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ARENA 2006 University of Northumbria June 28 – 30, 2006

ARENA 2006 University of Northumbria June 28 – 30, 2006. Integration of Acoustic Neutrino Detection Methods into ANTARES Technical Realisation Planning and Aims General Conditions Setup and Technical Implementation. Overview: Plans and Aims.

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ARENA 2006 University of Northumbria June 28 – 30, 2006

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  1. ARENA 2006University of NorthumbriaJune 28 – 30, 2006 Integration of Acoustic Neutrino Detection Methods into ANTARES Technical Realisation Planning and Aims General Conditions Setup and Technical Implementation

  2. Overview: Plans and Aims evaluate the prospects of an acoustic neutrino detector • with a dedicated 3-D array of sensors • investigate the acoustical background: noise and signals • located in a deep-sea environment ) within the framework of the ANTARES experiment equip several storeys of the ANTARES detector with acoustic sensors or

  3. ANTARES with Acoustics Instrumentation Line with 3acoustic storeys (deployment foreseen first half 2007) 3 more Acoustic Storeys in an additional line:Plans to be finalized

  4. N.G. Lehtinen et al., Astropart. Phys., 17 (2002), p. 279 Basic Conditions: Noise • sensitive sensors: background noise (SS0) • broad sensitive frequency band ( ) • as many sensors as possible: random coincidences • as many length scales as possible: coherence length

  5. Basic Conditions: Technical • global: • no interference with the rest of the detector • as little changes as possible • on-shore: independent DAQ and control • off-shore: • salt-waterproof/pressure resistant components • data rate· 20MbPS per storey • power consumption · 3W per storey ) 6 sensors per storey- digitization: 500kSPS, 16-bit - continuous and synchronous read-out of sensors (200kSPS – 500kSPS)

  6. control room storey control module sensors ANTARES DAQ System: Schematics

  7. ANTARES Setup: Changes additional PC-Cluster for DAQ and control replace ANTARES ASIC boards by dedicated acoustics ADC boards replace ANTARES PMTs by acoustic sensors

  8. Sensors ANTARES optical module: PMT (10") in glass sphere or hydrophones: 2 separate sensors (commercialor custom) connected via fan-out acoustical module: 2 sensors (piezo with preamplifier) in one glass sphere or

  9. Acoustic Sensors: Comparison acoustical modules + assured water tightness + space for electronics + no pressure on components - position fixed - alters acoustic signal hydrophones + position free chooseable + characteristics tuneable + uniform directional sensitivity - assure water tightness - connection to control module complementary: use both! sensitivity: -145 to -120 dB re. 1V/Pa (0.05 to 1V/Pa)compare:SS0 ¼ 2.5mPa (1 – 100kHz)

  10. Acoustic ADC Board • all components tested • prototype board: • designed, in production • available for tests:mid of July • programming in progress digital part analogue part

  11. ADC Board: Analogue Part ADC(TI ADS8323) Amplifier and Filter(mainly Linear Technology) • 500kSPS continuous sampling) Nyquist-frequency 250kHz • 16-bit resolution • bipolar input ) digitization of acoustical data • low noise ( ) • variable gain (1 – 500) • 10th order filter (f0=128kHz, ·10-3@250kHz) ) amplification and filtering ofacoustical data A+F A+F ADC ADC FPGA mC

  12. ADC Board: Digital Part FPGA(Xilinx Spartan-3) micro controller(STMicroelectronics STR710) A+F A+F ADC ADC FPGA mC • encoding of acoustical data in ANTARES format • timing of data and ADC • controls amplifier • data filter / down sampling • slow control communication(settings and FPGA programme) • programming of FPGA via flash )updateable

  13. ? Performance • 3 (+3) storeys with 18 (36) sensors at 3length scales( ) • dynamic range ¼3mPa – 10Pa (RMS) • read-out sensorscontinuously and synchronously at ¸ 200kSPS • data rate 10 (20) MBPS • flexible design (sensors, gain,filter)

  14. Summary and Outlook • 3 ANTARES storeys will be equipped with acoustic sensors • conclusive and flexible concept for the integration • currently in prototype and testing phase components install acoustics components in 2007

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