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NF 533 Reporting NF 533 Reporting NF 533 Reporting NF 533 Reporting NF 533 Reporting March 6, 2014. Purpose of the NF 533 Series of Reports. NF 533 data is used by NASA to manage and control cost and schedule for a project/program
NF 533 ReportingNF 533 Reporting NF 533 Reporting NF 533 Reporting NF 533 Reporting March 6, 2014
Purpose of the NF 533 Series of Reports • NF 533 data is used by NASA to manage and control cost and schedule for a project/program • Data on the NASA 533 series of reports is used to: • Enable management to project both project/program costs and hours to ensure dollar and labor resources realistically support the project/program schedule. • Evaluate contractor cost performance • Plan and monitor project/program resources • Establish the basis to record cost into the NASA accounting system (SAP) which establishes a liability for the Federal Government.
Purpose of the NF 533 Series of Reports • Other uses: • Performing PEB Analysis • Developing historical cost and trend analysis • Performing work force analysis • Developing in-house cost estimates
NF 533 Series of Reports • The NF 533 series of reports is the official set of cost reporting documents NASA requires for cost type and fixed price incentive contracts meeting specified dollar and performance-period criteria. • NF 533 reports are completed by the contractor in a form specified by the Government • Within the NASA Form (NF) 533 reporting system, two reports are used: • NASA Form 533M, and • NASA Form 533Q • The requirements for NF 533 reporting are set forth in NPR 9501.2E and NPD 9501.1I
NF 533Q Overview • The NF 533Q is a quarterly projection report which details and summarizes cost and labor hour estimates over the life of the contract • If NF 533Q’s are required for task-order contracts, task baseline data is summarized in an initial time-phased NF 533Q • The contractor submits the initial NF 533Q to the Government within 30 working daysafter contract award • Reflects the original contract value in terms of the negotiated reporting categories • Subsequent NF 533Qs are due by the 15th of the month prior to the first day of the quarter being reported
NAS5-33333 Mod. #12 a. INVOICE AMTS. 3/15/05 $ 982,837 Inv #427 743,321 Direct Labor Hours (Reg & OT) -Prime 25,807 3,630 29,437 4,250 4,250 4,453 85,552 184,057 213,494 10,694 10,694 10,694 10,694 42,776 213,880 -WFF Physician 511 65 576 77 77 81 1,560 3,355 3,931 195 195 195 195 780 3,900 -EAP Counselor 655 83 738 618 618 648 2,000 5,884 6,622 250 250 250 250 1,000 5,000 Total Direct Labor Hours 26,973 3,778 30,751 4,945 4,945 5,182 89,112 193,296 224,047 11,139 11,139 11,139 11,139 44,556 222,780 Direct Labor Cost (Reg & OT ) $550,192 $62,971 $613,163 $77,782 $77,782 $81,486 $203,792 $203,792 $203,792 $203,792 $843,784 $1,777,073 $3,673,076 $4,286,239 $4,227,674 - Overhead @ 32.48% 178,703 20,453 199,156 25,264 25,264 26,467 66,192 66,192 66,192 66,192 274,061 1,373,150 577,194 1,193,018 1,392,174 Subtotal Costs $728,895 $83,424 $812,319 $103,046 $103,046 $107,953 $269,984 $269,984 $269,984 $269,984 $1,117,845 $2,354,267 $4,866,093 $5,678,412 $5,600,824 Other Direct Costs (ODCs): Government-Directed ODCs 59,894 7,608 67,502 5,000 5,000 Off-Site Physicals 2,800 1,329 4,129 686 686 Recruiting 1,191 292 1,483 350 Malpractice Insurance 14,152 1,183 15,325 1,360 Subcontract/Consultants 51,842 10,578 62,419 6,148 Answ. Service/Beeper 0 0 0 0 Other Support Services 11,032 1,613 12,645 1,300 Total ODCs $140,910 $22,593 $163,503 $14,844 Subtotal Costs G&A Expenses @3.00% Subtotal Costs Fixed Fee @6.00% Total CPFF NF 533Q PAGE ______ OF ______ PAGES 2. REPORT FOR QUARTER BEGINNING Form Approved 4/1/05 - 6/30/05 Quarterly Contractor Financial Management Report O.M.B. No. 2700-0003 3. CONTRACT VALUE FROM: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center TO: a. COST Greenbelt, MD 20771 b. FEE XYZ Corporation $ 445,320 7,422,005 $ 4. FUND LIMITATION a. TYPE Mod #23 b. CONTRACT NO. AND LATEST DEFINITIZED MODIFICATION NO. Cost-Plus-Fixed Fee 1. $ 1,200,000 DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT c. SCOPE OF WORK d. AUTH. CONTR. REP. 5. BILLING DATE b. TOTAL PYTS GSFC Health Unit (Signature) $ 9. ESTIMATED FINAL 7. COST INCURRED/ HOURS WORKED 8. ESTIMATED COST/HOURS TO COMPLETE COST/HOURS 11. UN- 10. ESTI- BALANCE OF CUMULATIVE CURRENT CUMULATIVE MONTH MONTH MONTH 1st QTR 2nd QTR NEXT FILLED 4th QTR MATED FY06 ACTUAL BALANCE CON- MONTH ESTIMATE FISCAL YEAR TOTAL CONTRACT ORDERS FY05 FY06 FY06 COM- 6. REPORTING CATEGORY THROUGH OF TRACTOR ESTIMATE TO DATE FY07 TO VALUE OUT- PLETION APRIL- JULY- OCT- JAN- PRIOR CONTRACT ESTIMATE 3/05 3/31/05 COMPLETE STANDING DATE APRIL JUNE MONTH MAY SEPT DEC MARCH SEPT 2/28/05 a. e. g. h. i. a. b. c. a. b. c. d. f. j. b. 5,200 28,969 28,969 28,969 28,969 121,129 258,988 608,158 511,193 578,695 785 4,303 4,303 4,303 4,303 18,010 38,570 89,740 75,986 80,115 350 450 919 919 919 919 3,875 8,300 19,350 17,251 18,734 1,360 1,360 3,695 3,695 3,695 3,695 15,520 33,400 77,777 67,780 83,105 6,148 7,400 15,152 15,152 15,152 15,152 63,740 136,976 318,942 280,920 343,339 0 0 0 0 0 0 735 1,591 3,686 2,326 2,326 1,300 1,566 7,854 7,854 7,854 7,854 32,830 70,155 153,750 138,517 151,162 $14,844 $16,761 $60,892 $60,892 $60,892 $60,892 $255,739 $547,980 $1,271,403 $1,093,973 $1,257,476 $869,805 $106,017 $975,822 $117,890 $118,127 $124,714 $330,876 $330,876 $330,876 $330,876 $1,373,584 $2,902,247 $5,960,066 $6,935,888 $6,872,227 60,477 8,481 68,958 9,431 9,450 9,977 26,484 26,484 26,484 26,484 109,887 232,180 476,861 545,819 549,778 $930,282 $114,498 $1,044,780 $127,321 $127,577 $134,691 $357,360 $357,360 $357,360 $357,360 $1,483,471 $3,134,427 $6,436,927 7,481,707 $7,422,005 54,960 6,870 61,830 6,870 6,870 6,870 21,452 21,452 21,452 21,452 89,008 188,066 383,492 445,322 445,320 $985,242 $121,368 $1,106,610 $134,191 $134,447 $141,561 $378,812 $378,812 $378,812 $378,812 $1,572,479 $3,322,493 $6,820,419 $7,927,029 $7,867,325 NASA FORM 533Q (JUL 84)
NF 533M Overview • The NF 533M is a monthly report which provides data on planned and actual costs and labor hours, short-term cost projections, estimates to complete, and contract values. • Documentation of analyses is done using Form 210-49, 533 Analysis and Record of Actions Taken
533M Reporting Requirements • 533M reports are due from the contractor no later than 10 operating days after the closing of the contractor’s accounting period. 533M due to Government FEBRUARY MARCH Su M T W Th F Sa Su M T W Th F Sa Last day of contractor’s accounting period
20 days March 31, 2005 NASA GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER Greenbelt, MD 20771 XYZ CORP. 445,320 7,422,005 1. DESCRIPTION 1,200,000 Cost Plus Fixed Fee NAS5-33333 Mod. #12 $ OF CONTRACT GSFC Health Unit 4/12/05 743,321 BALANCE OF 10. UNFILLED CONTRACT CONTRACTOR CONTRACT ORDERS ESTIMATE VALUE OUTSTANDING c. Direct Labor Hours (Reg & OT) 4,717 3,630 30,524 29,762 4,250 -Prime -WFF Physician 594 68 65 585 77 -EAP Counselor 80 83 720 747 618 Total Direct Labor Hours 4,865 3,778 31,098 31,094 4,945 77,782 Direct Labor Cost (Reg & OT ) 85,939 62,971 636,131 566,739 25,264 - Overhead @ 32.48% 27,913 20,453 206,616 184,077 $103,046 Subtotal Costs $113,852 $83,424 842,747 $769,816 Other Direct Costs (ODCs): Government-Directed ODCs 5,032 7,608 64,926 68,496 5,000 Off-Site Physicals 700 1,329 3,500 11,961 686 Recruiting 915 292 2,106 2,628 350 Malpractice Insurance 1,360 1,173 15,512 10,557 Subcontract/Consultants 6,148 10,578 57,989 95,202 Answ. Service/Beeper 0 0 0 0 Other Support Services 1,214 1,613 12,246 14,517 Total ODCs $15,369 $22,593 $156,279 $203,361 $129,221 Subtotal Costs $106,017 $999,026 $964,177 10,338 G&A Expenses @3.00% 8,481 70,815 76,337 $139,559 Subtotal Costs $114,498 $1,069,841 $1,030,614 6,870 Fixed Fee @6.00% 6,870 61,830 61,830 $146,429 Total CPFF $121,368 $1,131,671 $1,092,344 NF 533M PAGE _______ OF _______ PAGES 2. REPORT FOR MONTH ENDING AND NUMBER OF OPERATING Monthly Contractor Financial Management Report Form Approved DAYS O.M.B. No. 2700-00003 3. CONTRACT VALUE FROM: TO: a. COSTS b. FEE $ $ 4. FUND LIMITATION a. TYPE b. CONTRACT NO. AND LATEST DEFINITIZED MODIFICATION NO. $ DATE d. AUTH. CONTR. REP. (Signature) 5. BILLING c. SCOPE OF WORK B. TOTAL PYTS REC'D. a. INVOICE AMTS. BILLED $ $ 982,837 Inv # 427 9. ESTIMATED FINAL 7. COST INCURRED/HOURS WORKED 8. ESTIMATED COST/HOURS TO COMPLETE COST/HOURS DURING MONTH CUM. TO DATE DETAIL 6. REPORTING CATEGORY ACTUAL PLANNED ACTUAL PLANNED April ‘05 May ‘05 March ‘05 March ‘05 a. b. c. d. a. b. a. b. 4,250 174,470 213,494 213,880 3,931 77 3,183 3,900 4,666 6,622 5,000 618 183,059 224,047 4,945 222,780 77,782 3,494,544 4,286,239 4,227,674 25,264 1,135,030 1,392,174 1,373,150 $103,046 $ 4,629,573 $ 5,678,412 $ 5,600,824 5,000 503,769 578,695 608,158 723 75,206 80,115 89,740 600 14,678 17,734 19,350 1,360 1,360 64,873 83,105 77,777 6,148 6,148 273,054 343,339 318,942 0 0 2,326 2,326 3,686 1,300 1,250 136,366 151,162 153,750 $14,844 $15,081 $ 1,071,272 $ 1,257,476 $ 1,271,403 $117,890 $118,127 $ 5,700,845 $ 6,935,888 $ 6,872,227 9,431 9,450 456,123 545,819 549,778 $127,321 $127,577 $ 6,156,968 $ 7,481,707 $ 7,422,005 6,870 6,870 369,750 445,320 445,320 $134,191 $134,447 $ 6,526,720 $ 7,927,029 $ 7,867,325 Baseline Plan Identification (Col. 7b & 7d): Revision No. ___ 12 _____________, Dated _________________. NASA FORM 533M (JUL 84)
NF 533M Analysis – Cost over Obligations • What is it? • Actual or estimated cost exceeds obligation • Why do we do it? • May constitute a violation of appropriation law • How we do it? • Calculations within the CCR (Contractor Cost Reporting) Accrual Worksheet show cost over obligation for actual and estimated costs • Those without access to the CCR may view the CCR Accrual Worksheet by generating Business Warehouse report CMRPT01
Cost Over Obligations Box 4 Fund Limitation Is this value correct? Does it include all mods/incremental funding actions? Value = obligations To-Date: $8,584,901 + Jan Est. 815,597 = Needed $9,400,498 Available $9,112,397 In this case when actual costs are added to the Jan. estimate, there will notbe sufficient funding.
NF 533M Analysis – Available Funding • What is it? • Adequate funding to cover estimated cost • Why do we do it? • To ensure adequate funding is available to cover second month estimated cost • To be proactive in limiting Cost in Excess of Obligations • How we do it? • Compare Net Uncosted Fund Limit after posting the current month’s estimate (8a) with the amount reported in column 8b of the NF 533M report
Available Funding Box 4 Fund Limitation Is this value correct? Fund Limitation: $9,112,397 Estimated Costs: $ 10,074,248 ($961,851) Columns 7c (actual cumulative cost to date), $8,584,901 + 8a (current estimate) $815,597 + 8b (next month’s estimate) $673,750 equals $10,074,248; compare to Box 4 (fund limitation) Insufficient funds obligated to cover the cost of next month’s work; action must be taken to fund the planned work
Summarized Samples of Analytics for NF 533 Forms
NF 533 Analyses • Review baseline values – To ensure changes to baseline budget values are documented by contract modifications • Compare current baseline cost & labor values to values in previous month’s NF 533 • Compare contract cost & labor values (cols. 7b & 9b) to accepted baseline budget • Ensure contract value on NF 533M = awarded contract value • Review contract reporting structure – To ensure contractor is reporting by reporting categories negotiated into the contract, as modified • Compare NF 533M reporting categories to categories stipulated in the contract • Check math accuracy - To ensure accurate data is used in management reporting, financial statements and decision-making • Verify NF 533M calculations • Compare estimated vs. planned cost – To determine whether the contractor is properly reporting current month estimates • Compare current month estimate to current month planned (on next NF 533M)
NF 533 Analyses • Compare estimated vs. actual cost – To ensure reasonableness and accuracy of estimates to maximize accuracy of cost recorded in NASA’s accounting system and used in project management decision-making • Difference between 8a (estimate) from prior month’s NF 533 and 7a (actual) from current month’s NF 533 divided by 7a (actual) from current month • Check cost over obligations –To ensure no violations of appropriation law • Review calculations within the CCR Accrual Worksheet or CMRPT01 BW report which show cost over obligations for actual and estimated costs • Check available funding – To ensure adequate funding is available to cover second month estimated cost; be proactive in limiting Cost in Excess of Obligations • Compare Net Uncosted Fund Limit after posting the current month’s estimate (8a) with the amount reported in column 8b of the NF 533M report • Compare cumulative invoice vs. cumulative NF 533M cost – To reconcile contractor’s cost reported on NF 533M with cost reported on invoices to support payment of invoices • Compare cumulative billed amount on invoice to cumulative recorded actual costs on NF 533M for same reporting period
NF 533 Analyses • Cost Over and Underruns – To determine if Estimated Final Cost is higher or lower than Contract Value • Compare Estimated Final Cost/Hours, Column 9.a., Contractor Estimate, to Column 9.b., Contract Value • Use “burn rate” analysis to estimate final cost independent from the contractor’s reported estimate (average actual monthly costs) x (months left on contract) plus cumulative actual cost • Actual vs. Planned Current Month - To identify prospective project control issues; may be the first indicator of a potential problem • Examine variances between the values reported in columns 7a and 7b in the same row • Cost Over and Underruns –To determine if Estimated Final Cost is higher or lower than Contract Value • Compare Estimated Final Cost/Hours, Column 9.a., Contractor Estimate, to Column 9.b., Contract Value • Use “burn rate” analysis to estimate final cost independent from the contractor’s reported estimate (average actual monthly costs) x (months left on contract) plus cumulative actual cost
NF 533 Analyses • Cumulative Actual vs. Planned –To assess the financial position of the contract; variances may be an indication of technical, financial, or management issues • Examine variances between the values reported in columns 7c and 7d in the same row • Average Labor Rates – To provide essential data about contract performance related to baseline budget labor cost; an indicator of overruns/savings on the contract • Compare average labor rates reported in the NF 533M with the planned rates of the baseline budget • Labor Overhead Rates - To indicate overruns/savings on the contract; provides data about contract performance related to baseline budget planned labor overhead rates • Compare planned vs. actual labor overhead rates • G&A Rates - To indicate overruns/savings on the contract; provides data about contract performance related to baseline budget planned G&A rates • Compare plan vs. actual General and Administrative (G&A) overhead rates