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Detailed guide on accessing and using the SAP system to record employee leave actions in Hertfordshire schools. Includes step-by-step instructions and important considerations.
JUNE 2016 Schools Leavers System
Logging in to SAP Access the Hertfordshire Grid for Learning via the Internet Explorer icon on your desktop.
Accessing SAP Select School Admin
Accessing SAP Select Schools Remote Time Sheet
Accessing the School leaver system FOR THE ADMINISTRATOR/AUTHORISER Once you have logged in, you will be presented with an additional tab entitled ‘School Leaver Entry’ for Administrators or ‘School Leaver Auth’ for Authorisers. Select this tab to carry out the recording of a Leaver action for an employee at your School.
Selecting Employee FOR THE ADMINISTRATOR The User is presented with two boxes. The first of these is School Selection. This allows the User to select the School from which the employee is leaving. Select the appropriate school and click ‘Show Employees’. Please ensure that the Leaver action is only completed where the employee is not taking up a post with another HCC school, is moving from an academy to another school or from an HCC school to an academy. An employee moving between two HCC (i.e. not academies) should be treated as a transfer and not a Leaver.
Selecting Employee The second box, School Employee List, allows the User to select the employee which they wish to make a Leaver. All current employees will be displayed in alphabetical order. Select the appropriate employee record by clicking on the button to the left of the employee record and click on the ‘Complete Leaver Form’ button. Where an employee has more than one record please ensure you select the correct record where the employee is continuing in the other employment. Where a Leaver action has already been completed and authorised for that employee, the first day after their leaving date will appear in the column headed ‘Leave Date’. On selecting an employee record the ‘Leave Request history for selected employee’ box will display any Leaver actions which have been entered but not approved.
Leaver Form Having selected an employee to be made a Leaver, the User will be presented with the Leaver Form. This will display the employee details including employee name, forwarding address. Please complete the following fields: Last date of employment - enter the last day of employment as appropriate for the employee’s notice periods. This may not be their last working day. The form includes guidance on end dates for teaching and non-teaching staff. Please select the ‘View Notice Period Guide’ or ‘View End of Term Dates’ for guidance. The system has built-in validation and will present a warning if the dates entered appear to be outside the normal range for that employee. If you are entering a date which generates a warning please use the Notes field - ‘Notes to payroll team’ - to explain why this date is being selected. For 52 week per year employees only (not teaching staff). Confirmation of Leave to be paid or deducted – (this field will only appear for non-teaching staff working 52 weeks per year) Paid or Deducted- Please identify whether an employee has a balance of untaken annual leave to be paid or has taken more annual leave than they are entitled to which needs to be recovered. Unit (Days/Hours) - Please identify whether the payment or recovery is based on days or hours. Amount (time) – Please identify how many days or hours should be paid or recovered in the final payment. Loans/Repayments – This field will identify any outstanding loans or repayments to be deducted from their final pay. You do not need to take any further action for this field. It is for information only.
Leaver Form LEAVER REQUEST FORM FOR THE AUTHORISER Forwarding Address Once the Administrator has completed the necessary fields they should click on the ‘Send for Approval’ button. This will send an e-mail to the Authoriser alerting them that a new Leaver request has been submitted and is awaiting their authorisation.
Leaver Form FOR THE AUTHORISER The Authoriser will receive an e-mail alerting them to the Leaver action completed by the Administrator which is awaiting approval. Once the Authoriser has logged into the School Leaver system they are presented with two boxes. The first of these is School Selection. This allows the User to select the School from which the employee is leaving. Select the appropriate school and click ‘Show Leaver Requests’.
Leaver REQUESTS FOR THIS SCHOOL The second box, Leaver Requests for this School, allows the Authoriser to select those records ‘Awaiting Approval’ from the drop down list. This will display those Leaver actions which are awaiting authorisation. Select the Leaver action to be authorised by clicking in the box to the left of the employee record and clicking the ‘View Selected Request’ button. This will display the details of the Leaver action for that employee. This screen includes the ability to print a PDF version of the Leaver details if required.
Leaver Form - AUTHORISATION LEAVER REQUEST FORM FOR THE AUTHORISER The User is presented with the Leaver details entered by the Administrator. The Authoriser has the ability to amend the details entered. Once the Authoriser is satisfied the details are correct they should approve the Leaver action by clicking on the ‘Approve Leaver Request’ button. This will change the status of the Leaver action to Approved and generate a confirmation e-mail to the Administrator. If the Authoriser wishes to reject the Leaver action they should click on the ‘Reject Leaver Request’ button. This will generate a Reject Reason box and an e-mail to the Administrator informing them of the rejection and the reason given.
Leaver - PAYROLL PROCESSING LEAVER ACTION – PAYROLL PROCESSING The Payroll system will be updated daily and the approved Leaver actions uploaded. Once the uploaded Leaver actions are accepted the status of the Leaver action will change to ‘Completed’. The HR/Payroll Team will be carrying out validation of Leaver actions via a series of reports prior to the processing of the monthly payroll. LEAVER ACTION – LATE NOTIFICATION There will inevitably be occasions when it is not possible to notify the Payroll team of a member of staff leaving within the payroll timetable due to short notice. Where the School are aware of a late Leaver, please contact the HR/Payroll team and complete the Leaver action via the SAP portal as soon as possible. It may be possible to make late adjustments to the Payroll to avoid overpayments occurring.