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Land use and land cover change and climate effects on ecosystem services. Summary of Workshop 4. Ecosystem Services [ES]. Not always easy to quantify: Provisioning, Regulating, Cultural, Supporting
Land use and land cover change and climate effects on ecosystem services Summary of Workshop 4
Ecosystem Services [ES] • Not always easy to quantify: • Provisioning, Regulating, Cultural, Supporting • Quantification may depend on subtle differences in land use intensity or biophysical/biochemical properties within the same „land cover“ or „land use“ class. • Not all ES are easily quantifible, or easily compared with the same metrics, e.g. $$$ • Quantification of many ES allows analyzing conflicts and optimization of land management
ES quantification • ES take an antropogenticviewpointonly • Not always easy toidentifythe relevant scale • Itisimportanttoknowthe „system“, not just the LC • Different metricsaredifficulttocompare • Whatis an ecosystem? • Services oftenhighestatedgesortransitionzones (forestedge, lakeborders, etc.) • Maybemoreusefulas a generalcommunicationframeworkthan a managementtool...
LU or LC ES • There are only vague links between LC and ES, as use intensity or environmental properties affect ES considerably • There is a better link between LU and ES, at least if „use intensity“ (disturbance) is quantified.
Disantangling Land use & climate effects • Usually not easy, requires careful selection of study sites. Often, both C and LU/LC change at same time. Their individual effects then cannot singled out from one study area. • Only the careful choice of study sites that show independent variation in land use/cover and climate allow for a partitioning of these two important effects.
Quantifying effects • Important to keep uncertainties in mind • Especially when working with old and new maps, there may be a considerable change in positional or thematic accuracy, which may influence the conclusions we draw from derivations of ES from changes in LC/LU • Ensembles of error propagation modelling/quantification is a useful approach to quantify the degree of error.