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Asterids – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids , Lamiids. Spring 2014. Fig. 8.1. Asterid characters. Molecular data Sympetalous corollas Epipetalous stamens Number of stamens = number of petals
Asterids – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids, Lamiids Spring 2014
Asterid characters • Molecular data • Sympetalous corollas • Epipetalous stamens • Number of stamens = number of petals • Ovules with a single integument and a thin nucellus (reduction from two integuments and a thick nucellus) • Iridoidcompounds • Ca. 82,000 species or about 25% of angiosperm diversity
Asterid characters # stamens = # petals Unitegmic, tenuinucellate ovules Sympetaly and epipetalous stamens
Asterid taxa “Basal” Asterids Order Cornales – dogwoods Order Ericales – azaleas, blueberries, cranberries Lamiids Order Solanales – potatoes, tomatoes, peppers Order Gentianales – gentians, milkweeds, coffee Order Lamiales – mints, olives, snapdragons Campanulids Order Apiales – ginseng, carrots, dill, parsley Order Dipsacales – honeysuckle, elderberry Order Asterales – bluebells, sunflowers Core Asterids
Asterid taxa – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids Order Ericales *Ericaceae– blueberries, heaths Lamiids Order Gentianales *Apocynaceae – dogbanes, milkweeds Rubiaceae – coffee, quinine Order Solanales *Solanaceae– potatoes, tomatoes, pepper Order Lamiales *Lamiaceae – mints Campanulids (Part 2) *family required for recognition
“Basal” Asterids:Ericales: Ericaceae(The Heath or Blueberry Family) • Cosmopolitan; most diverse in montane habitats in E. Asia, E North America, S Africa, Australia. Favor acid soils; sunny or part-shaded habitats • Trees, shrubs, lianas, occasionally mycoparasitic herbs lacking chlorophyll; leaves usually alternate and spiral • Diversity: 4,100 species in 124 genera • Flowers: Often showy. Sepals 4-5; petals 4-5, connate forming a cylindrical to urn-shaped corolla; stamens (3) 8-10; anthers inverted, often with appendages, and poricidal dehiscence, pollen grains often in tetrads; carpels 2-10, connate, superior to inferior ovary; fruit a septic. or loculic. capsule, berry, drupe • Significant features: anthers often with poricidal dehiscence & sometimes with appendages; leaves often coriaceous • Special uses: blueberries & cranberries (Vaccinium), Rhododendron and allies (Rhododendron, Erica, Kalmia, Pieris) are showy ornamentals • Family required
Ericaceae: Rhododendron -ecologically important in forests in the Eastern U.S. and Eastern Asia -the deciduous taxa are known as azaleas
Asterid taxa – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids Order Ericales Ericaceae – blueberries, heaths Lamiids Order Gentianales *Apocynaceae – dogbanes, milkweeds Rubiaceae – coffee, quinine Order Solanales *Solanaceae– potatoes, tomatoes, pepper Order Lamiales *Lamiaceae – mints Campanulids (Part 2) *family required for recognition
Asterids -- Lamiids:Gentianales: Apocynaceae(The Milkweed Family; incl. Asclepiadaceae) • Widespread in tropical and subtropical regions; some in temperate regions • Trees, shrubs, herbs, lianas, vines with laticifers and usually milky sap • Diversity: ca. 4,600 species in ca. 400 genera • Flowers: Sepals usu. 5; petals usu. 5, connate forming bell- funnel- or tubular-shaped corolla; stamens usually 5, filaments always adnate to the corolla, anthers distinct or connate and forming a ring to fused to the stylar head; staminal outgrowths (corona) often present and petal-like; carpels usually 2, connate by styles/stigmas only & ovaries distinct to fully connate, superior ovary; apex of style expanded and highly modified, forming a 5-sided stylarhead, secreting viscin; fruits often paired, each ovary developing into a dry follicle, drupe or berry • Significant features: Usually opposite leaves; pollen in sticky masses (w/ viscin) or in pollinia; seeds flattened, often with a tuft of hairs • Special uses: Some chemical uses (e.g., Catharanthus, “Madagascar periwinkle”) and ornamentals (Asclepias, Vinca, Plumeria, Nerium) • Family required
paired fruits anther views separate ovaries G: stylar head
Apocynaceae – Groups without pollinia Vinca Plumeria Catharanthus Apocynum Thevetia Nerium oleander
corona pair of pollinia
Apocynaceaewith pollinia (Asclepiadoideae) Ceropegia Hoya Calotropus Asclepias Stapelia
Apocynaceae: Asclepias -plants herbaceous, stems erect to leaning -leaves usually opposite, sometimes alternate or whorled -inflorescence an umbel -corona of 5 hooded fleshy bodies, each usually with an incurved horn but lacking a crest -pollen in pollinia, the pollinia suspended -fruit a dry, ovoid or lanceolate follicle, one of the pair often aborting
Asterids -- Lamiids:Gentianales: Rubiaceae(The Coffee or Madder Family) • Cosmopolitan, most diverse in the tropics and subtropical regions • Trees, shrubs lianas or herbs, vines, shrubs; leaves opposite or whorled • Diversity: Ca. 12,000 species in ca. 600 genera • Flowers: usually bisexual and radial; sepals 4-5, connate; petals 4-5, connate, forming a funnel shaped corolla; stamens usually 4 or 5, adnate to corolla; carpels usually 2 (-5), connate, inferior ovary; fruit a loculicidal or septicidal capsule, berry, drupe, or schizocarp • Significant features: interpetiolar stipules (connate stipules) • Special uses: Major commodity is coffee (Coffea); anti-malarial drug obtained from the bark of Cinchona (quinine); ipecac (make-U-vomit) comes from Psychotria; gardenias (Gardenia), Pentas, and Ixora provide ornamentals • Family not required
Rubiaceae interpetiolar stipules
Rubiaceae Pentas Coffea arabica
Asterids -- Lamiids:Solanales: Solanaceae(The Potato or Nightshade Family) • Widespread but most diverse in the neotropics • Herbs, shrubs, trees, vines; leaves alternate; often with a ‘solanaceous smell’ • Diversity: 2,450 species in 91-102 genera • Flowers: Sepals 5, connate; petals 5, connate, forming variously tubular corolla, plicate (folded) ; stamens 5, filaments adnate to corolla, sometimes anthers connivant; carpels usually 2 (-5), connate, oriented obliquely to the median plane of the flower; superior ovary; fruit usually a berry (occ. a capsule, schizocarp or nutlet) • Significant features: Complex chemistry with solanaceoustropanealkaloids (belladonna/atropine, nicotine, capsaicin, etc.); stems with internal phloem • Special uses: Many fruits and vegetables (potatoes & tomatoes - Solanum, peppers - Capsicum), tobacco (Nicotiana), some ornamentals (Petunia) • Family required; required genus: Solanum
Solanaceae characters Fig. 8.120
Solanaceae: Solanum -herbs or shrubs -corolla regular, rotate, 5-merous, deeply lobed -anthers forming a tube around the style (connivent), with terminal openings; filaments short -fruit a berry, usually 2-locular -ca. 1,400 species, mostly tropical
Economic plants and products: Solanaceae • Edibles: • Cayenne pepper (Capsicum) • Eggplant (Solanum) • Green pepper (Capsicum) • Red pepper (Capsicum) • Potato (Solanum) • Tomato (Solanum)
Solanaceae Economic plants and products: • Medicinal/toxic plants • ~ Alkaloids! • Belladona (Atropa) • Henbane (Hyoscyamus) • Jimson-weed (Datura) • Nightshade (Solanum) • Mandrake (Mandragora) • Tobacco (Nicotiana)
Lamiales -gland-headed hairs -diacyticstomates -oligosaccharides (instead of starch) -anther anatomy -protein inclusions in the nuclei of mesophyll cells -endosperm with a micropylarhaustorium -molecular data -ca. 22 families and 20,000 species
Major Families of Lamiales • *Lamiaceae – mints • Oleaceae – olives, ashes, lilacs • Orobanchaceae – louseworts, beechdrops, Indian paintbrushes • Plantaginaceae – snapdragons, vervains, penstemons • Scrophulariaceae – mulleins, figworts *family required for recognition
Asterids -- Lamiids:Lamiales: Lamiaceae(The Mint Family; Labiatae) • Cosmopolitan • Herbs, shrubs, trees; stems square in herbaceous taxa • Diversity: Ca. 6,800 species in 236-238 genera • Flowers: Sepals 5, connate, calyx radial or bilateral; petals 5, connate, bilabiate; stamens 4, didynamous to more or less equal; carpels 2, 2 ovules per carpel, connate, styles terminal to an often gynobasic, superior, often deeply 4-lobed ovary; fruit a drupe w/ 1-4 pits, an indehiscent 4-seeded pod, or a schizocarp splitting into 4 nutlets or drupelets • Significant features: Opposite leaves (usually); aromatic volatile compounds - mint oils; inflorescences with main axis indeterminate and determinate (cymose) lateral axes, these often congested into pseudowhorls (verticillasters) • Special uses: Many herbs: oregano (Origanum), basil (Basilicum), peppermint/spearmint (Mentha), sage (Salvia), thyme (Thymus); teak wood (Tectona); ornamentals (e.g., Salvia, Callicarpa) • Family required
From Zomlefer Lamiaceae • Corolla: • zygomorphic • sympetalous • bilabiate • Stamens: • 4, didynamous • epipetalous • Ovary: • 2-carpellate • deeply 4-lobed • 4 locules • Gynobasic style • Schizocarp (4 nutlets) • Square stems (herbaceous taxa) • Opposite leaves • Inflorescence: false whorls (verticils or verticillasters) Stachys floridana
Lamiaceae Note verticillate whorls of flowers at each node Nepeta Phytostegia Ocimum Rosmarinus Monarda Clinopodium
Lamiaceae Economic plants and products: • Condiments & perfumes: • Basil (Ocimum) • Lavender (Lavandula) • Oregano (Origanum) • Peppermint (Mentha) • Rosemary (Rosmarinus) • Sage (Salvia) • Spearmint (Mentha) • Thyme (Thymus) Mentha
Lamiaceae Economic plants and products: • Ornamental plants: • Beautyberry (Callicarpa) • Coleus (Coleus) • Salvia (Salvia)
Other interesting Lamiales Orobanchaceae (hemi- and holoparasitic plants) Oleaceae (olive family) lilac Conopholis (parasitic on oaks) ash olives Castilleja (often parasitizes grasses and various forbs) Pedicularis (often parasitizes the heath family)