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John F. kennedy and the cold war

John F. kennedy and the cold war. By: Kashyia Henry & Allyssa Crawford. Two allies. The United States and the Soviet Union fought as allies in World War II. The United States and the Soviet Union resented each other for many reasons and after World War II their hatred turned into the Cold War.

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John F. kennedy and the cold war

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Presentation Transcript

  1. John F. kennedy and the cold war By: Kashyia Henry & Allyssa Crawford

  2. Two allies • The United States and the Soviet Union fought as allies in World War II. • The United States and the Soviet Union resented each other for many reasons and after World War II their hatred turned into the Cold War.

  3. First man on the moon • The United States and the Soviet Union were in a race to be the first in space, the United States won. • JFK claimed the United States would land the first man on the moon. On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.

  4. jfk's participation • JFK in his election campaign invoked a missile. • JFK supported the bay of pigs invasion in Cuba. • JFK also participated in the Cuban missile crisis.

  5. jfk's Participation (continued) • JFK founded the SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) when he became President. • In 1955, to prevent communist expansion. • JFK ordered increases in American intercontinental missile forces.

  6. Jfk's participation (cotinued) • JFK authorized 500 Special Forces to assist South Vietnam. • The Cold War calmed down when the Limited Nuclear Test ban Treaty was signed.

  7. WAs jfk prepared? • We think JFK wasfor the Cold War because he participated in the Cuban missile which showed that the United States were prepared to be strong against the Soviet threats.

  8. Did JFK have the best interest for the U.S? • We think that JFK did have the best interest in heart for the United States because in the Cold War he didn't use threats and weapons but he demonstrated how a country with equality of rights should be and he didn't care about winning the war. 

  9. pictures

  10. references • http:// www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/The-Cold-War.aspx • http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/john-f-kennedys-vision-of-peace-20131120 • http://www.history.com/topics/john-f-kennedy/photos#

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