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The Burmese. “This together with a rounded head, expressive eyes and a sweet expression presents a totally distinctive cat which is comparable to no other breed.”. A Burmese should be unique in its appearance and should be clearly distinguishable from other breeds based on its type.
“This together with a rounded head, expressive eyes and a sweet expression presents a totally distinctive cat which is comparable to no other breed.” A Burmese should be unique in its appearance and should be clearly distinguishable from other breeds based on its type.
Rounded head without flat planes short, well developed muzzle visible nose break firmly rounded chin medium sized ears set well apart tilting forward slightly muscular in development with substantial bone structure compact body with rounded chest back level from shoulder to tail fine, glossy, short, close lying coat large, expressive, rounded eyes set far apart yellow to gold color eye color Distinct barring on front/rear outer legs Elongated muzzle with severe narrowing green eyes The Burmese Standard Ideal Burmese: Penalty: Disqualify: • Kinked/abnormal tail • Blue or crossed eyes • Distinct barring on torso • Lockets/spots • Malocclusion of jaw, protruding teeth
The Burmese Point Score • Head, Ears, Eyes 30 points • Body 30 points • Color 30 points • Coat 10 points • Total 100 points
The Burmese head should be “rounded without flat planes whether viewed from the front or side.” Rounded head shape Flat planes on head, narrow muzzle
The Burmese muzzle should be broad, short and well developed. Muzzle - broad, maintaining round contours of head Muzzle - too narrow, detracting from round contours of head
The Burmese profile should have a visible nose break with a short muzzle, rounded chin and proper bite. Correct profiles
Incorrect Burmese Profiles Muzzle is broad, but too long andwithout nose break Not enough of a nose break, weak chin
The Burmese ears should be medium size, set well apart tilting slightly forward. Correct ear set Ears too large
Incorrect ear set and size Ears too tall, too high Ears too scooped outwards
The Burmese eyes should be large, set far apart, with a rounded aperture. Correct eye size, shape and color
“The ideal Burmese is a cat of medium size with substantial bone structure, good muscular development and surprising weight for its size.”
A Burmese should have a compact appearance with a level back...
Incorrect body Too long Legs too tall
Champagne should be a warm honey beigePaw pads - warm pinkish tanNose leather - light warm brown Light color with more point contrast Light color with lesser contrast Correct champagne colors
Incorrect Champagne color Uneven and blotchy color Heavy point color is undesirable
Blue should be a medium blue with fawn undertonesPaw pads - from slate gray to warm pinkish blueNose leather - slate gray Correct blue color - has fawn undertone Incorrect blue color - too dark and no fawn
Incorrect Blue colors “PLUE”--Actual color is too unclear - are these cats platinum or blue?
Platinum - a pale silvery gray with fawn undertonesPaw pads and nose leather - lavender-pink Correct platinum color
Incorrect platinum colors Color is too dark Color is too white, no fawn