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E-Case Title: Subtitle (Optional)

E-Case Title: Subtitle (Optional). Setting. Brief Description of case context: The Place , or location, of the case The Timeframe during which the case took place. Protagonist & Key Players.

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E-Case Title: Subtitle (Optional)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. E-Case Title: Subtitle (Optional)

  2. Setting Brief Description of case context: • The Place, or location, of the case • The Timeframe during which the case took place

  3. Protagonist & Key Players • Name and brief description of the main person, organization, policy, or community around which the case centers • Any additional key individuals or organizations

  4. Key Questions • Public Affairs Quandary • What is the major issue the case protagonist is trying to address? • Key Questions • These pose the key dilemmas of the case as they relate to the Public Affairs Quandary • What is the narrative “hook”? • The compelling reason the student will want to engage with the case

  5. Learning Outcomes • Use action-oriented outcomes to list what it is that public affairs students will have learned once they complete the case.

  6. Overview of E-Case [The number of circles will depend on the number of planned content modules. You can add a circle by double-clicking on the SmartArt Graphic to the left.]

  7. Module 1 title: Brief Description

  8. Module 1 title: Learning Objectives & Potential Assets

  9. Module 2 title: Brief Description

  10. Module 2 title: Learning Objectives & Potential Assets

  11. Module 3 title: Brief Description

  12. Module 3 title: Learning Objectives & Potential Assets

  13. Next Steps • Next steps will include: • Identify existing assets • Create new assets • Visualize the story by crating the case blueprint

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