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SWIM Master Class 2013 Dirk Janssens Eurocontrol

Practical Arrangements Planning - Jury & Assessment Criteria – - SWIM Compliance Criteria – Documentation of your Prototype – - Reference Material - Actions - Communication – Points of Contact. SWIM Master Class 2013 Dirk Janssens Eurocontrol. Planning Call for Interest : April - May

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SWIM Master Class 2013 Dirk Janssens Eurocontrol

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Practical ArrangementsPlanning - Jury & Assessment Criteria – - SWIM Compliance Criteria – Documentation of your Prototype –- Reference Material - Actions - Communication – Points of Contact SWIM Master Class 2013 Dirk Janssens Eurocontrol

  2. Planning • Call for Interest : April - May • Initiation Day : 12 June • General Agreements (continued) : by 30 June • Specific Agreements : by 30 June • Development of Prototypes : June / July until October • Hand-over of documentation : 30 October (or before) • Assessment by Jury (incl demo via webex) : first half of November • Final Celebration : 21 November

  3. Jury and Assessment Criteria (the jury consists of SESAR representatives)

  4. SWIM Compliance Criteria • Compliance Assessment Team • Assessment Criteria • Data • Is the service payload compliant with AIRM ? • Do you apply a globally recognised physical data model ? • Service • Do you follow the ISRM rulebook ? • Has the service been documented ? • Infrastructure • Do you use recognised mainstream protocols / standards (e.g. OMG, ISO, OASIS, W3C, IETF… ) • Do you foresee a standard security mechanism?  • Governance • Do you have an SLA available in the context of the SWIM Master Class? 

  5. Documentation of your Prototypes • Template is available • Part 1: Accronyms and Terminology • Part 2: Project Objectives and Scope • Part 3: Technical Solution • Part 4: Benefits (business part) • Appendix • To be provided by 30/10/2013 (or before)

  6. Reference Material available through the Registry ATM Information Reference Model • AIRM Glossary 00.07.00 • AIRM Primer 00.06.00 • AIRM Foundation Rulebook 00.09.00 • AIRM Models v2.3.1 Information Services Reference Model • ISRM Primer 00.01.00 • ISRM Foundation Rulebook 00.01.05 • ISRM Modelling Guidelines 00.01.06 • ISRM Verification Guidelines 00.01  • Service Description Document • ISRM v0.6 Service Model v0.6 General Agreement Current List of SWIM standards and Protocols

  7. Actions All (Service providers & consumers) • Mandatory : Sign SWIM Master Class General Agreement (list of companies will be published in the registry) & mail to swim@sesarju.eu ; you will receive a confirmation + signed copy • To access the Registry : • step 1 : you request the Eurocontrol One Sky Online ID (mail to swim@sesarju.eu); • step 2 : we contact you with instructions on how to get a Registry account • To get your copy of Jumpstart Kit • Step 1 : sign the Jumpstart Kit license agreement (available in the Registry) • Step 2 : send a signed copy to SWIM@sesarju.eu • Step 3 : we activate the access to (1) the source code and (2) the installation document Service / data provider • Provide more information on your organisation / services through the registry Service consumers • Discover services in the Registry • Describe your development in the Registry (e.g. service / application) • Contact service providers • Sign Specific Agreement (if applicable) • Get certificats / UID & PWD / … for accessing specific services • Develop your services / SWIM enabled application

  8. Communication • 2 weekly update by mail • www.sesarju.eu/swim • Generic update on www.linkedin.com/ (SWIM) • Ad-hoc messages when necessary • Ad-hoc webex when necessary • Discussion forum feature in Registry

  9. Points of contact • Specific Services : see registry • Registry : swim@sesarju.eu • Documentation (AIRM, ISRM) : swim@sesarju.eu • General Questions / issues : swim@sesarju.eu

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