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Join the movement to create dementia-friendly towns and cities by signing up for the Prime Minister's Challenge commitments. Discover how businesses and organizations can support this initiative starting with a major campaign this Autumn. Explore examples of initiatives that have made a big difference and find out how you can get involved.
DEMENTIA FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk
Prime Minister’s Challenge commitments on Dementia Friendly Communities By 2015, 20 towns and cities signed up to become dementia friendly Leading businesses to support delivery of DFC A major, sustained, cross-sector campaign on dementia starting in Autumn An event over summer to bring together leaders from business and academia ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk
Dementia friendly........ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk
Questions to inform the challenge What could be done to raise awareness and understanding of dementia within communities? 2. What barriers do people with dementia and their carers face when wanting to participate and access services in their local community? 3. What changes should organisations make in order to become dementia friendly? 4. What should communities do to make their area more dementia friendly? Which bodies and organisations should be responsible? 5. What should be the main factors to determine whether a city, town, or village is dementia friendly? 6. What examples of dementia friendly communities are already going on? What changes or initiatives have made a big difference? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk
Over 100 organisations committed to changing quality of life for people with dementia and their carers ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk / dementiaaction.org.uk
Sign up: Retailers Bus companies Taxi firms Community groups Faith bodies Local authorities Health Trusts Commissioners Housing providers Emergency services ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk / dementiaaction.org.uk
TSIP funding • £180k a year for 3 years to Alzheimer’s Society from the Department of Health TSIP fund (£540k in total) • Splits into 9 government office areas of England (£20k approx per area) • Pays for Alzheimer’s Society area manager and support time in each area to develop local alliances and funding for venues, materials, expenses for people with dementia and carers and running costs. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk / dementiaaction.org.uk
Local Alliances • Alzheimer’s Society area managers leading work in areas: • North East, North West, Yorkshire & Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East Anglia, London, South East, Central West, South West • Tool kit developed • Planning most advanced in East Midlands, South West and Yorkshire and Humber • Now we need connection with other organisations ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk / dementiaaction.org.uk
Northamptonshire DAA Yorkshire and Humber DAA East Midlands DAA ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk / dementiaaction.org.uk
Thank you www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia2012 dementiafriendlycommunities@alzheimers.org.uk ______________________________________________________________________________________________ alzheimers.org.uk / dementiaaction.org.uk