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The use of GIS in the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Namibia By Mrs Ottilie M Mwazi Chief Statistician, Survey, Cartography/GIS Email: omwazi@npc.gov.na TeL: +264 61 283 4060. Outline for presentation. Namibia Administrative set up Implementation of GIS At CBS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The use of GIS in the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), NamibiaByMrs Ottilie M MwaziChief Statistician, Survey, Cartography/GISEmail: omwazi@npc.gov.naTeL: +264 61 283 4060

  2. Outline for presentation • Namibia Administrative set up • Implementation of GIS At CBS • Use of GIS during 2011 Census mapping • Why dwelling Frame • Tools for enumerators • Other use of GIS in planning

  3. Administrative Set Up Namibia has a land area of about 824 000 square kilometers The country is divided into 13 administrative regions Regions are divided into constituencies (107 in total for all regions) The biggest region has 12 constituencies Constituencies are demarcated based on population size EAs are demarcated within constituency boundaries

  4. Implementation of GIS at CBS • GIS was implemented for 2001 census mapping to produce digital maps for 2001 census enumeration • Data warehouses using existing spatial data from various sources were created • Spatial data needed for census undertaking was extracted and GIS database was created • The GIS has made it possible to retrieve, update, link (census/survey data to the geography), query the database, print maps on based on any theme, etc. • GIS Dissemination Tool was created up to constituency level

  5. 2001 Census Mapping • The country was demarcated into unique geographical areas known as enumeration areas • GPS (handheld and differential) were used during fieldwork • GIS was used to delineate EAs boundary

  6. GIS and 2011 census mapping PROCESS: A summarized process of 2011 Census mapping methodology with creation of a Dwelling Unit Frame Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Aerial photographs/ satellite images acquired Structures captured from images in GIS in the office Un-verified dwelling unit frame created and EAs demarcated Field maps with dwelling unit numbers produced Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Field workers sent in the field to capture the location of, & other information relating to, all the dwelling units in country using PDAs Captured information will be verified and stored in a GIS database, and a verified Dwelling Unit Frame will be created Demarcation of EAs will be done in the office. Final EA maps for 2011 Population & Housing Census enumeration will be produced

  7. Step 5: Fieldwork methodology • Field workers are being deployed in the field to verify the dwelling unit frame • They are provided with maps and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) “a Juno” • They visit each dwelling/building • For each dwelling, information such as: Owner’s Name, Head of households, street names, Erf numbers, place names, etc are being captured into a PDA • The data capture on the PDA will then be downloaded and stored in the database. • Database will be send to HQ for verification , updates and then added to final database at HQ. • Printing of census Enumeration maps will then commerce (Step 7 & 8).

  8. Used Personal Digital Assistant PDA

  9. Example of rural EA

  10. Example Urban EA

  11. Why dwelling frame • Know where people live: • It will be useful for Flood Early Warning System • Will be easy to plan for safe water provision • Easy to identify communities that walk longer distance to public services (Clinics, School, etc) • Easier to update dwelling units than households • Improve data dissemination at lower geographical areas • Serve our clients better who are planning using other boundaries e.g. Health, Police, Headmen/Chiefs traditional authorities, etc. • Will be easier to estimate population if updated regularly

  12. Tools given to Enumerators • Enumeration Area map with numbered building structures/dwelling units • List of building names and owner of dwelling units plus contact person linked to the building structure/DU number • Mapping supporting staff to assist with boundary identification • A0 size map with all adjacent EAs with other features such as schools, clinics, roads etc.

  13. GIS and emergency responses • With GIS, and dwelling frame in place we will be in position to spatially visualize dwellings affected by flood: • This will ensure for effective and efficient emergency response • It will also be possible to quantify the number of people, households and homestead affected by flood.

  14. GIS and basic services delivery • With GIS, and dwelling frame in place we are now in position to spatially visualize gaps in access to basic services (health facilities, schools, clean water) : • Therefore, GIS will play a major role in the process of planning and locating of new basic facilities

  15. GIS and spatial analysis With GIS, we could geo-statistically analyze the pattern of Human Development Index (HDI) and map out the outliers and clusters Human Development Index We could also map out the hot and cold spots of HDI

  16. End of presentation Thank you for your attention!!

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