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ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design

ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design. Lecture 19 VHDL. Introduction. VHDL V HSIC H ardware D escription L anguage VHSIC V ery H igh S peed I ntegrated C ircuit. Example. -- eqcomp4 is a four bit equality comparator -- Entity declaration entity eqcomp4 is

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ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design

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  1. ELEN 468Advanced Logic Design Lecture 19 VHDL ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  2. Introduction • VHDL • VHSIC Hardware Description Language • VHSIC • Very High Speed Integrated Circuit ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  3. Example -- eqcomp4 is a four bit equality comparator -- Entity declaration entity eqcomp4 is port ( a, b: inbit_vector( 3 downto 0 ); equals: outbit ); -- equal is active high end eqcomp4; -- Architecture body architecture dataflow of eqcomp4 is begin equals <= ‘1’ when ( a = b ) else ‘0’; end dataflow; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  4. Entity Declarations • Describe I/O and parameterized values • Port declaration • Name • Mode • in • out • buffer: for internal feedback • inout • Data type • Boolean, bit, bit_vector, integer, std_logic … ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  5. Example of Entity Declaration library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity add4 is port ( a, b: instd_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 ); ci: instd_logic; sum: outstd_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 ); co: outstd_logic ); end add4; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  6. Architecture Bodies • Always associated with an entity declaration • Description styles • Behavioral • Dataflow • Structural ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  7. Behavioral Descriptions library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity eqcomp4 is port ( a, b: instd_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 ); equals: outstd_logic ); end eqcomp4; architecture behavioral of eqcomp4 is begin comp: process ( a, b ) -- sensitivity list begin if a = b then equals <= ‘1’; else equals <= ‘0’; -- sequential assignment endif endprocess comp; end behavioral; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  8. Dataflow Descriptions library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity eqcomp4 is port ( a, b: instd_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 ); equals: outstd_logic ); end eqcomp4; architecture dataflow of eqcomp4 is begin equals <= ‘1’ when ( a = b ) else ‘0’; end dataflow; -- No process -- Concurrent assignment ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  9. Structural Descriptions library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity eqcomp4 is port ( a, b: instd_logic_vector( 3 downto 0 ); equals: out std_logic ); end eqcomp4; use work.gatespkg.all; architecture struct of eqcomp4 is signal x : std_logic_vector( 0 to 3); begin u0: xnor2 port map ( a(0), b(0), x(0) ); -- component instantiation u1: xnor2 port map ( a(1), b(1), x(1) ); u2: xnor2 port map ( a(2), b(2), x(2) ); u3: xnor2 port map ( a(3), b(3), x(3) ); u4: and4 port map ( x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3), equals ); end struct; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  10. Identifiers • Made up of alphabetic, numeric, and/or underscore • The first character must be a letter • The last character cannot be an underscore • Two underscores in succession are not allowed • Uppercase and lowercase are equivalent ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  11. Data Objects • Constants • Signals • Similar to “wire” in Verilog • Variables • Only in processes and subprograms • Usually applied as loop or tmp variable • Files constant width: integer := 8; signal count: bit_vector( 3 downto 0); ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  12. Data Types • Scalar types • Composite types ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  13. Scalar Types • Enumeration • Integer • Floating • Physical ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  14. Enumeration Types type states is ( idle, waiting, read, write ); signal current_state: states; type bit is ( ‘0’, ‘1’ ); type std_ulogic is ( ‘U’, -- Uninitialized ‘X’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘Z’, ‘W’, -- Weak unknown ‘L’, -- Weak 0 ‘H’, -- Weak 1 ‘-’, -- Don’t care ); ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  15. Integer and Floating Types • VHDL supports • Integers from –(231-1) to (231-1) • Floating number from –1E38 to 1E38 variable a: integer range –255 to 255; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  16. Physical Types type time is range –2147483647 to 2147483647 units fs; ps = 1000 fs; ns = 1000 ps; us = 1000 ns; ms = 1000 ns; sec = 1000 ms; min = 60 sec; hr = 60 min; end units; -- time is a predefined type -- physical types are mostly for simulations ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  17. Composite Types • Array • Record • Has multiple elements of different types type bit_vector isarray ( natural range <> ) of bit); ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  18. Two Dimensional Array type table8x4 is array ( 0 to 7, 0 to 3 ) of bit; constant exclusive_or: table8x4 := ( “000_0”, “001_1”, “010_1”, “011_0”, “100_1”, “101_0”, “110_0”, “111_1” ); ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  19. Strongly Typed • VHDL is a strongly typed language • If aand b are integer variables, following assignment is not allowed a <= b + ‘1’; since ‘1’ is a bit, unless ‘+’ is overloaded ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  20. Concurrent Statements • Lie outside of a process • Signal assignment • Concurrent • Selective (with-select-when) • Conditional (when-else) • Generate ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  21. Concurrent Signal Assignment entity my_design is port ( mem_op, io_op: in bit; read, write: in bit; memr, memw: out bit; io_rd, io_wr: out bit ); end my_design; architecture control of my_design is begin memw <= mem_op and write; memr <= mem_op and read; io_wr <= io_op and write; io_rd <= io_op and read; end control ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  22. Selective Signal Assignment entity mux is port ( a, b, c, d: inbit_vector( 3 downto 0 ); s: inbit_vector( 1 downto 0 ); x: outbit_vector( 3 downto 0 ) ); end mux; architecture archmux of mux is begin with s select x <= a when “00”, b when “01”, c when “10”, d when others; end archmux; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  23. Conditional Signal Assignment entity mux is port ( a, b, c, d: inbit_vector( 3 downto 0 ); s: inbit_vector( 1 downto 0 ); x: outbit_vector( 3 downto 0 ) ); end mux; architecture archmux of mux is begin x <= a when ( s = “00” ) else b when ( s = “01” ) else c when ( s = “10” ) else d; end archmux; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  24. Component Instantiation and Generate Statement architecture RTL of SHIFT is component DFF port ( rst, clk, d: inbit; q: outbit ); end component; signal T: bit_vector( 8 downto 0 ); begin T(8) <= SI; SO <= T(0); g0: for i in 7 downto 0 generate-- variable i is implicitly declared allbit: DFF port map ( rst=>rst, clk=>clk, d=>T(i+1), q=>T(i)); end generate; end RTL; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  25. Sequential Statements • In a process, function or procedure • if-then-else • when-else ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  26. if-then-else … if ( condition1 ) then x <= value1; elsif ( condition2 ) then x <= value2; else x <= value3; end if; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  27. case-when … architecture design of test_case is begin process ( address ) begin case address is when “001” => decode <= X”11”; -- X indicates hexadecimal when “111” => decode <= X”42”; when “010” => decode <= X”44”; when “101” => decode <= X”88”; when others => decode <= X”00”; end case; end process; end design; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  28. Loop … p0: process ( A ) variable sum, i : integer; begin sum := 0; loop1 : for i in 0 to 9 loop exit loop1 when A(i) > 20; next when A(i) > 10; sum := sum + A(i); end loop loop1 end process ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  29. D Flip-Flop library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity dff is port ( d, clk, rst: instd_logic; q: outstd_logic ); end dff; architecture behavior of dff is begin process ( clk, rst ) begin if rst = ‘1’ then q <= ‘0’; elsif ( clk’event and clk = ‘1’ ) then q <= d; -- ‘event is an attribute end if; end process; end behavior ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  30. wait-until library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity dff is port ( d, clk, rst: instd_logic; q: outstd_logic ); end dff; architecture behavior of dff is begin process ( clk, rst ) begin if rst = ‘1’ then q <= ‘0’; elsewait until ( clk = ‘1’ ) q <= d; end if; end process; end behavior ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  31. Functions function bl2bit ( a: BOOLEAN ) return BIT is begin if a then return ‘1’; elsereturn ‘0’; end if end bl2bit; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  32. Using Functions entity full_add is port ( a, b, carry_in: inbit; sum, carry_out: outbit ); end full_add; architecture fall_add of full_add is function majority( a, b, c: bit ) return bit is begin return ( ( a and b ) or ( a and c ) or ( b and c ) ); end majority; begin sum <= a xor b xor carry_in; carry_out <= majority( a, b, carry_in ); end; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  33. Procedures procedure dff ( signal d: bit_vector; signal clk, rst: bit; signal q: outbit_vector ) is begin if rst = ‘1’ then q <= ( others => ‘0’ ); elsif clk’event and clk = ‘1’ then q <= d; end if; end procedure; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  34. Packages • Similar to library • A design unit whose type, component, function and other declarations can be visible to outside • Consists of • Package declaration • Package body (optional) • Made visible through “use” use library_name.package_name.item; use work.std_arith.all; • Some vendors provide a default work library ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  35. Declare Types in Package package STANDARD is type BOOLEAN is ( FALSE, TRUE ); type BIT is ( ‘0’, ‘1’ ); type INTEGER is range -2147483648 to +2147483647; … end STANDARD; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  36. Define Procedure in Package package myflop is procedure dff ( signal d: bit_vector; signal clk, rst: bit; signal q: outbit_vector ); end myflop; package body myflop is procedure dff ( signal d: bit_vector; signal clk, rst: bit; signal q: outbit_vector ) is begin if rst = ‘1’ then q <= ( others => ‘0’ ); elsif clk’eventand clk = ‘1’ then q <= d; end if; end procedure; end myflop; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  37. Using Procedure entity flop8 is port ( clk, rst: inbit; data_in: inbit_vector( 7 downto 0 ); data: outbit_vector( 7 downto 0 ) ); end flop8; use work.myflop.all; architecture archflop8 of flop8 is begin dff( data_in, clk, rst, data ); end archflop8; ELEN 468 Lecture 19

  38. Generics entity dff is generic ( size: integer := 2 ) port ( clk, rst: inbit; d: inbit_vector( size-1 downto 0 ); q: outbit_vector( size-1 downto 0 ) ); end dff; architecture behavior of dff is … end behavior … u1: dff generic map(8) port map( myclk, myrst, data, output ); … ELEN 468 Lecture 19

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