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Evolution of Genus Homo: From Australopithecines to Modern Humans

Explore the transition of early humans from australopithecines with larger brains and smaller teeth to modern humans with advanced cultural technologies and hunting skills. Discover the differences between Homo erectus and Homo ergaster and ponder on the mysteries of Neanderthals. Engage in a lab exercise charting the journey of Genus Homo and contemplate the future of humanity.

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Evolution of Genus Homo: From Australopithecines to Modern Humans

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Genus Homo

  2. Zoo Stuff/Exam Corections • Turn them in, por favor

  3. 3. Genus HomoEarly Transitional Humans

  4. The differences between australopithecines and early humans are most noticeable in the skull.  • significantly larger brains • relatively smaller faces • progressively smaller teeth and jaws. 

  5. Human territorial expansion most likely began around 1.8-1.7 million years ago • cooler global temperatures • greater intelligence • new cultural technologies • better hunting skills and the ability to create fire • Transition from “early” to “modern” human

  6. Erectus vs. Ergaster

  7. Early Pre-Modern Modern Humans • Things to Consider: • Did Neanderthals and H. sapiens interbreed? • Why did Neanderthals “disappear?” • What is next for humans?

  8. Lab • Each group has a handout charting to chart the journey of the Genus Homo • Then, • Lab 14.1 questions 1-3 • 14.2 question 1 • Then handout for final review….

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