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AQA GCSE Chinese (Spoken Mandarin). Past and Present. Elliot Hsiao-Williams Head of Teaching at Dragons Teaching / Mandarin Coordinator at The Charter School North Dulwich elliot@dragonsteaching.com. What did we have to do and what will we have to do?.
AQA GCSE Chinese (Spoken Mandarin) Past and Present Elliot Hsiao-Williams Head of Teaching at Dragons Teaching / Mandarin Coordinator at The Charter School North Dulwich elliot@dragonsteaching.com
How to prepare for the new writing and speaking exams? Discussion point 1:
Techniques students can use when they forget a key word. Discussion Point 2:
How to decide on vocabulary lists? Is it ‘enough’ to just follow the AQA’s wordlist? Discussion Point 3:
The new requirement of translation. Discussion Point 4:
What are the new topics? How do we approach these topics? Global issues The environment Poverty/homelessness Social issues Charity/voluntary work Healthy/unhealthy living Discussion Point 5:
How to discuss more advanced topics like ‘social issues’ with a limited vocabulary? Discussion Point 6:
Synonyms despite there is a guideline vocab list (http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/chinese-spoken-mandarin-8673/subject-content/vocabulary)? High-frequency sentence structures? (http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/chinese-spoken-mandarin-8673/subject-content/grammar) Conclusions (or points to ponder..):
Use of ‘authentic materials’ Past and Present
What have we done before with using ‘authentic materials’ in a language classroom?
Which skill(s)? Is it just for reading? ‘Whole-piece’ or ‘Just Fragment’ Is it ‘life-skill’ related? Let’s discuss:‘How do we use these resources?’
白日依山尽 黄河入海流 欲穷千里目 更上一层楼 王之涣—登鹳雀楼 (Wang Zhihuan – ‘Dēng Guàn Què Lóu’ / ‘Climbing White Stork Tower’) How do we use these resources?e.g. 12
Provide ‘real-life’ materials to stimulate students’ learning at an early stage of the GCSE course (or of course, as early as possible – MEP?). Train students on ‘capturing keywords’ and ‘feedback their understanding’. Praise students on successful attempts on the point 2. ‘Do teachers have to be the ones providing the authentic materials?’ Conclusions (or points to ponder...):
Increasing‘fluency’ Just some ideas….but we are all working very hard to improve!
Define ‘fluency in Chinese’? • Phonetically accurate? • Verbally spontaneous? • Confident in character recognition? • Expressive with characters? • Any more??
phonetically accurate & verbally spontaneous– An all-time favourite – ‘repeat, repeat and REPEAT!’
‘Sentence Separation’ An activity to improve speaking and listening fluency Best for groups of 5-8 students Minimal preparation required Can be as long or short as required
Each group should be given a sentence of around 10-16 characters. • The first student says the whole sentence, for example: • 我喜欢听音乐,因为音乐让我很放松。 • Thenextstudentthenrepeatsthesentenceexactlybutwithoutthelastcharacter: • 我喜欢听音乐,因为音乐让我很放。 • Itdoesnotmatterthatthesentencenowdoesn’tmakesense,theideaistoimprovelisteningandspeakingforlongersentences. • Playcontinueslikethis.Ifastudentmakesamistaketheyareoutofthatround. • Whenthesentenceisfinishes,i.e.only 我 isleft,allplayersleftingetapoint. Divide the class into groups of 5-8 students
Oneeasywayofmakingthegamemoredifficultisthatstudentsmustcomeupwiththeirownsentences.Oneeasywayofmakingthegamemoredifficultisthatstudentsmustcomeupwiththeirownsentences. • Thegamecanalsobeexpandedsothatwhenthelastcharacterisreachedthegrouphastorebuildthesentence. • Fromthepreviousexample: • Wefinishedwith 我.Thenextstudentmightsay 我是,andthen 我是一,我是一个,etc. • Thisisagoodlessonstarterandcanbeadaptedcompletelybasedonability,topicandgrammar. Extension
confident in character recognition– Fun training on character recognition
Bingo Games Ask the students to write the Chinese words in bingo box. Teacher starts to do words dictation, once the student hear the words in their bingo box, they need to write the English meaning next to the Chinese words Once they write the English in row/column/diagonal, they could say “bingo” For recognising required characters (and some listening)
verbally spontaneous– Simplifying role-play exercises based on the GCSE specimen papers. How would we ‘simplify a specimen role-play like this to suit our students?
verbally and expressively spontaneous– synonyms and paraphrasing exercises for speaking and writing ‘Paraphrase Builder’ – e.g. (‘level down’) : 这个没有那个那么好吃。 这个不好吃, 但是那个很好吃。这个不好吃。那个很好吃。 (‘level up’) : 一月北京非常冷。 北京的一月非常冷。北京冬天一月的时候非常冷。 北京的冬天, 尤其是一月的时候非常冷。
verbally and expressively spontaneous– Successful speaking and writing: keep going back to ‘high-frequency’ topics when on more advanced topics. Speaking ‘homework’ Guided writing ‘Interpreting’lessonstarter (with the structures and vocabulary we teachers WANT from the students to incorporate.)
expressive with characters– On-the-spot writing. 1. What could we do with ‘Paraphrase Builder’? 2. ‘Character Wall’ (something from Ms Anne Martin!) – build your writing! Could the characters be swapped with just English?
expressive with characters (and English grammar!)– Translation competitions. • Translation starter • Aided translation with character bank (perfect for Year 10 / first-year GCSE) • Pair-aided proofreading (in English too!)
‘Find Your Best Partners’ Cut the following sentences into pieces Distribute each sentence to each students Students need to read their sentence to each other and find the best answer or question to match what they have in hand. Once they find their matching partner, they raise hand and read the conversation then translate the sentences to English.
‘What’s on TV?’ An activity to improve listening and reading fluency Can be used for small or large classes Minimal preparation required Can be a short/long task
Present a popular Chinese TV show to your class. Depending on your time period you may show an episode or as little as 5 minutes. Ask students to note down any words they hear they are familiar with in addition to try to keep up with reading the Chinese characters. Have them make notes while they watch. Pause and restart at good points. Afterwards, ask them to repeat any words/sentences they heard Ask them comprehension questions of the story. Task
This is a good TV show to present for the following reasons: • There is very basic language used from the young children. • The show has lots of titles/speech bubbles/thoughts on the screen which are ideal to pause and study. • It is a popular show and contains real material. ‘爸爸去哪儿?’
Recommended rules • Groups of 3-4 choose a team name and a captain. • Start with a question to determine the order e.g. In which year did China play in the World Cup? – the closest team goes first. • If a team answers correctly, they gain the number of points. If incorrect, another team can steal half of those points by getting the correct answer. • Give a time limit e.g. 30 seconds for each round. Reading – Students will see a sentence in characters which they must read and translate orally. Speaking – They will see a question that the teacher reads out, which they must answer with a full sentence. Listening – The teacher can either prepare or spontaneously read out a short paragraph, and the student must extract certain information. Translating – They will be given an English sentence that they must write out in Chinese. For bonus points, the other tables could race to complete the task as well. Culture – They must answer questions about culture taken from cultural segments from the book.
Incorporating ‘authentic materials’ to challenge students. (reading and listening) Conducting ‘speaking exercises’ creatively. (speaking) Translating all the time?! (writing and reading) ?? Conclusions (or points to ponder...):