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The Cerebrovascular System II. Neuro Quiz. Identify the correct question. Click to Play!.  Michael McKeough 2008. Vascular System Neuro Quiz. Click category value to begin. Click to reveal the question. Arteries 100. This artery supplies oxygen to the lateral surface of the brain.

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  1. The Cerebrovascular System II Neuro Quiz Identify the correct question Click to Play!  Michael McKeough 2008

  2. Vascular SystemNeuro Quiz Click category value to begin.

  3. Click to reveal the question Arteries100 • This artery supplies oxygen to the lateral surface of the brain. What is the middle cerebral artery? Return to Game Board

  4. Click to reveal the question Arteries200 • This artery supplies oxygen to the lateral surface of the brain. What is the anterior cerebral artery? Return to Game Board

  5. Click to reveal the question Arteries300 • This artery supplies oxygen to the life support centers of the brain. What is the basilar artery? Return to Game Board

  6. Click to reveal the question Arteries400 • This artery supplies oxygen to the majority of the spinal cord. What is the anterior spinal artery? Return to Game Board

  7. Click to reveal the question Arteries500 • Occlusion of this artery causes the loss of pain and temperature sensation to the ipsilateral face and contralateral body. What is the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)? Return to Game Board

  8. Click to reveal the question Stroke 100 • This is the most common type of stroke. What is ischemic? Return to Game Board

  9. Click to reveal the question Stroke 200 • This is the primary cause of narrowing of the arteries. What is cholesterol deposits? Return to Game Board

  10. Click to reveal the question Stroke 300 • Strokes occur most frequently at these locations in the vascular tree. What are bifurcations? Return to Game Board

  11. Click to reveal the question Stroke 400 • Stroke involving the internal capsule is caused by occlusion of these arteries. What are deep penetrating branches of the middle cerebral artery or anterior choroidal artery? Return to Game Board

  12. Click to reveal the question Stroke 500 • This type of stroke is caused by systemic anoxia. • This type of stroke does not involve the primary perfusion territories of the cerebral arteries. What is a watershed stroke? Return to Game Board

  13. Click to reveal the question Veins 100 • This vein drains the superior white matter in the brain. What is the superior sagittal sinus? Return to Game Board

  14. Click to reveal the question Veins 200 • This structure drains blood from the area of the hypothalamus and hypophysis (pituitary gland). What is the cavernous sinus? Return to Game Board

  15. Click to reveal the question Veins 300 • These structures drain blood around the lateral surface of the brain just above the cerebellum. What are the transverse sinuses? Return to Game Board

  16. Click to reveal the question Veins 400 • This structure empties blood from the brain into the jugular vein. What is the sigmoid sinus? Return to Game Board

  17. Click to reveal the question Veins 500 • This structure delivers blood from the thalamus and deep white matter of the brain out to the surface. What is the straight sinus? Return to Game Board

  18. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous 100 • The carotid system is responsible for this percent of the blood supply to the brain. What is 70%? Return to Game Board

  19. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous200 • The brain’s dependence on this form of energy accounts for its susceptibility to ischemic disease. What is oxygen? Return to Game Board

  20. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous300 • This anestomosis connects the major arteries of the brain. What is the circle of Willis? Return to Game Board

  21. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous400 • This system supplies blood to the posterior 1/3 of the brain and the brainstem. What is the vertebrobasilar system? Return to Game Board

  22. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous500 • This is the leading cause of the need for rehabilitation. What is stroke? Return to Game Board

  23. Click to reveal the question Pathology 100 • The impairments and functional limitations caused by stroke are seen on this side of the body. What is the side opposite the lesion (contralateral)? Return to Game Board

  24. Click to reveal the question Pathology 200 • The specific impairments caused by a stroke are determined by this variable. What is the site of the lesion or the functional system that was damaged? Return to Game Board

  25. Click to reveal the question Pathology 300 • This is the most common visual impairment associated with stroke. What is hemianopsia? Return to Game Board

  26. Click to reveal the question Pathology 400 • Occlusion of the blood supply to this structure will produce sensory and motor impairments of the face, upper extremity, and lower extremity on the side opposite the lesion. • Lesion of this structure produced more severe impairments than a cortical lesion of the same size. What is the internal capsule? Return to Game Board

  27. Click to reveal the question Pathology 500 • This effect of stroke, if untreated, produces more impairment and functional limitation than the primary effects of the lesion. What are the secondary effects of the lesion? Return to Game Board

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