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SOLID WASTE WORKSHOP. Environmental Health Services Ministry of Health & Medical Services Date: 24 th – 27 th July 2007 Venue: Otintaai Hotel. 1. Introduction.

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  1. SOLID WASTE WORKSHOP Environmental Health Services Ministry of Health & Medical Services Date: 24th – 27th July 2007 Venue: Otintaai Hotel

  2. 1. Introduction • Ibukin rikiraken te mamae mai iaon aba nako Tarawa, ao e noraki bwa iai rikiraken te mange iaon Betio ao Tarawa Teinainano, n raonaki ma uarereken te aba ao e na tabe n rotaki ara otabwanin ma marurungia botan aomata ngkana e aki kawakinaki raoi te mange. With the rapid urbanization in Kiribati, the generation of solid waste (refuse) on South Tarawa and Betio is increasing, coupled with the problem of land scarcity we are faced with serious environmental health problems if waste is not managed properly. • Mange n aekaia nako aika aki katamaroaki ana bon urubwai nakon ara o-tabwanin ao raoiroin maeun te I-Kiribati Untreated refuse degrades the quality of environment and quality of life in the community

  3. 2. TERA TE MANGE (What is wastes) • Te mange bon te nakotaari, maange ake iai rabwataia, ao mange ake a kaikoaki Waste can be defined as excreta, solid wastes and hazardous wastes

  4. 3. Karenakoan te Mange(Disposal of Waste) • Kanakoan mange e kabwarabwaraki ikai bwa tararuakina raoi n te aro bwa e na aki kaoraki nakon te botan aomata ke n urubwai nakon te 0-tabwanin Disposal of solid wastes – defined as placement of waste so thatit no longer impacts society or the environment

  5. 4. Types of refuse Mange nako ake a mka ke aki mka (ma tiaki mkan te aomata, n aron mangen te amwarake, bwaai ake a bane taia, te marara / mannang, mangen te kawai, maan aika mate, ao mangen te aroka (all putrescible & non-putrescible solid wastes except body wastes i.e., garbage, rubbish, ashes, street sweepings, dead animals and yard cuttings) • Mange aika mka putrescible wastes - Nikira n amwarake (left over from kitchen, food premises) - manga ke baenikai (yard cuttings) • Mangen te O-n-aoraki (hospital wastes) - Bwain aoraki ake a bane taia (expired pharmaceutical drugs) - mangen man wards (wastes from wards e.g. sharps, changing bandages)

  6. Cont. • Kemikoro & Boitin(chemicals & poisons) - Batere (batteries),taura te bwauta(fluorescent light),bwain te kaa(car radiator), - bwain te aitibwaoki (refrigerants)etc. - bwain aorakian aroka / uteute (fertilizers / weedicides) - Bwain tiriman (insecticides) • Mechanical Waste - makorokoro ni biti (metal / iron scraps) - kiraati (glasses)

  7. Cont. • Plastics - Kimbi (diapers) - buratiki ni bobwai etc. (shopping bags) • Nakotariia aomata / maan (Human / animal wastes) • Mange aika a taua te ran (waste holding water) - rabwan te car (tyres), tiin (tins), nana (coconut shells), ewanin(coconut husks)etc.

  8. 5. Kakawakin tararuan te mange ibukin te marurung (Public health reasons for proper waste disposal) • Boiraa (offensive foul odour) • Kamwebuaka, e rota marurungin te aomata (affects health of people) • Kabuakaka te ran (pollution of water) • Katara buaka te aba (unsightly)

  9. Cont. • Kaboitina te ea ae ti ikeikenna (air pollution) • Karika te urarake (fire hazards) • Kaikoaki (injury) • Boitin / kamamate (poisonous / hazardous) • Aia tabo ni kaabung maan aika a kaoraki n aron te nango, te kimoa, ao te maninara (breeding sites for disease vectors)

  10. 7. Tararuan mange n te mwenga (Home disposal system) • Kenakin mwarua / taunakin te mange (burying) • Kabuekani mange (burning) • Kanaia maan (animal feeds) • Kamkaan te mange / kamkamka

  11. N te Abamakoro / Kawa(Community Disposal System) • Te Kamkamkacomposting - Katamaroa te tano (soil conditioning) - Kanan te aroka (natural fertilizer) • Kabuekan mange (te 0-n-aoraki) incineration • Karikan te abasanitary landfill • Karenakoan mange n aki akakaOpen dumping

  12. EH roles • Te tutuo inanon kawa (house to house inspection) • Te anga reirei inanon tain te tutuo Onsite Health education • Katabangakin te reirei nakon te botanaomata Public awareness • Te reirei ma taan tararuaa te mange n te Kauntira ao taan mwakuri n te onaoraki (Health education to health workers (medical assistants & nurses, sanitarian aids) • Kateia aomata n te bowi ibukin aki iranakin te tua (enforcements roles)

  13. 8.Kanganga tabeua (limitations) • Aki nako raoin kakaokoroan maange(no proper sorting of wastes) - te buratiki e ikotaki ma te baenimai, (plastics together with leaves) - te beba ma buratiki(papers together with plastics) - wii ni iti ma kabaebae aika rara ke mwin te korokoro (mkan te aomata) (sharps together with human remains) • Ikoikon mange irarikin te kawai(pile up at collection sites) - karenakoaki n aki akaka te mange (open dumping) - Aki rikoaki maange nanon irabong • Te bwai ni kabuee mange n te onaoraki – (incineration) - e aki tau, e uarereke kanoana (less capacity) - e aki raoiroi nnena (wrong location) - e aki makuri raoi (not working properly) • E a bwai ni kawai te tua (Obselete public health legislation)

  14. 8. Aoraki n irekereke ma te mange(Waste related diseases) Aoraki tabeua aika a irekereke ma te mange iaon Kiribati (waste relate diseases in Kiribati) • Te bekanako, (diarrhoea) • te babobo, (hepatitis) • te ikoaki, (injury) • aorakin te maninara (mosquito-borne diseases – filaria, dengue fever)

  15. 8.2 Te Babobo (Hepatitis)

  16. 8.3 Te Ikoaki

  17. Anga tabeua aika ana katoka te kanganga (Ways forward) • Kauarerekean te kamangeangeReduce amount of waste produced • Karaoan tuua iaon te mange Review public health act Karaoan kainibaa iaon mangen te o-n-aorakiDevelop health care waste strategic plan • Te Ikarekebwai imarenaia botaki Collaboration of stakeholders • Kairakia botan aomata inanon te waki Community involvement

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