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Converting a text box into an image in PowerPoint 2007. Create your text box and then cut or copy it. Go to the Home menu and click the dropdown arrow under Paste Click Paste Special . In the dialogue box that comes up, select Picture (Windows Metafile)
Converting a text box into an image in PowerPoint 2007 • Create your text box and then cut or copy it. • Go to the Home menu and click the dropdown arrow under Paste • Click Paste Special. • In the dialogue box that comes up, select Picture (Windows Metafile) • Click OK and your text box should appear as an image. This means that you won't be able to edit the text, but you can apply the macro to it so you can move it around the screen, enlarge it etc.
Vocabulary poet( person who writes or composes poems ) I am a poet with a poem to write.
Vocabulary nibbling(taking small bites) I often see the cat nibblingher food and sneaking away unnoticed by the dog.
Vocabulary alarm ( sudden fear; a sense of danger ) I don’t want to surprise you or cause you any alarm.
Vocabulary temperature(degree of hotness or coldness measured with a thermometer) Mom took my temperaturewhen I told her my throat hurt.
Vocabulary commanded(ordered) The general commandedthe soldier to do push-ups.
Vocabulary burglars(people who steal; thieves) Theburglarscarefully planned the robbery, but the dog’s loud bark stopped them.
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. person who writes or composes poems. Word:
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. taking small bites Word:
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. sudden fear; a sense of danger Word:
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. degree of hotness or coldness measured with a thermometer. Word:
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. ordered Word:
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. people who steal; thieves Word:
Read the sentence and drag in the correct word that completes it.. I am a _______ with a poem to write.
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. I often see the cat _________ her food and sneaking away unnoticed by the dog.
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. I don’t want to surprise you or cause you any _______.
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. Mom took my ____________ when I told her my throat hurt.
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. The general ___________ the soldier to do push-ups.
Read the definition and drag in the correct word. The __________ carefully planned the robbery, but the dog’s loud bark stopped them.
Word Knowledge • differ different differently difference • peace peaceful peacefully peacefulness • doesn’t you’d won’t you’re I’ll • Make made fly flew think thought • hearing nibbling smiling wagging • eat hearing feel real tree
Directions: Click to drag and place the words under the rule that they follow. suffix -ly contractions suffix -ful
Directions: Click to drag and place the words under the rule that they follow. suffix -ing /ē/ sound irregular past tense verbs
Word Knowledge Sentences you’d you’d • “If only listen to my poem feel • about it all,” said the mouse. differently 2.” wrong with me?” he thought. What’s 3. Poetry has got into your blood and stuck with it for the rest of your life. you’re 2.Apples that we are picked from a . eat tree
Word Knowledge • differ different differently difference • peace peaceful peacefully peacefulness • doesn’t you’d won’t you’re I’ll • Make made fly flew think thought • hearing nibbling smiling wagging • eat hearing feel real tree
Phonics and Fluency • mouse paws crow poison 2. Austin annoy count noise 3. dirty over churn started • charcoal turned Thursday temperature • mother brother observe canyon
Directions: Click to drag and place the words under the rule that they follow. oi, au, oydiphthongs /ᵊ/ sound spelled o ou, aw, ow diphthongs
Directions: Click to drag and place the words under the rule that they follow. /r/ spelled –urand -ar /oi/ diphthongs /r/ spelled -er and -ir
Phonics and Fluency • The was shaped like a balloon. • I try to loud . • We the key. cloud avoid noises found house
Phonics and Fluency • mouse paws crow poison • 2. Austin annoy count noise • 3. dirty over churn started • charcoal turned Thursday temperature • mother brother observe canyon
Adding an Action Button in PowerPoint 2007 • To move to the next slide with an Action Button click the Insert menu and Shapes • Scroll down to the Action Buttons andselect the Action Button which points right. • Hold down the left click and drag the Action Button shape as large as need be. • Let go of the left click. A dialogue box should come up. In the dropdown menu Hyperlink to, select Next slide. • Run the slideshow and click the Action Button to go to the next slide.
Open ‘The Magic PowerPoint’ (Click Options and Enable this content On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click New Slide, and then click Reuse Slides. Click Browse and Browse File Select your presentation and click Open Tick Keep Source Formatting Right click the slide and click Insert Slide or Insert All Slides Click Slide Sorter icon (bottom right) Delete all the Magic PowerPoint slides except this one. Click save as and rename your PowerPoint Instructions for PowerPoint 2007