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NCBI Structure

NCBI Structure. MMDB (Molecular Modeling Database) Cn3D Viewer CDD (Conserved Domain Database) VAST Structure Comparison (Vector Alignment Search Tool). MMDB.

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NCBI Structure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NCBI Structure • MMDB (Molecular Modeling Database) • Cn3D Viewer • CDD (Conserved Domain Database) • VAST Structure Comparison (Vector Alignment Search Tool)

  2. MMDB • NCBI's structure database is called MMDB (Molecular Modeling DataBase), and it is a subset from the Protein Data Bank (PDB), excluding theoretical models. • MMDB is a database of ASN.1-formatted records. It was designed for flexibility, and as such, is capable of archiving conventional structural data as well as future descriptions of biomolecules, such as those generated by electron microscopy (surface models).

  3. Searching MMDB • The structure database may be queried directly, using specific fields such as author names, or text terms occurring anywhere in the structure description. • Alternatively you can use a PDB 4-character code or a numerical MMDB-Id to retrieve structure summary pages directly

  4. Biotin (vitamin H)

  5. Biotin synthase

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