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CHIP EDUCATION PROJECT EVALUATION. UT School of Public Health - Houston Health Services Research Collaborative Charles Begley, Ph. D. Carlos Ramos, B.A., MPH. A pre-post study to determine the impact of the Navigators Program on service patterns and estimated costs (1 year prior and 1 post).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHIP EDUCATION PROJECT EVALUATION UT School of Public Health - Houston Health Services Research CollaborativeCharles Begley, Ph. D.Carlos Ramos, B.A., MPH

  2. A pre-post study to determine the impact of the Navigators Program on service patterns and estimated costs (1 year prior and 1 post). 1. To identify and calculate the differences in total visits and costs from pre-Navigator service to post-Navigator service by type of service for the treatment group. 2. To identify and calculate the differences in total visits and costs from first year to second year by type of service for the comparison group. 3. To compare differences between the two groups by type of service and cost to determine the impact of the program. Study


  4. CHIP UNIVERSE Referral Criteria by groups before June 2007: a) No referrals. b) Visited ED during office hours multiple times or had multiple siblings visited ED. c) Inappropriate use of ED. d) All members who’s enrollment was to expire. Navigator population

  5. CHIP UNIVERSE Theory: a) Reduce the frequency of ED visits. b) Increase use of primary care provider (PCP) services. c) Reduce cost. Navigator population

  6. NAVIGATOR GROUP: 1. Have been continuously enrolled with the Medicaid/CHIP program from April 2005 through March 2008. Continuous enrollment will be defined as not having more than two gaps in enrollment of up to 45 days during the specified time period. 2. Served by a Navigator between April 2006 and March 2007; and 3. Be a resident of Harris County throughout the study period (preferred), if can be determined. STUDY INCLUSSION CRITERIA

  7. CHIP UNIVERSE Matched to Navigator group by: a) Age b) Gender c) Race/Ethnicity d) ED visits e) Non-chronic conditions. f) Same inclusion criteria as treatment group (not served by navigators) Control group

  8. CONTROL GROUP: 1. Have been continuously enrolled with the Medicaid/CHIP program from April 2005 through March 2008. Continuous enrollment will be defined as not having more than two gaps in enrollment of up to 45 days during the specified time period. 3. Be a resident of Harris County throughout the study period (preferred), if can be determined. STUDY INCLUSSION CRITERIA

  9. CHIP UNIVERSE Hypothesis: a) Lower frequency of ED visits by navigator group when compare to control group. b) Higher use of primary care provider services by navigator group when compared to control. c) Lower cost of treatment for navigator group when compared to control. Control group Navigator population

  10. A survey to track client satisfaction. • Measure the programs performance to determine if HCHD-GTC is meeting the 90% goal of participants acknowledging the use of the child’s primary care provider as its health home. • Preliminary first month report: • A) Over 30 interviews completed (goal set for each month) • B) Although results are inconclusive, majority of participants do not remember speaking with a navigator but are using PCP as their regular home health center. • Survey questions: SURVEY

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