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TOTAL KOCAELİ GENERAL LEONARDO DA VINCI (Occupational Education) YOUTH Programs EACEA-The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency BRUSSELS BASED CENTRAL PILOT PROJECTS CENTRAL FINANCE & CONTRACTS UNIT/ IPA - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance COMENIUS (School Education) GRUNTDVIG (Adult Education) 7.FRAME( R&D, Innovation, Invention and Process Innovation) OTHER GRAND TOTAL
Partner Search Activities In 2011 Call of Proposal, almost 1000 e-mails about project introduction and institution introduction were sent from the e-mail adresses info@kocaeliab.gov.trkocaeliab@yahoo.com. kocaeliab@hotmail.com. kocaeliab@gmail.comand eukocaeli@hotmail.com to “infodays” and other databases aimimg partner search to apply projects to European Audiovisual And Cultural Executive
GMAİL GROUPS KOCAELİ PROVINCE COMMUNICATION PROFILE:kocaeliab@googlegroups.com PROVINCE OFFICIAL NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE FOR EU AFFAIRS COMMUNICATION GROUP AB-il-kurumlar-istisare-kurulu-iletisim-grubu@googlegroups.com KOCAELİ EU PROJECTS COORDINATION CENTER Kocaeli-ab-projeler-koordinasyon-merkezi@googlegroups.com SEEP NETWORK:seepnetwork@googlegroups.com GOVERNORSHIP OF KOCAELİ EU PROJECTSCOORDINATION CENTER governorship-of-kocaeli-eu-projects-coordination-center@googlegroups.com
Human dev., poverty eradication, natural ressources, rural development. Etc. Situations Actions (and actors) Gover- nance Trust feeling knowledge values links Basic components
Shift from government to governance • thus a new ‘regulatory’ state • A system that regulates all the ways in which a society undertakes to achieve its goals and to ensure its survival. • The most common objectives are social cohesion, peace with foreign societies, equilibrium between society and the environment, individual fulfillment, the protection of the rights and potential of future generations, and economic and human development.
In my view, one possible answer to this question: the implementation of a newprinciple of governance, the principle of active subsidiarity. This principle rests on two elementary findings: • none of today’s problems can be treated at only one level of governance, whether dealing with economic development, with the balance between human activity and the biosphere, or with solidarity and social cohesion; • the art of governance is to ensure both the greatest possible unity, taking interdependence into account, and the greatest possible diversity, with respect for the differences of context, culture, and aspirations. • tomorrow’s fundamental principles of governance are those that define the relations between the different levels of governance rather than those that define the rules of management of society at only one level; • The quest for new forms of governance is structured around three pillars
New Foresight landscape Foresight
Policy contexts and challenges The new global context • Increased financial, trade and investment flows • Rapid and accelerating technological progress; ICTs, biotechnology, fuel cells, nanotechnologies • New international regulations and standards on trade, quality, labor, environment, intellectual property rights • New systems to design, produce, distribute, and manage products and services • Global value chains and production networks
Improve decision making Guide technology choices Generate alternative trajectories for future development Enhance learning and improve preparedness for emergencies Motivate change
Change and Uncertainty: The context of Education Peak oil / Climate change / Urbanisation / Terrorism Gene therapy / stem cell injections / artificial intelligence How should schools, universities and educational system deal with these changes? Curricula / Roles of teachers & students What are the alternative futures for education? – as a subset of broader transformation of society What future for Universities?
Drivers of Change for Kocaeli International governance International mobility e-learning New entrants Tuition fees Insufficient resources Competition Globalisation Student consumerism Specialisation Differentiation Commercialisation Widening participation Open innovation Cooperation Demographic change New research technologies Business Application in Kocaeli INTERNATIONALISATION BUSINESS Univesity RESEARCH
FAIRTSTART Project Title:FAIRTSTART Project Action:LEONARDO DA VINCIMultilateral project Development of Innovation Duration:24 months Starting Date: 01.10.2008 Budget:535.000 Euro T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
FAIRTSTART PARTNERS • Aarhus Social and Health Care College (Denmark) • ARGO (Denmark) • CAEA (Cyprus) • FEG (Romania) • Università delle LiberEtà (Italy) • Die Berater (Austria) • Kocaeli Valiligi AB Projeler Koordinasyon Merkezi • Espiral (Spain) T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
Summary and Aim of the Project • A large number of European citizens are excluded even before the age of three: Excluded from lifelong learning, from the knowledge society and from the training of the eight key competences adopted by the Commission. As a consequence, these specific citizens (23,000 children under the age of three) will not be able to live fulfilling lives. The citizens in question are the orphaned children placed in care in various kinds of orphanages in most European countries. T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
Summary and Aim of the Project The FAIRstart project builds on a very important premise: That learning competence and relevant social behaviour development depend to a large extent on the first learning processes developed in the parent/child relationship from birth and up to the age of 3. When this early relation is formed, the child acquires basic functions for learning in general: However, as the orphanage staff is not fully qualified to act in the parents’ stead, they are unable to provide the orphaned children with the basic human care and basic learning ability necessary to develop learning to learn capacity and competences. T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The FAIRstart project has a twofold objective. The first is to provide basic learning material for orphanage staff, and the second is to contribute to the EU’s lifelong learning policies on basic learning ability awareness. T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
LET’S Project Title: Let seniors teach entrepreneurship through innovative storytelling approaches Project Action: GRUNDTVIG Multilateral projects Duration:24 months Starting Date: 01.01.2010 Budget:283.017 € T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
LET’S PARTNERS P1. ERIFO – Ente per la ricerca e formazione (IT) P2. LPKKY - Pirkanmaa Westcome Adult Education Unit(FI) P3. SUPERACT! (UK) P4. Tech-Net - Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e.V. (DE) P5. IEBA – CENTRO DEINICIATIVAS EMPRESARIAIS BEIRA AGUIEIRA (PT) P6. BFE - Фондация на бизнеса за образованието(BG) P7. ABPKM – T.C. KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ (TR) P8. OPS - Osrodek Pomocy Spolecznej Dzielnicy Zoliborz M. St. Warszawy(PL) T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
Summary and Aim of the Project • Let’S! Let seniors teach sense of initiative and entrepreneurship through innovative multimedia storytelling approaches, answers to an EU problem: provide adults with skills they need in DEALING WITH THE TRANSFORMATIONS taking place in the economy, as a condition for FULL PARTICIPATION in society. • An innovative MULTIMEDIA training course about SENSE OF INITIATIVE & ENTREPRENEURSHIP specifically addressed to LOW SKILLED ADULTS will be produced. T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
Summary and Aim of the Project • This multimedia training course will contain a set of videos that some senior entrepreneurs tell their success stories for those who needs the inspiration to create their own bussinesses. These videos will be disseminated through the internet. Anyone can reach the videos on: http://www.youtube.com/user/LetsEnterprise • Thevideos will be subtitled into the languages of the partner countries. We are translating the subtitles of the videos from original languages into Turkish. T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
Some Important Outputs • LET’S ENTERPRISE! video movies • Methodology and tools for LET’S ENTERPRISE! Interview. • List of the best 100 senior entrepreneurs in Europe • LET’S ENTERPRISE! Logo • LET’S ENTERPRISE! web site http://www.letsenterprise.eu/ • LET’S ENTERPRISE! Evaluating sessions • LET’S ENTERPRISE! informative newsletters • LET’S ENTERPRISE! Training e-book T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
TRANSfair LEONARDO DA VINCI 24 months 281.088 Euro
Partners Of The Project • ÅrhusSocialogSundhedsskole- DK – DENMARK • Konsulentfirmaet ARGO -DK - DENMARK • Некоммерческое партнерство "Дэниш Бизнес Сервис"- DK – DENMARK • Associazioneseed- CH – SWITZERLAND • FundatiaEcologicaGreen- RO – ROMANIA • Kocaeli Valiliği AB Projeler Koordinasyon Merkez- TR – TURKEY • Invalīdu un viņudrauguapvienība "Apeirons"- LV – LATVIA • BulgarianDevelopmentAgency- BG – BULGARIA • FUNDACJA ROZWOJU DEMOKRACJI LOKALNEJ MAŁOPOLSKI INSTYTUT SAMORZĄDU TERYTORIALNEGO I ADMINISTRACJI- PL - POLAND
Summary Of The Project • The ToI project transFAIR is our proposal for the solution of two different problems: • 1) In all Europe there is a need for competence development of professionals who work with care for children placed outside their homes. • 2) Generally, and not only within the care area, the interplay between the formal training, VET, and the learning that takes place in practice is not optimal. A bridge is needed between the two different forms of learning, and often there is not a sufficient focus on ensuring the best possible transfer of the learning outcome from the formal training to the employee’s use of this training in the daily work. • We want to use the innovative results and experiences from the Leonardo project FAIRstart for reaching the following objectives:
Summary Of The Project • Transfer of thedevelopedFAIRstarttrainingprogrammeforemployeeshaving a shorteducationandworkingwithcare of childrenplacedoutsidetheirhomes. Thisobjectiveincludesthefurtherdevelopment of thelearning model forindividual-, group- andorganizationallearningwhichconstitutesthetheoreticalfoundation of thetrainingprogrammewithregardtolearning. The transfer willtakeplace in relationto 4 new partner countries, includingDenmark. • Adjustmentandtranslation of thedevelopedtrainingmaterialforthenew partner countries, includingDenmarkwhere it is neededforthefurthertraining of professionalfosterfamilies. TheFAIRstartprogrammemediates a general knowledge of, andinsight in childrenaged 0-3 years. A knowledgethatalsoneedsto be mediated in connectionwiththeDanishPedagogicAssistanteducation • Methodicalwork in relationtothedescription of learningoutcome in ordertoensuretransparencyandtherebythefoundationforrecognition of learningandcompetences at a more general plan.
Summary Of The Project • ThetransFAIRconsortiumconsists of representativesfrom 7 Europeancountrieswithdifferenthistoricalandculturalbackgroundswhichwillgivetheopportunityfor a widerange of differentapproachestothesolution of theproject’stasks. It is 5 partnersfromthecompletedFAIRstartprojectand 4 newpartners. Wearedealingwithpartnerswith a profoundknowledge of educationandtraining, practice, learning, evaluation, qualityassurance, projectworkandinternationalcooperation. Thework of thepartnershipwill be supportedbyexpertisefromoutsidethe partner circlebymeans of sub-contracting. • Several of thepartnershaveearlierparticipated in ToIprojectsandtherefore, as an extraobjective, wewanttodevelopand test theTwinning model as a newapproachtothemethodology of transfer. • On theonehand, ourprojectwillcontributetochildrenplacedoutsidetheirhomeshaving a betterchildhoodand life becausetheprofessionalwhoprovidethecareforthembecomemorecompetent. On theotherhand it willcontributetotheimprovement of theinterplaybetweenvocationaltrainingandlearning in practice in thenationalcontexts.
Short term impact • Targetgroup(s) and/orsectors: • The staff at the institutions and the foster care environments where the program program is introduced. • The children who receive a better care and become better learners as a result of the program. • The vocational training institution involved in the project and their students
Long term impact • VET system: The results of the project will be part of the training programs not only for care staff but in general. The program will be used in connection with in-service traing in work places
Outputs • Adjusted FAIRstart training programme. Web and DVD • Adjusted FAIRstart Handbook in which the learning model as the scope of the individual-, staff group-, and organizational learning is clarified. • Pedagogic tools for support of independent and individual learning for persons having a relatively short educational background. E.g. games and self-evaulation tools. • Model for Transfer of Innovation (Twinning) • Extension and elaboration of the “FAIRstart Community of Basic Learning Ability Awareness", consisting of representatives from all national local focus groups. The “FAIRstart Community of Basic Learning Ability Awareness" was established in 2009 connection with the FAIRstart project • Project website
WORK PACKAGES • Management • Quality Assurance and Evaluation • Transparency and recognition • Web • Transfer Methodology: Twinning • Partner meetings • Adjustment and processing(including training of instructors in new countries and piloting) • Translation • Dissemination and exploitation • Conference
GATE Project Title: UnderstandinGDyslexiAPhenomenaBeTweenPrE-PrimaryandPrimarySchool Project Action: COMENIUS Multilateral projects Duration:24 months Starting Date: 01.10.2009 Budget:400.794 € T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
GATE PARTNERS P1. AMEPE – Asociación Madrileña de Empresas Privadas de Enseñanza (ES) P2. CECE – Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanza (ES) P3. CONSERVATORIO - Fondazione Conservatorio N.S. del Rifugio ed Opere Pie Riunite (IT) P4. CIE - Sdruzhenie "Centyr za priobshtavashto obrazovanie“ (BG) P5. ABPKM – T.C. KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ (TR) P6. MHSE – The University of Edinburgh (UK) P7. I.S.C. – Istituto Comprensivo Statale “ B. Munari” (IT) T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
Summary and Aim of the Project • The aim of the project is to develop a methodology and related operational materials for: - the identification of pupils at risk of dislexia in pre-primary schools • provision of specific support to those dyslexic pupils in pre-primary and primary schools. • Another objective is tocreate an European network on the topic (GATE Network) aiming at involving all relevant stakeholders for the promotion of project results and of the adoption of the GATE system (the final project product) in pre-primary and primary schools across Europe. T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
Summary and Aim of the Project • The final conferance and international meeting of the project was hold in Kocaeli between 10-12 October 2011. • More than 300 attendants participated in this conferance (Primary and Pre- Primary teachers, School Managers, Education Directors, Local authorities and also the partners of the project.) • For the details of the meeting please visit: http://kocaeliab.projegrubu.net/2812 • After the finalization of the project we are going to organize dissemination conferances for teachers to deliver the GATE system. T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
Some Important Outputs • GATE SYSTEM to be implemented in pre-primary and primary schools • GUIDE BOOK containing methodology and many activities for teachers • Conferences and real demonstrations for teachers • GATE web-site (multi-lingual) http://www.gateproject.eu/gateproject2/default.aspx • Dissemination of GATE system seminars after the finalization of the project T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ
Lab-Learning Project Title:LAB-LEARNING Project Action:COMENIUS Multilateral projects Duration:24 months Starting Date: 01.11.2011 Budget:459.000 Euro T.C KOCAELİ VALİLİĞİ AB PROJELER KOORDİNASYON MERKEZİ