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Module 4 Importance of Correct Posture Common Postural Deformities, Causes and their Remedial Measures. Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis, Knock-knee, Bow legs and Flatfoot. Dr.K. JAYAKUMAR Associate Professor Dept. of PHYSICAL EDUCATION N.S.S. COLLEGE, PANDALAM.
Module 4 Importance of Correct Posture Common Postural Deformities, Causes and their Remedial Measures. Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis, Knock-knee, Bow legs and Flatfoot. Dr.K. JAYAKUMARAssociate ProfessorDept. of PHYSICAL EDUCATIONN.S.S. COLLEGE, PANDALAM
Imagine the tyres of your car being out of alignment, they will start to wear unevenly, the car will begin to handle poorly. The wear could cause a blow out or a wreck and so we keep our tyres aligned. Your body is your vehicle and it’s alignment is very important.
Posture is defined as “Position of body or the relative arrangement of the parts of the body”. The “good posture” is the posture in which the body segments are balanced in the position of least strain and maximum support.
Definition of Poor posture Poor posture is a faulty relationship of the various parts of the body which produce increased strain on the supporting structures and in which there is less efficient balance of the body over its base of support
Your posture is important because 1) it directly affects your health and fitness 2) it sends a message about how you feel about yourself 3) good posture can make you appear taller, thinner and more at ease.
Benefits of Good Posture • Protect Your Joints • Breathe Better • Avoid health complications • Reduces body fatigue. • Beneficial to the brain • Enhances confidence. • Improves appearance.
Poor body mechanics may cause • Serious injury to back/neck • Postural deviations • Chronic neck/low back pain • Increased wear on joint tissues
Factors Influencing Posture •Neurologic issues •Muscle weakness •Hypermobilejoints •Hypomobilejoints •Bony abnormalities •Leg length •Spinal column
Poor Posture Poor posture may result in: • Headaches • Neck/back pain • Forward head • Sunken chest • Protruding abdomen • Strain on muscles in the neck, back, abdomen, and legs
SPINE • The spine, or backbone, is made up of small bones (vertebrae) stacked -- along with discs -- one on top of another. • A healthy spine when viewed from the side has gentle curves to it. • The curves help the spine absorb stress from body movement and gravity.
What is postural deviation? • It means you are not using proper body mechanics. it means that your posture is poor. • Can happen with either an increase or decrease of the normal body curves, leading to: • 1.Uneven pressure within joint surface • 2.Ligament strain • 3.Increase muscle work • 4.May cause pain
Types of spine curvature disorders • When abnormalities of the spine occur, the natural curvatures of the spine are misaligned or exaggerated in certain areas, as occurs with Lordosis, Kyphosis, & Scoliosis
Kyphosis • Kyphosisis usually associated with an increase curve of the thoracic spine. Along with this, a slightly posterior pelvic tilt is seen along with a reduced lumber curve and a forward head position. The client will show a hunched over posture with a depressed chest.
Causes of kyphosis • Malnutrition, illness, deficiency of pure air, insufficient exercises, rickets, carrying heavy loads on shoulders, unsuitable furniture, weak muscles and habit of doing work by leaning forward etc.
Remedies • Sit in a chair, your buttocks should touch the back of chair. By looking upward, hold your hands each other behind the back in such a way that your shoulders may remain in stretch backwards. Remain in this position for some time: • Always keep a pillow under your back while sleeping. • Bend your head backward in standing position.
Remedies • Perform the dhanurasana, the yogic asana regularly. • Lie down in front lying position . keep your hands near the shoulders. Now straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest. Head should be backwards. Maintain this position for some time • Hold your arms out at shoulder level and bend elbows. Snap elbows back return to starting position. Repeat this exercise at least 8 times for the best results.
Lordosis • Lordosis happens when there is an increased curve in the lumbar spine of lower back. Often there is also an increased pelvic tilt. The client will show a posture in which the stomach and head are pushed forward.
Causes of lordosis • Imbalanced diet, improper environment improper development of muscles, obesity and diseases affecting vertebrae and spinal muscles are such causes which result in lordosis. • In addition to these causes, not performing exercises and taking excessive food are also major causes of lordosis.
Remedies • From standing position bend forward from hip level. Repeat this exercise ten times. • Lie down your back, raise your head and legs simultaneously for 10 times. • Perform sit-ups regularly • Halasana should be performed regularly
Remedies • You should lie down in supine position, i.e., on your back, then should raise your legs at 45 degree angle. Remain in this position for some time. • Toe touching should be performed for at least 10 times. • Sit down and extend your legs forward. Try to touch your forehead to your knees. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Scoliosis • Scoliosis a condition in which the spine is curved from side to side. • The spine curves away from the middle or sideways. • Scoliotic curve may be found in ‘C’ &‘S' shapes.
Causes of scoliosis • Disease in the joints of bones, underdeveloped legs, infantile paralysis, rickets etc. • It may also be due to carrying heavy weights on one shoulder , unhealthy conditions, like inadequate lightning arrangement, unsuitable desks , partial deafness and wrong standing posture. • It may be caused by congenital or acquired abnormalities of vertebrae, muscles or nerves.
Remedies • Bending exercise should be performed in opposite side of ‘c’ shaped curve. • Hold the horizontal bar with your hands and swing your body to the left and right side. • To swim by using breast stroke technique.
Foot Deviations • Flat foot causes increased abduction of the forefoot
Causes of flat foot • The main causes of flat foot is weak muscles. Weak muscles of the foot cannot bear the body weight. Hence, feet become flat or without arches. Along with this rapid increase in body weight, improper shoes, carrying heavy weight for a longer period are also the cause of flat foot.
Remedies • Walking on heels. • Walking on inner and outer side of feet. • Waling on toes. • Jumping on toes for sometime . • To skip on rope. • To perform up and down the heels
Hammer toe • A hammer toeis a deformity of the proximal interphalangealjoint of the second, third, or fourth toecausing it to be permanently bent, resembling a hammer.
Knock-knee • Genuvalgum, commonly called "knock-knees", is a condition where the knees angle in and touch one another when the legs are straightened.
Causes • Generally, the lack of balanced diet especially vitamin ’D’, calcium and phosphorus is the main cause of knock knees. It may also be due to rickets. Chronic illness, obesity, flat foot and carrying heavy weight in early age may be other possible causes of knock knees.
Remedies • Horse-riding is the best exercise for remedification of this deformity. • Perform padmasana and gomukasana regularly for some time. • Cod liver may be beneficial in reducing this deformity up to some extent.
Remedies • Keep a pillow between the knees and stand erect for some time. • Use of walking callipers may also be beneficial. • In severe cases, consult the doctor
Bow leg • Genuvarum (also called bow-leggedness or bandiness), is a deformity marked by medial angulation of the leg in relation to the thigh, an outward bowing of the legs, giving the appearance of a bow.
Causes • main cause of bow legs is the deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in bones. Long bones of legs become soft, hence they are bent outwards. The chances of bow legs also increase when the children become overweight. This deformity may be because of the deficiency of vitamin ‘D’. Improper way of walking and forcing the babies to walk at very early age may also lead to bow legs.
Remedies • Vitamin ‘D ’ should be taken in required amount . • Balanced diet should be taken. • Bow legs can be corrected by walking on the inner edge of the feet. • Walking by bending the toes in ward.
ROUND SHOULDER • The shoulder become round and sometimes they seem to be in bent forwards
Causes • Round shoulders may be due to heredity. • Sitting, Standing and walking in bent position may also result in round shoulders. • By wearing very tight clothes. • Sitting on improper furniture. • Lack of proper exercise especially of shoulders may lead to round shoulders. • To become habitual to press the chest.
Remedies • Keep your tips of fingers on your shoulder and encircle your elbows in clockwise and anticlockwise direction • Hold the horizontal bar for some time. • Perform chakrasana and dhanurasana regularly.
The Role of Physical Therapy • Early detection of postural errors. • Education of good posture and bad posture. • Reduce of abnormal tension and pain • Increase strength and mobility • Enhance of neuromuscular control • Increase self motivation and confidence. • Reduce fatigue.
In Conclusion The Doctor says…. “One’s” posture clearly conveys in “body language” the state of one’s mind, one’s general health and fitness and one’s spinal health.