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2009 Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Examiner Workshop. Presentations will be available at http://www.d1nr-bcqp.us on the ‘QE Corner’ page. Qualification Examiners 1 st District Northern Region April 2009. Welcome!.
2009 Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Examiner Workshop Presentations will be available at http://www.d1nr-bcqp.us on the ‘QE Corner’ page Qualification Examiners 1st District Northern Region April 2009
Welcome! Over the next few hours, we will look at the road ahead, we will review some key checkride activities, and discuss some issues that we can only cover as a whole group. Your facilitator: Ned Kroeker, CQEC USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Today’s Agenda 1400 Welcome, Introduction, Agenda QE personal currency items due in 2009 ICS, Workload Preview, Process Review Checkride: Candidate Interaction for Towing - 1530 QE Quiz (1530-1545 break) 1545 Quizzing Candidates QE Currency and Evaluation by OTO Training Requirements for new and existing QEs OTO remarks -1700 Workshop Evaluation 1700 Adjourn USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
QEs multi-year personal currency items What QEs need what items in 2009 for their own coxswain and Qualification Examiner currency ? Qualification Examiners 1st District Northern Region April 2009
QEs due 8 Hr TCT in 2009 • ANDERSON • ANTANAVICH • BERNSTEIN • EGGLESTON • GIANNI • KING • LIPOUSKY • PEARCE • SPOFFORD (note: most recent TCT sessions may not yet be in AUXDATA) USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
QEs due NavRules in 2009 • ANDERSON 06/09/04 • LIPOUSKY 05/19/04 • MILONE 02/01/04 • RIVEST 12/24/04 USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
ICS, Workload Preview, Process Review Qualification Examiners 1st District Northern Region April 2009
Incident Command System 210 • Deadline extended at last minute to 2010 • D1NR had 95% completion for coxswains (162 completed of 171 coxswains) • Coxswain candidates MUST have completed ICS-210 prior to dockside examination and underway checkride • ICS/NIMS questions are fair game for dockside examination USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
The Look Ahead (Scheduled currency checkrides for currently qualified members) USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Early Checkrides? • NO! Only do checkrides in the year they are required…unless there is a pressing personal requirement on the part of the candidate. • “Just because we can and we are here” isn’t a pressing requirement. • It’s your judgment on site…but expect a question as to why. USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
BCQP Process (in one page!) • Member trains on all tasks, performs for mentor signoff • Checkride checklist verified • QE performs dockside examination • QE evaluates underway checkride • QE reports results to CQEC • CQEC validates all requirements, enters into AUXDATA, notifies OTO for letter/certificate to member, confirms to QE and member. USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
BCQP 3-Year Currency • QE evaluates underway checkride • QE reports results to CQEC • CQEC validates all requirements, enters into AUXDATA, confirms to QE and member. There is no formal letter. USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
“QE reports results to CQEC” • Send email or postal mail directly to Ned Kroeker, CQEC • Candidate name, Member #, date(s) of underway checkride, vessel(s) used for underway checkride, tow target vessel(s) used, statement that candidate has a positive recommendation for certification • Don’t delay after checkride USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Underway Time forAuxiliary QEs • On QE underway missions, you should be listed on the patrol orders as crew…but you should not be part of the minimum crew count. • You should submit a separate ANSC-7030 report for Category 7C, QE Underway. You must make sure the SO-IS for the vessel involved in the patrol manually removes your name from the AUXDATA crew reporting. USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Questions so far? USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Towing Exercise How do you evaluate and questioncoxswain and crew candidates? Qualification Examiners 1st District Northern Region April 2009
QE Quiz Qualification Examiners 1st District Northern Region April 2009
Quizzing Candidates Qualification Examiners 1st District Northern Region April 2009
Crewmember currency checkride: Coxswain currency checkride: USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Auxiliary QE Currency and Evaluation Qualification Examiners 1st District Northern Region April 2009
From the ABCTM “QEs must maintain coxswain currency and the expected levels of QE activity, as defined by the OTO, to remain qualified as a QE.” USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
QE Annual Underway Time? • We don’t want “evaluation only”, no actual coxswain mission time QEs • We don’t want “all coxswain mission time”, no evaluation time QEs • Somewhere there is a desireable middle ground for expectation for skill maintenance for volunteers USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Examples of QE Measurement • Attendance at Annual QE Workshops • Underway hours • QE missions performed • Maintenance history of coxswain and instructor certifications (e.g. any REYR?) • All of the above are not absolute go/no go measurements USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
From the ABCTM “All QEs must go through an evaluation by the OTO or his/her designee every three years. This evaluation is usually done by the OTO but may be delegated, if necessary to the Chief QE Coordinator (CQEC) or an AQEC. The evaluation will require the OTO or his/her designee observing the QE performing a dockside oral exam and an underway check ride of a crew or coxswain candidate. The QE must complete these tasks to the satisfaction of the observer to remain certified as a QE.” USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Field Evaluation Groundrules • The OTO will not ask a QE to evaluate another current QE while they are acting as QE on a checkride • The OTO will not act as QE of record for a checkride • QEs evaluating coxswains on a checkride (who happen to also be QEs) is normal USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
QE Currency starting 2009 • The OTO will observe all personal coxswain currency checkrides of the QE corps, or designate a specific QE to observe • If the OTO is present at a checkride, a formal QE-of-record is needed (the OTO will not act as QE-of-record). If a QE is substituting for the OTO, that QE can either just observe or also be QE-of-record at their discretion USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
QE Currency starting 2009 • QEs must provide the OTO (via email) their scheduled currency checkride information at least three weeks prior to the checkride. • The OTO will either be present to observe the checkride, or will designate an additional QE to observe. • The OTO will not normally ask QEs to reschedule their checkrides because the OTO or designee cannot be present…unless less than three weeks notice is given. USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
QE Evaluation starting 2009 • QEs will be evaluated by the OTO while performing a QE mission underway at some point in their 3 year appointment duration. • The ideal time for the OTO is while one QE is performing their 3 year coxswain currency and another QE is doing the checkride evaluation: “two birds”. • QEs should be the “best of the best”, and it is the OTO’s responsibility to see that this is true. USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
QE Re-Appointment • QEs will need to have been observed by the OTO or designee for their own currency checkride • QEs will need to have been observed by the OTO while performing an underway QE mission • QEs are at risk of not being reappointed as a QE if both observations are not done sometime over the QEs three year appointment interval. • Other QE measurements may factor in DIRAUX reappointment decisions as well. USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Discussion • (this is not new: discussed at 2008 workshop but not made a formal requirement) • (it will be advantageous to QEs to keep the OTO informed of regular QE underway missions, as the QE-observation step becomes much easier to accomplish on more of an ad-hoc basis) USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Auxiliary QE Application Requirements Qualification Examiners 1st District Northern Region April 2009
QE Application Process - 1 • Applicant meets pre-requisites • Applicant fills out request, with Auxiliary resume and reason why application is made • Application is endorsed by applicant’s Auxiliary leadership chain (FC, DCDR,DCAPT, DCO) • Application is forwarded to CQEC USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
QE Application Process - 2 • Applicant is reviewed by Boat Crew Advisory Board (BCAB). OTO reviews applicant’s Auxiliary file. BCAB elects to have interview, or to reject applicant. • BCAB interviews applicant. If positive result, applicant becomes QE-in-Training. • Specific additional QE training outlined in ABCTM. USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Prerequisites for becoming a QE • National (ABCTM): • Coxswain for at least a year • TCT within 2 years • D1NR (QEs recommended 10 April 2004) • 100 hours as coxswain of record • AUXOP • Instructor qualified • Leadership or interpersonal skills training USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
D1NR AUXOP requirement • AUXOP program has been deprecated by National, intentionally or not • 9 of 33 QEs are not AUXOP status • 6 of those 9 have no AUXNAV • 7 of those 9 have no AUXSAR (or AUXSC&E) (Last 6 QEs appointed were AUXOP) USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Search Coordination & Execution • 3 QEs are qualified instructors • 1 QE has taken the course as student • 22 QEs took old AUXSAR curriculum • 7 QEs have no formal SAR courses USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Discussion Items(add your own as well) • By Dec 2012, all QEs to have taken Search Coordination and Execution (29 QEs) • By Dec 2012, all QEs to have taken AUXNAV (6 QEs) • Potential QEs to have AUXNAV and AUX SC&E as a pre-requisite • Leadership/interpersonal skills recommendation changed to ??? USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Closing Remarks USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
Workshop Evaluation • Please fill out a workshop evaluation; this provides feedback on overall quality as well as specific issues we could improve next year USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region
QE Job Aids USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region