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The FACT is: Traffic is the “Life Blood” of anybusiness. This software gives you targeted fresh leads who show requirements entiment in their tweets orprofile. With no other software launch on Twitter. This is huge untapped opportunity for each of promoters to provide unique software to theirlist. Introducing:LeadFunnel LeadFunnel is World’s BEST software to work on twitterbto find targeted leads, increase followers, build relationship and close sales in any niche on completeAUTOPILOT. How Does LeadFunnelWork?
Step 1: Use keywords, hashtags or professionals profile as per your criteria to search for targeted lead Set it once andforget. Step 2: Sort through the leads to the accept, add to automatic workflow or reject. Step 3: Lead funnel will auto update leads with their direct phone numbers, email addresses, and several other key datapoints. Step 4: Workflow will send out auto tweets, follow, re-tweet, message to leads andmore. Step 5: More followers, like, engagement & re-tweets on tweeting high converting viral post ofpast. Step 6: Direct Message and start to build rapport with your client. http://crownreviews.com/leadfunnel-review-bonus/ https://www.facebook.com/LeadFunnel-Review-GIANT-Bonus- 1703868023197377/ https://medium.com/@jerrieql2kf/leadfunnel-review-trust-about- leadfunnel-and-80-discount-1e893da81fa2#.b1abokluv https://lnkd.in/b5wPZuY http://yatumasi.tumblr.com/post/147422675134/leadfunnel-review-a-top- notch-weapon
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