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Darfur Genocide

Darfur Genocide. Task #1. Pictures and names of key political leaders involved and explanation of roles. Sudan President Omar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir. In 1989, overthrew the elected President of Sudan. In 2003, gave government and financial support to the Islamic militia, the Janjaweed.

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Darfur Genocide

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  1. Darfur Genocide

  2. Task #1 • Pictures and names of key political leaders involved and explanation of roles.

  3. Sudan PresidentOmar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir • In 1989, overthrew the elected President of Sudan. • In 2003, gave government and financial support to the Islamic militia, the Janjaweed. • Used the Janjaweed to combat and suppress the Darfurian rebels.

  4. Janjaweed LeaderMusa Hilai • Leader of the Islamic militia group the Janjaweed. • Supported in the displacement and killing of the Darfurians.

  5. Task #2 • Headlines from three newspapers during the first weeks of the conflict (foreign or domestic).

  6. 1st Article • “ANALYSIS: DARFUR PLACES STRESS ON SUDAN.” • United International Press. • July 9, 2004.

  7. 2nd Article • “Facing Genocide.” • Harvard International Review. • Fall 2004.

  8. 3rd Article • “U.S. SAYS DARFUR VIOLENCE IS GENOCIDE.” • United Press International. • September 9, 2004.

  9. Task #3 • A speech or direct quote from a person who was present during the genocide and a speech of direct quote from someone in response to the genocide (foreign).

  10. Brian Steidleformer Marine officer • "I was a witness to genocide," he says. "I wanted to make a difference.” • "I have to write to you to get this out of my mind. I have seen these photos from a confidential report. I am not permitted to send them, nor do I wish on you the same dreams that I have as a result. ... Why are we sitting here letting this happen? This is not the doing of humans, this is the work of the devil. We as humans, all races, religions, colors, creeds, etc., have to stand up for what is right."

  11. General Wesley ClarkSupreme Commander speaks out on Darfur • “…The truth is, civilians are still targeted in Darfur. The pro-government Janjaweed militias still remain unchecked. Humanitarian access is still restricted along key transit routes and in areas where millions of displaced Sudanese have gathered. Women and girls are still being raped as they leave their camps to collect firewood and forage for food. It's a tragedy.(…)”

  12. Task #4 • Map of the region.

  13. Sudan and Darfur region

  14. Task # 5 • Foods from the country/region where the genocide took place.

  15. Food and Beverages • Basic foodstuffs are available for purchase in most towns, and local markets are quite well-stocked with fruit, vegetables, peanuts and spices. • Meat and poultry. Chicken is usually stewed and served in a broth, while lamb can be skewered as a kebab, or cooked on a bed of coals and served with salad. • Fish. The most popular fish seems to be Nile perch, which is available in the towns of Khartoum and Omdurman. • Bread. There are two main kinds of bread to be had. Kisra is a thin, unleavened bread made from maize flour, and gurrasa is its thicker counterpart. • Vegetables. Beans are popular and are served in a variety of ways. Salata, as the name suggests, is a salad, usually made of tomatoes, lettuce, onions and green peppers, and dressed with lime juice.

  16. Food and Beverages • Desserts. The favorite dessert is probably zabadi, which is yogurt served with a thick syrup. Hoshab is a cold sweet made from a mixture of chopped bananas, figs and raisins. • Drinks. Tea (shai) is a popular drink, served in small glasses with or without milk, and sometimes flavored with cloves, cinnamon or mint. Coffee is always very strong, served in small cups or china bowls. Jebana is a variety of coffee, often spiced with cinnamon or ginger. Fruit juices, such as guava, grapefruit, orange and mango are also available. Alcoholic drinks are officially banned under strict Islamic law, but 'bootleg' liquor can certainly be found. Araqi is a clear, strong spirit made from dates, merissa is a type of beer, and tedj is the name given to a range of wines made from dates or honey.

  17. Task #6 • Language(s) spoken in the country/region where the genocide took place.

  18. Spoken Languages • * Arabic, particularly south of Nyala and in the east, but also touching the Chad border in a narrow strip north of Jebel Si, between Fur and Zaghawa; • * Beigo, or Baygo, in a small area south of Nyala (this language, closely related to Daju, is now extinct). • * Daju, in a small pocket near Nyala (of the Western branch of the Eastern Sudanic group of Nilo-Saharan); • * Erenga, north of Geneina and across the border in Chad (considered a dialect of Tama); • * Fongoro, south of Sinyar (a o-Bagirmi language of the Central Sudanic group of Nilo-Saharan; this language is nearly extinct; its speakers have shifted to Fur); • * Fulbe, or Fulfulde, in a small area south of Nyala; • * Fur, in the center, from Wadi Azum in the west to Al Fashir in the east (belonging to the Fur language group of Nilo-Saharan); • * Kujarge, south of Sinyar (unclassified);

  19. Spoken Languages • * Masalit, west of Wadi Azum and around Geneina; also spoken across the border, and in a small isolated area south of Nyala (belonging to the Maban language group of Nilo-Saharan); • * Sinyar, along the border south of Masalit (also a o-Bagirmi language, see Fongoro above); • * Tama, in a small pocket between Jebel Si and Jebel Marra (also of the Western branch of the Eastern Sudanic group of Nilo-Saharan, see Daju above); • * Zaghawa, in the north (an Eastern Saharan language);

  20. Task #7 • Who where the photojournalists/reporters that covered the genocide?

  21. Photojournalists/Reporters • Ryan Spencer Reed, Photojournalist.

  22. Task #8 • Explain the role of the U.N. in your group’s conflict/issue.

  23. U.N.’ Role in the Conflict

  24. Task #9 • Who were the members of the U.N. that had a direct role/connection to the event?

  25. U.N. members • Jan Pronk, U.N. special envoy, was expelled by the Sudanese government for voicing his opinion about the genocide.

  26. Task #10 • What evidence or documentation can you find regarding the international communities’ response to the issue?

  27. Countries Speak Out

  28. Summary • When looking at a map of Africa, Sudan was not one of the countries that popped into people’s minds. It has only be seen the beginning of the Darfur genocide that people have been noticing Sudan. The Darfur genocide has been taking place in a region, Darfur region, of Sudan since 2003. We now know that the conflict began when rebel Darfurian groups attacked the Sudanese government. The Darfurian rebels were angered over the poverty and neglect that was caused by the Sudan government. Which is lead by President Omar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir, a man that seized power in 1989 and has been leading the government since. After the attacks on the government by the rebels, al-Bashir gave support and money to an Islamic militia known as the Janjaweed. Using the Janjaweed, al-Bashir was able to kill more than 400,000 African people. They also displaced nearly 2.5 million other African people during the conflict. • As we dive deeper into what is going on in Darfur we are able to see that the people of this region of Sudan are suffering and dieing. The international communities have also been witnessing the conflict in Darfur. The former U.N. special envoy to Sudan has been expelled for spaeking out against the genocide that is continuing to this day. The United States has also been trying to use its weight in stop the conflict. It has not worked yet; the large amount of groups and rallies that have been put together to stop the all of these issues is amazing. We can only hope that the conflict will been stopped and that the U.N. peacekeeping force will be able to help end the genocide. Without the assistance of the U.N., Darfur could easily become another Rwanda or Bosnia.

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