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Feb 28, 2010 AP* meeting in KL Izumi Aizu <iza@anr.org>. Informal report on Introducing IDN ccTLD in Japan . 日本. 1. Disclaimer.
Feb 28, 2010 AP* meeting in KL Izumi Aizu <iza@anr.org> Informal report on IntroducingIDN ccTLD in Japan.日本 1
Disclaimer Following slides and views are solely based on personal observation and opinion of Izumi Aizu as an individual and do NOT represent any organization or groups he belongs to or mentioned herein. 2
Number of Domain Namesper Country .jp is ranked 17th (2008) 3 Source: Nominet UK
Introducing .日本 • MIC Telecom Council Nov 08 – Jul 09 – Subcommittee held Chaired by Jun Murai, experts invited to be the member Industry Associations joined as observers JPNIC, IAJpan, JAIPA, Telecom Service Association JPRS and GMO Apr 09: Draft Report May-Jun: Public Comment July 09 – Final Advisory Report to the Minister • First time MIC Council involved directly in policy setting on Internet Resources management in Japan • Concluded that Private sector lead new council to select the registry with all stakeholders to participate 4
Expected benefit of introducing dot Nippon 審議会答申 • Diversification of Domain Names, increase choice for registrant • Use for PR and Marketing for companies and organizations • New service will result better service quality • Easy-to-understand with Japanese-only domain names • Cheaper prices with competition 5
Selection of Registry:Private sector should lead 審議会答申 Government should respect the result of selection by Private sector led council Existing registry (JPRS) is also eligible to apply New Council will establish “Selection committee” which is fair and neutral – by experts and reps from consumer and business organizations 6
Proposed structure ofNew Council and Selection Committee 審議会答申 Trade Association and NPOs General Assembly Secretariat MIC as observer Selection Committee 7
Japan Internet Domain Name CouncilEst. on Sep 25, 2009 会 長 中尾哲雄 テレコムサービス協会会長 副会長 矢野 薫 日本インターネット協会理事長 渡辺武経 日本インターネットプロバイダー協会会長 後藤滋樹 日本ネットワークインフォメーションセンター理事長 監 事 森 亮二 英知法律事務所・弁護士 8
Members(Public and non-profit organizations) Observer: MIC Nippon Keidanren EC Network Internet Association Japan JPCERT/cc APPLIC LASDEC Telecom Service Association Telecommunication Carriers Association Japan Internet Providers Association(JAIPA) Japan Cable TV Association JPNIC Japan Network Security Association Japan Federation of Bar Associations Institute for HyperNetwork Society Mobile Content Forum (MCF) Japan Domain Name Business Association
Mission of JIDNC Through promotion of use of domain names, contribute to further Internet development and to society at large Specifically Establish private sector-led fair and neutral management framework of new IDN ccTLD .日本 Facilitate introduction of geographic gTLDs in Japan Contribute to the sound development of domain related market Contribute to the international cooperative activities
Main line of business: 1. Selection of .日本 registry through fair & open process 2. Ongoing oversight on .日本 registry 3. Support introduction of geo TLDs 4. Promote sound development of domain name market 5. Participate in relevant international cooperative activities 11
Selection schedule Selection criteria – now on public comment process Selection committee to be selected soon RFP - End of April Application period –July Selection – August Final approval - September 12
Tasks and Issues Policy coordination for .日本 registration with .jp Sunrise, Perfect Match or how/what? Oversight of .日本 Oversight coordination between .日本 and .jp registries Geographic name TLDs – policy coordination? 14
Different ideas .jp registry should also operate .日本 Proven record and stable operation JPRS User Association – est. Dec 09 by major ISP/registrar – calling for JPRS to operate/selected Promote competition Domain Name Business Association – Oct 09 Respect public interest – and open policy process 15
City TLDs in Japan in pipeline .tokyo .osaka .kyoto .hiroshima .tokushima .oita .sendai 16
Lessons to be learned ccTLDs need governance structure based on locality Internet is a Public resource, and ccTLD constitutes its important part Objectives and means often mixed and confused Open and wide-ranging consultation and consensus building process seem to work Look for the future development not present nor past only 18