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“…you are all one in Christ Jesus” Gal 3:28. The Downs Christian News. December 2011 Web Site: www.ddcc.net.au A newsletter of the Darling Downs Christian Conventions Inc. “All the prophets testify about Him that whoever believes in Him receives forgiveness through His Name” Acts 10:43.
“…you are all one in Christ Jesus” Gal 3:28 The Downs Christian News December 2011 Web Site: www.ddcc.net.au A newsletter of the Darling Downs Christian Conventions Inc. “All the prophets testify about Him that whoever believes in Him receives forgiveness through His Name” Acts 10:43
Warwick Easter Convention 6th – 9th April 2012 • Secretary: Geoff Bullock (email) HERE • Treasurer: Annette Eland (email) HERE • Registration details on web site [slide 10]. (If you are finding the costs these days are a considerable burden please contact our treasurer and discuss it. We would prefer it if you didn’t miss out on the great blessings. We are sure the Lord will provide all round).
Greetings in Jesus Name Time seems to go so quickly now but in fact it goes the same speed as it did during the time of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. What do we do with our allotted time? I think we sometimes spend our time as if we will have it forever but there is a place where time is not present. The hymn writer referred to such a place when he wrote, “When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there”. I imagine that those of you who are reading this will jump for joy at the thought of this grand hymn and the imagery it presents. What an exciting thought to be free from the shackles of time and all else that would hinder our pursuit of holiness in Christ our Lord. For those of us still here that time is yet to come…. At the coming Easter Convention April 2012, we will be confronted with the claims of Christ on ourselves and our culture. Michael Raiter will present to us the challenge of presenting Christ’s claims to our world that we walk in every day which should remind us that if we are going to present Christ’s claims to the world we need to be living His holiness lest we expose the message to ridicule. Conventions such as these are essential for young and old alike to grow in the word of God and the fellowship of the saints. The Hebrew writer put the case for the necessity of the gathering of the saints because there is a time when time shall be no more. Our reason for being in this world will be no more and we will be in Heaven where there will be no watch maker. We can now only speculate on the greatness of our existence then. One thing for sure is that now we have time and the Bible tells us to “Redeem… the time, because the days are evil”. Commenting on Eph 5v16 regards the reason we should redeem time Clark says “The present times are dangerous, they are full of trouble and temptations, and only the watchful and diligent have any reason to expect that they shall keep their garments unspotted”. The Greek word gives the idea to - rescue from loss - so with the Hebrew writer and Paul pointing us to the idea of buying back time from the spirit of wastefulness let us spend this valuable time God has given us to study His word and encourage the saints as the great day draws near. Rev Dave Powell (President)
Michael Raiter Keynote Bible Teacher B.A.; B.Th.; M.Th.; Dip Ed.; Dip.A.(Theol) Michael Raiter has been the Principal of Melbourne School of Theology (formerly Bible College of Victoria) since 2006.After working with CMS in Pakistan teaching the children of missionaries at Murree Christian School, he returned to Australia to complete theological studies. He then returned to Pakistan to be involved in theological education with Interserve. In 1997, Michael returned to Sydney, Australia to establish the mission department at Moore College. He is married to Sarah and they have four children. He is the author of the 2004 Australian Christian Book of the Year, "Stirrings of the Soul". He keeps fit with cryptic crosswords and thriller novels. Mike will step aside as Principal of MST at the end of 2011 to take up an itinerant speaking role in the Church at large. At our Convention, Mike will be speaking on the topic “Christ Confronts Aussie Culture”. [See daily timetable for individual topics]. The Church in Australia faces a major task to fight against the secularisation of Australian culture, and to replace it with a vibrant Christianity based on Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God; the Bible, the Written Word of God, and the Living Spirit of God who animates both. Mike writes in his book ‘Stirrings of the Soul’: “We are a world full of people drinking Cokes on hot days when there is a well of fresh, icy cold water right around the corner…It is our mission to expose the false superstitions of our society, and winsomely present Jesus Christ, the Bread and Water of Life…in a way that is faithful to Scripture and meaningful to shoppers in the spiritual marketplaces all around us.”
Bob Bagley New Tribes Mission Bob’s early years were spent in Sunnybank Brisbane. He was saved in the 1959 Billy Graham crusade. This event took place during the first year of a 5 year apprenticeship as a carpenter and joiner. During the last year of Bob's apprenticeship he was clearly challenged to allow God to use him to take the gospel to unreached tribal people. He applied to New Tribes Mission and moved to Sydney to begin specialized training. In 1965 Bob married Janice Piovesan, daughter of American New Tribes missionaries in PNG. They completed training as a couple and left for the Philippines in late 1968. In 1969 they moved into a remote tribal village and learned the Kalanguya language. They worked among the people in that area until 1981 and saw 2 local churches established, and around 250 people trust the Lord as Saviour. Countless lives were helped by the medical program, and a number taught to read and write in their own language. Bob served as Chairman of NTM Australia at the headquarters in Sydney for many years before once again returning to the Philippines in 1998 to further the work among the Kalanguya by producing books and Bible teaching material for the believers and church leaders. Bob and Jan are now based in Brisbane and continue keeping in contact with the Kalanguya people.
Teresa Martin Cherish Life Teresa was born in the fresh air of far north Queensland, the 3rd of 8 children. The family moved to Cairns when she was 12 and at 19 Teresa moved to Brisbane working as a dental nurse and doctor’s receptionist before marrying and becoming a home mum with 4 children, believing this the best and most natural environment for them. In 2006 she was voted in as State President Cherish Life and currently holds this position. She was instrumental in getting the annual “Rally For Life” in Brisbane off the ground in February 2008 and changing the bi-annual conference to an annual one. Her aim is to encourage everyone to do something to stop abortion. Her greatest passion is educating young people in the schools about their worth and value so that they make healthy wise decisions that lead to happiness and hope instead of heartache.
Missionary Updates [Some May Be By DVD] David and Wendy Lee New Tribes Missions Michelle Taylor Orphanage Worker in Russia Geoff and Monica Darr Australian Director of Gospel for Asia. Andrew Carnell or another representative from Teen Street
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We missed announcing in our printed publications that there will be a crèche at the Convention for ages birth to prep. It would be helpful if you could please pass the word around? Thanks. Sorry for any inconvenience.
There are new email addresses: • president@ddcc.net.au Dave Powell • secretary@ddcc.net.au Geoff Bullock • treasurer@ddcc.net.au Annette Eland • Web Site address www.ddcc.net.au • See you there.
Warwick Easter Convention 2012 This is not an automated procedure yet. Please bare with us as we gradually roll out new ways of doing things. If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe please click the appropriate link and email your details. We wish you God’s blessings. Thanks.