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ILC Accelerator Activities in Japan

ILC Accelerator Activities in Japan. Akira Yamamoto (KEK/LCC) t o be p resented by Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku Univ./LCC) IRFU-ILC-Days, CEA- Saclay , 29, November, 2013. ILC Activity and the Status in Japan.

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ILC Accelerator Activities in Japan

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  1. ILC Accelerator Activities in Japan Akira Yamamoto (KEK/LCC) to be presented by Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku Univ./LCC) IRFU-ILC-Days, CEA-Saclay, 29, November, 2013 ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  2. ILC Activity and the Status in Japan • ILC Technical Design Report has been completed, and KEK has been contributing to two major advanced technology of • Nano-beam handling technology, by hosting Advanced Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) with international collaboration, • Superconducting RF technology, using Superconducting Accelerator Test Facility (STF) • ILC candidate site has been unified to be “Kitakami” site in northern ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  3. TTF/FLASH(DESY)~1 GeV ILC-like beamILC RF unit(* lower gradient) Global Cooperation for ILC Beam Demonstration STF(KEK)operation/construction ILC Cryomodule test: S1-Gloabal Quantum Beam experiment Cornell DESY  KEK, Japan FNAL     INFN Frascati CesrTA (Cornell) electron cloud low emittance DAfNE (INFN Frascati) kicker development electron cloud NML facilityILC RF unit test Under construction ATF & ATF2 (KEK) ultra-low emittance Final Focus optics KEKBelectron-cloud ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  4. ILC TDR Design Damping Rings Polarised electron source e+ Main Linac Ring to Main Linac (RTML) (including bunch compressors) e- Main Linac E+ source ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  5. Site Specific Design to be carried out Kitakami Candidate Site Kitakami-site cross section Damping Ring Detector Hall Ring To Main Linac (RTML) PM+13 PM+12 PM+10 PM-ab PM+8 e+ ML Surface Structures e- Source PM-8 Existing surface road PM-10 PM-12 (Slope <7%) PM-13 e+ Source Access Hall PX Access Tunnel (Center Campus) (Slope <10%) e- Main Linac (ML) (The background photo shows a similar site image, but not the real site.) Existing road • Need to establish the IP and linacorientation • Then. the access points and IR infrastructure • Then. linac length and timing RTML turn-around

  6. ILC Time Line: Progress and Prospect Expecting: 3+2 year ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  7. KEK-ATF:Progress Ultra-small beam • Low emittance : KEK-ATF • Achieved the ILC goal (2004). • Small vertical beam size : KEK ATF2 • Goal = 37 nm, • 160 nm (spring?, 2012) • ~60 nm (April. 2013) at low beam current ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  8. ATF長期計画(案) ATF Future Plan GDE Next KEK Roadmap CY 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ILC others Delay by fire and earthquake Nano beam orbit control Develop.(2nmBPM, Fast FB) Nano beam orbit control (FONT extension) Beam study 2nm steady op. 2nm stab. R&D Challenging R&D of the Very high chromaticity optics Ultra small beam ~ 20 nm Small beam Beam study 37nm Steady op. Gamma-gamma collider R&D Develop. / beam study 4-mirror optical cavity (LAL/KEK) Gamma-gamma laser system R&D High Field Physics Application General R&D Ex) for KEKB; CSR, RF gun, Instrument develop., Low emittance,… Test beamline for detector?

  9. S1-Global hosted at KEK: Global cooperation to demonstrate SCRF system DESY, Sept. 2010 DESY, FNAL, Jan., 2010 Successful global cooperation hosted by KEK with variety of SCRF cavity design FNAL & INFN, July, 2010 INFN and FNAL Feb. 2010 March, 2010 DESY, May, 2010 June, 2010 ~ ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  10. STF2; SCRF Accelerator Plan at KEK ■ Objective •High Gradient (31.5 MV/m) =>Demonstration of full cryomodule ・Pulse and CW operation (for effectuve R&D ・Better efficiency power sources ・SCRF electron gun ・Training for next generation s • Plan: • Multiple Cryomodule for system study • In-house Cavity to be installed • in cooperation with industry • Wide range application including • Photon Science Electron Gun Full Cryomodule s Undulators Detector BC CM0 CM2a+2b CM1 CM3a+3b, SC RF-Gun Beam Dump Gradient achieved at KEK-STF: > ~ 35 MV/m Progress: > 90 % ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  11. Plan of STF R&D beyond TDR CY2011 CY2013 CY2012 CY2014 CY2015 CY2016 ILC GDE ILC next-phase TDR Review TDR Beyond TDR toward ILC Construction TDRcomplete STF Operation QB Construction • Operation • 2014 or later • cool-down • cold-test • beam-test Cryomodule (CM-1) Construction CM-2a Construction CFF Cavity mass production R&D Functioning ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  12. Further Works in Preparation Phase Red: Efforts to be reinforced in Japan Accelerator Engineering Design Positron Source: Conventional source development asbackup Damping Ring: Ultra low emittance beam, Undulators, 650 MHz SCRF RTML:residual magnetic field effect in long beam transport-line ML: Cavity integration, CM engineering for cost-effective industrialization BDS: Final focusing with nano-beam, alignment w/ tighter tolerance, and design update Beam Dynamics: Accurate lattice design based on the specific site CFS: Site specific work including Central Campus design and others EDMS: engineering based on the EDMS ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  13. ILC in Linear Collider Collaboration ICFA Chair: TBD FALC Chair: Y. Okada To prepare for the ILC project realization ・Detailed design study ・Cost-effective project realization Program Adv. Committee PAC – Chair: N. Holtkamp Linear Collider Board LCB – Chair:S. Komamiya Linear Collider Collab. LCCDirectorate - Director: L. Evans • Regional Directors • B. Foster (EU) • H. Weerts (AMs) • A. Yamamoto (AS) Deputy (Physics) – H. Murayama KEK • KEK • LC Project • Office • A. Yamamoto Physics & Detectors – H. Yamamoto CLIC – S. Stapnes ILC – M.Harrison - (Deputy) H. Hayano Tech. Board Acc. Tech. S. Acc. Design & Integration (ADI) Technical Support Phys. & Detector To be linked to LCC-Phys ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  14. Cooperation Anticipated amongLCC, CERN, France, and Japan • Nano-beam handling technology as a common subject for both ILC and CLIC, through ATF collaboration • SCRF cavity integration technology, • Specially on power couplers and tuners, as a common subject for both ILC and SPL for LHC injector upgrade, • Cryogenic engineering • Specially on handling of large amount of helium inventory, as a specially crucial in mountain region, • Civil engineering study specially for the detector hall design, ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  15. Summary • Japan HE physics community will make its best effort to realize the ILC project to be hosted in Japan, • The accelerator design and technology will be further optimized in coming few years, and the project should get “Green Sign” hopefully within a few years. • Further detail engineering design and the site specific study is to be extended for the ILC project to be ready to go forward within a few years. ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  16. backup ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  17. ILC Time Scale required After getting Green Sign、 ・Preparation for contract: ~ 2 years ・Construction period:   ~ 10years ・If the green sign given in 5 years、 ILC to be realized by 2030

  18. KEK-LC KEK-ILC Preparation Organization, proposed (A. Yamamoto, November, 18, 2013) A. Yamamoto KEK ILC Project Preparation Center Directorate KEK LC Project Promotion Committee KEK-ILC Project & Technical Management LCC -ILC Tech. Baseline: Schedule: Cost, EDMS: Communication: Accelerator Physics-Detector Phys. WG Acc. Design & Integr. Conv. Facility, Siting MDI Acc. Tech SRF BDS Main Linac Sources R&D WG Cryogenics D.R. BDS Computing & Network Electrical MDI RTML & B.D. Mechanical Others Control & Comp. System Tests ATF2, STF2, & STF-COI Safety ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  19. Cavity Integration • 9-cell resonator • Input-coupler • TTF-III coupler • Frequency tuners • Blade tuner • He tank • Magnetic shield • Inside He tank ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  20. Legend Preassembled parts • Driving unit support elements are already installed on the tunerhalves. top bottom Toward coupler side ILC Acc. Activity in Japan Toward pick-up side coupler side motor side

  21. Plug-compatible Conditions Plug-compatible interface established ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

  22. (1) Deep Technical Review of Input Couplers TTF3/XFEL coupler TDR coupler STF-2 coupler ILC Acc. Activity in Japan

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