances with approval by the Vice President, President and Board of Trustees prior to appointment. 11
Hiring a Candidate with Non Immigrant Visa Status Once candidates have been interviewed and the Search and Screen Committee has decided on the choice candidate, the Search Chair should look at the candidate’s I-9 (that was filled out at time of interview) and assess if there may be a need to ask certain questions before the “Letter of Intent.” The portion of the I-9 shown below is where one would check. If the third box is marked, the candidate has international status and may need our assistance to be employed at UNC. 12
Hiring a Candidate with Non Immigrant Visa Status (continued) I attest, under penalty of perjury, that I am (check one of the following): __ A citizen or national of the United States __ A Lawful Permanent Resident (Alien #_) __ An alien authorized to work until __/_/__ Alien # or Admission # _____________ 13
Hiring a Candidate with Non Immigrant Visa Status (continued) Possible questions a Search Chair must ask before the “Letter of Intent.” What type of visa do you currently hold? If the person is an F-1 student visa holder: --Do you have your Employment Document (EAD) stating Optional Practical Training (OPT)? 14
Hiring a Candidate with Non Immigrant Visa Status (continued) --You must produce a copy of your I-20 and your original EAD. --If they do not have the EAD: Have you applied for OPT? If the person has a regular EAD without OPT --When does your EAD expire? We may need to apply for an H1-B to employ you here. 15
Hiring a Candidate with Non Immigrant Visa Status (continued) “Official Offers” are made ONLY by the Provost, this is by way of a contract and a Letter of Intent. Offers made by Search Chairs, Department Chairs, or Deans are sealed ONLY after the contract/Letter of Intent is issued. All offers of employment are contingent upon verification of personal identity and work authorization as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and 1996. 16
Hiring a Candidate with Non Immigrant Visa Status (continued) Contracts do not become valid until the University of Northern Colorado receives a complete set of documents with the proper authorization to work in the United States. The contract date and contract salary will be adjusted to reflect the date when your documentation materials have been received. 17
Grant Appointment Procedures When a member of the University faculty or staff is awarded a grant or contract, the period of time between notification of award and receipt of grant funds is often very short. Particularly with grants from federal agencies, this short notification period does not give the principal investigator sufficient time to follow traditional hiring procedures. Without a means of hiring staff quickly, the investigator must meet complex administrative and performance requirements of the grant without adequate personnel. To improve the University’s ability to attract and successfully complete grant or contract projects, grant appointment procedures may be used to hire professional-administrative staff for grant funded positions. 18
Grant Appointment Procedures • Research Corporation staff, working with appropriate University faculty and administrators, will develop standardized PDQ’s (Position Description Questionnaires) for the positions and duties most commonly needed for grant or contract projects. These positions would include Project Director, Research Associate and others that would have similar characteristics across a wide variety of research projects. 19
Grant Appointment Procedures • Human Resources will work with the State Department of Personnel to obtain an exempt staff determination for the positions outlined in the generic PDQ. • The University will then develop a grant project hiring pool by announcing and accepting applications from interested parties with the skills and qualifications required by the general grant position job descriptions. 20
Grant Appointment Procedures • When grant funding is obtained the principal investigator initiates a request for a Grant Appointment. Before the appointment is requested, the investigator must have completed a Position Authorization Form (PAF) and obtained appropriate department/college approval for a new exempt staff position and FTE. • If the duties assigned to the new position fall within the range of responsibilities of the standardized position PDQ’s, the principal investigator may screen and select a qualified individual from the grant hiring pool. In screening pool applicants, the hiring official should consider the University’s efforts to enhance diversity. 21
Grant Appointment Procedures • The grant appointment request, including the resume and supporting materials of the candidate, is forwarded to the appropriate Dean for approval. Once approved by the Dean, AAEO will review the hiring process to assure that proper procedures were followed. • Once AAEO certifies the hiring process, the principal investigator may offer the position to the selected pool candidate . The candidate may be hired for the duration of the grant or contract without further search processes. Fringe benefits offered with the positions of the same annualized FTE. 22
Grant Appointment Procedures This procedure does not apply to positions whose duties are governed by the State Classified Personnel System. If the duties assigned to prospective grant positions do not match the pre-approved PDQ profiles, a new PDQ, specific to the position, must be prepared and submitted to Human Resources for exempt status review by the State Department of Personnel. 23
AA/EO Coordinators 2003-2004 Closing/Contract Offer Form Exit Interview Hiring Pool Instructions Hiring Pool Vacancy Announcement Hiring Pool Summary Report Position Authorization Form (PAF) Position Salary $30,000 or more Rules for Direct Appointments Request for Direct Appointment Search Chair Check Off List Vacancy Announcement 24 Search Forms
Supplementary Search Forms • Applicant Check List • Candidate Ranking for (position) • Charge for Search • Conditions of Employment • Guidelines for Advertisement • Letter to Solicit Comments from Former Employer • Recruitment Plan • References • Screening Criteria • Telephone Interview
Forms for Hiring International Faculty or Staff • Professor Application for J-1 Visa • International Faculty/Staff Immigration Cover Sheet • Requirements for Hiring International Faculty or Staff 26
Where to Get More Information • Employee Relations Carter 2011 Campus Box 54 970.351.2829 phone 970.351.1386 fax josephine.sanchez@unco.edu 27