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Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004. PHOENICS: Particles of Human Origin Extinguish Natural solar Irradiance in the Climate System EVK2-CT-2001-00098 Project home page: http://phoenics.chemistry.uoc.gr.
Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 PHOENICS:Particles of Human Origin Extinguish Natural solar Irradiance in the Climate SystemEVK2-CT-2001-00098Project home page:http://phoenics.chemistry.uoc.gr • ECPL-UoC, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece • EC-JRC-EI, Joint Research Institute, Ispra, Italy • MPG.IMET, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany • MPI-C, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany • LSCE, Centre d'Etudes de Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France • CNRS-LOA, CNRS, Lille, France • UU, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands • CNR-ISAC Bologna, Italy
Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 PHOENICS -Aims PHOENICS is a focused global modelling project to study the direct climate effectof multi-component mixed tropospheric aerosol. • Evaluate direct effect of aerosols and reduce the associated uncertainties • The impact of European emissions on the European and global environment and climate, and • the influence of other world regions on Europe will be assessed focusing on the role of the Mediterranean. Size and mass resolved aerosol module for GCM. http://phoenics.chemistry.uoc.gr
Multi-component mixed aerosol • Natural Aerosols: • sea salt • volcanic dust • desert dust • organic particles • black/organic carbon (fires) • SOA • sulfate Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 DIRECT AEROSOL EFFECT • Anthropogenic Aerosols: • sulfate • black carbon • organic carbon • metals • nitrate
Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 Phoenics-EU Project the tools • Measurements (ground based and satellite) • Box and column models, • 2 GCMs (ECHAM5, LMDz) • global-regional CTM zoom in Europe (TM3/TM5) • aerosol thermodynamics • aerosol dynamics for use in large scale models • Aims at describing and evaluating the full aerosol system, and decreasing the uncertainties. • Comparison with satellites/Aeronet • Strong contribution to the AEROCOM exercise • focus on Europe http://phoenics.chemistry.uoc.gr
Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 PHOENICS_workpackages http://phoenics.chemistry.uoc.gr
Elisabetta Vignati, 2003 Modal aerosol model: M7 + SOA
Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 TOTAL DRY AEROSOL MASS (SO4, NO3, NH4) [g/m2] AEROSOL WATER Metzger et al, JGR, 2002
Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 Global modelling of OA in PHOENICS • Goal: Apply SIMPLIFIED parameterisations (lumping) to represent the formation and occurrence of OA in the troposphere and its effect on climate via modifications of the radiation in the atmosphere and of the water cycle. • From emissions to climate impact: • Step 1: OA mass. Identify the critical parameters for the computation of the SOA formation and fate in global models suitable for both pristine and polluted conditions and identify suitable parameterisations for climate models. • Step 2: Mixing with other aerosol constituents (M7). • Step 3: Incorporate knowledge on hygroscopic growth and CCN activation. • Step 4: Optical properties of OA. Tsigaridis – PHOENICS OA- workshop Sept 2003
Sketch of VOC chemistry CH3COCH3 CH3COCH3 + + HCHO + HCHO + CO CO + ROOH + other NO NO gas phase products + Other gas phase products OH OH O O RH RH 3 3 RO RO 2 2 condensable products condensable products NO NO CP CP 3 3 NO NO Kom Kom 2 2 SOA SOA HC + oxidant + a1 NO => a1 NO2 + a2 B + a3 C + ... + CP Kom : partitioning coefficient SOA : secondary organic aerosol Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 Gi Mo + Ai Ki
SOA concentrations and source distribution-TM3 SOA formation Tsigaridis and Kanakidou, Atm. Chem. Phys. 3, 1849-1869 , 2003 55% 45% 35% 65%
Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 SOA/OA Tsigaridis & Kanakidou, paper presented at the Nice EGU Conference, 2003present day clean atmosphere
Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 Comparison model versus observations – OC Tsigaridis and Kanakidou, Atm. Chem. Phys. 3, 1849-1869 , 2003
Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, University of Crete Maria Kanakidou ACCENT IA3 June 22, 2004 Model uncertainties – ranking Emissions (reflects the uncertainty of the emissions of VOC) • Irreversible sticking (a factor of 5) [oligomer formation] • Temperature dependence of Kp (a factor of 3) • Nature of pre-existing absorbing aerosol (a factor of 2) • Conversion of hydrophobic aerosols to hydrophilic (extreme case) (~ a factor of 2) Tsigaridis and Kanakidou, Atm. Chem. Phys. 3, 1849-1869 , 2003