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HIP-HOP DANCE AS A CREATIVE MEANS OF SELF-EXPRESSION. 26 th World Congress on Dance Research Rapprochement of cultures Edmunds Veizāns REPORT. 14.07.2010. Idea: Peace, Love, unity & having fun. Initially :
HIP-HOP DANCE AS A CREATIVE MEANSOF SELF-EXPRESSION 26 thWorldCongressonDanceResearch Rapprochementofcultures Edmunds Veizāns REPORT 14.07.2010.
Idea: Peace, Love, unity & having fun. Initially: “blacks“, the poor, those who thought alternatively, those were not understood, and those who were socially excluded Today: hip-hop culture dominates as a large industry in the world of entertainment and commerce. INTRODUCTIONHip-hopfilozofija:
MC'ing (Rapping), • DJ'ing, • Grafitty (writing, Aerosol Art), • several dance forms (which include Breaking, Up-Rocking, Popping, Locking, Hip-hop dance, House) • KNOWLEDGE - the element which holds the rest together Vocal Percussion/Beat Boxing, Fashion, etc. creative contributions in music, dance, art, poetry, and fashion. Themain elements ofHipHopcultureareknownas:
The aim of this article is to activate one of the hip-hop culture elements – dance – and to reveal dance as a means of creative self-expression. • To activate those expression forms of hip-hop culture dance which allows a creative expression of the personality. AIM OF THE ARTICLE
Literature analysis on hip-hop culture, philosophy, music and dance. • Experience analysis in events in which hip-hop dance is used. • Analysis of pedagogical experience MATERIALS AND METHODS
both a dramatized stage performance, • a competitionform of performance in a gym, • a performance of an entertaining character in a club, • on the street for the passersby (the most popular places for such performances is in Old Riga next to McDonalds across Hotel de Rome) • Dance battle (one by one) Results / Rezultāti Hip-hop dance can be:
World Breakdance Championship – BOTY “Battle of the Year“ • International Street dance competition – Juste De bout, France, • hip-hop dance competitions organized by IDO (International Dance Organization) • Riga Open – Eastern Europe streetdance Cup, has taken place in Riga since 2006. • Latvian Streetdance Championship, has taken place since 2004. • Various Latvian hip-hop dance culture events that have taken place since 1991. Events in which contemporary hip-hop dancers have the chance to express themselves:
Self-expression as dramatics, mimicry and jokes. • The use of space and tactics as a creative self-expression, • Self-expression in the interaction with the audience, the judges and the competitors • Use of clothing and accessories. • Activity outside the stage and attraction of attention • Negative ways of self-expression in hip-hop dance • Negative self-expression – the creative process and plagiarism • Spontaneous movement, personal safety and safety of others Means of personality expression used in hip-hop dance:
Chang, J. (2005) Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation. New York: Picador/St.Martin`s Press, 546 p. • Cobb, W.J. (2007) To the Break of Dawn: A Freestyle on the Hip-Hop Aesthetic. New York & London: New York University Press, 200 p. • Darby, D., Shelby, T. (2005) Hip-Hop and Philosophy: Rhyme 2 Reason. Chicago and La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 233 p. • Hill Collins, P. (2006) From Black Power to Hip Hop: Racism, Nationalism, and Feminism. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, • Hooks, B. (2003) Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope. New York & London: Routledge, 199 lpp. List of literature
Spalva R. (2004). Tēls un dejaskompozīcija. Rīga: RaKa, 61 p. • Bambaataa, A. (1974) Hip-hop history. http://www.zulunation.com/hip_hop_history_2.htm • Bērziņš, G. (2008) Pārisvārdos. Rīga: FilmustudijaTrīspalmas. http://hhradio.lv/video/filma_par_latviesu_hip-hopu-paris_vardos • History of BOTY. (2008). From http://www.battleoftheyear.de/about/history.html • IDO Rulzz. (2008). From http://jkbserv.de/ceis/ido_html//rules/competitionRules/danceSportRules.pdf • Juste de bout. (2008). From http://www.juste-debout.com/index.php • Tezaurs.lv terminuskaidrojošāvārdnīca (2010) http://www.tezaurs.lv/sv/ List of literature
In the various forms of hip-hop dance the self-expression of the personality is characterized by creativity and individuality, a necessity for self-actualization, dance of a rebellious character, a society protest and a breaking of existing stereotypes. Thank you! Conclusions / Kopējais secinājums