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Gamma Resonance Technology Applied to the Detection of IEDs and Potential Nuclear Threats.
Gamma Resonance Technology Applied to the Detection of IEDs and Potential Nuclear Threats Kirk Newman, NSWC IHDIV, Code 240 and Joe Brondo, President and CEO, Scientific Innovations, Inc.
BULK ANALYSIS Trace Analysis Other Nuclear Neutrons X-Ray Gamma Backscatter Thermal Neutron Analysis Associated Alpha Particle Time of Flight Standard Transmission Gamma Transmission Computed Tomography Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis Dual Energy Gamma Resonance Technology Neutron Backscatter Diffraction Pulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Analysis Backscatter Electromagnetic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR/ESR Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance NQR Technology Map SII PATENTS
GRT versus PFNA • Both technologies provide sensitivity and specificity to the elemental • composition of the cargo. This is the future way of interrogation. • GRT is considerably reduced in size. Does not require a separate • building, nor extensive shielding (requires soft X-ray shielding). • GRT does not activate the cargo nor the building. • GRT does not require building decontamination. • GRT price is about one third of that announced for PFNA • GRT data analysis for image reconstruction is similar to that used for • CT (or CAT) image processing with superior spatial resolution.
Objective • To implement a novel and efficient approach for stand-off detection and localization of explosives in Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and potential nuclear threats (e.g., “Dirty Bomb”). • The method takes advantage of Gamma Nuclear Resonance. • This is an element specific interaction of highly penetrating gamma radiation with matter. • Several explosives have been uniquely identified by nitrogen concentration and density. See Figure 1.
Gamma Resonance System • A gamma resonance system can be utilized in either a transmission mode, like a Computed AxialTomography (CAT) scanner, or in a scattering stand-off mode. A system consists of the following components. • A proton accelerator with a suitable target material upon which impinging protons produce a resonance gamma beam via proton resonance ( p, ) reaction. • The resonance gamma radiation interrogating an object is detected by specific resonance detectors.
Gamma Resonance System An accelerator is used to produce protons at a specific energy such that unique resonant gamma rays are generated from impingement on a specific target. The emitted gamma rays pass through a volume of interest and interact resonantly with specific elements of interest so that images of the elemental density are developed from the variation in gamma detection counts. Fluorescence or scattered gammas resonant with the element are also detected simultaneously. Non resonant gamma rays are usedto image total density.
Recoil Doppler E = (E - E2/Mc2)(1 + (v/c)cos) Resonance Gamma Beam E ~10 MeV Proton Accelerator Inspected Object Target Detectors ~2 MeV, 10 mA (p,) E 4 Main Components of the System
Interrogate for HE using nitrogen detectors (and chlorine detectors), or Interrogate for potential nuclear threat using neutron detectors.
Distance (m) Transmission in Air Off Resonance On Resonance 10 97% 95% 50 88% 79% Stand-off use of the system in a fluorescence (backscattering) mode 100 77% 62% 200 60% 38% 300 46% 23% Stand-offconsidering Recoil only is presented below. If Doppler is also considered, resonance @ stand-off is improved.
Nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous objects placed in a beam. Images: Out of resonance In resonance Proof-of-Principle For GRT
Six explosives were hidden in a LD-3 container loaded with a mixed cargo. The gammagram (upper) and the nitrogram (lower) are created simultaneously. There is separation of the explosives from the remaining items. Proof-of-Principle For GRT
Technology Today • Scientific Innovations, Inc. “owns” the GRT, as represented by several patents. • There are commercial sources for the accelerators. • Systems using a single beam can interrogate for both IEDs and potential nuclear threats. These can be demonstrated in 18 months. • Using parallel program structure, advanced systems using multiple beams can be developed to identify shielding materials and interrogate other sophisticated threats. These can be demonstrated in a few years. • Delivery of “turn-key” systems is possible.
Issues • Feasibility of Technology - NSWC IHDIV and NSWCDD can assist Scientific Innovations, Inc. with assessment of technology to IED detection. Requires a new facility to be established for experimentation. • Health effects - Scientific Innovations, Inc. has a working relationship with Brookhaven National Lab and can evaluate human health issues and recommend mitigation techniques. • Stand-off Range - NSWC IHDIV and NSWCDD can assist Scientific Innovations, Inc. with experimentation if the new facility is established. • Probability of False Alarms - Based upon previous work, this appears to be very low, but NSWC IHDIV and NSWCDD can assist Scientific Innovations, Inc. with the proposed applications.
Applications • Check Points - using Gamma Resonance fluorescence and absorption techniques to automatically identify and accurately locate “suicide bombers” and/or explosive laden vehicles and/or a nuclear threat at a safe stand-off. • Convoys - using Gamma Resonance fluorescence techniques to automatically identify and accurately locate IEDs, large “roadside bombs”and/or a nuclear threat at a safe stand-off. • Aerial Search - minimize equipment size and integrate with helicopter platform to detect, track, and defeat various threats at greater stand-off. • MOUT - minimize equipment size and integrate to be compatible with platforms and/or personnel to detect and locate “Booby-Traps” or concealed IEDs in buildings at a safe stand-off.
Opportunity • To establish a test bed facility with a 1.1 HE site approval and suitable range that can implement a novel and efficient approach for detection and localization of explosives in Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) as well as potential nuclear threats. • The method takes advantage of Gamma Nuclear Resonance. • This is expandable to chemical warfare agents. • This is expandable to biological warfare agents. • This is expandable to illegal drug detection.
Associate Principle Investigator Brookhaven National Laboratory Lucian Wielopolski, Ph.D. • Human Effects Studies • Neutron Detectors
GRT: Current Location The System Has Been Located at BNL in Bldg. 945 9 4 5
Operational High Intensity Resonance Source at Northrop Grumman Prior to Transfer to BNL Partial Installation of the Resonance Source at BNL Site For R&D and Testing of Resonance Technology. Specialized Resonance Detectors for Nitrogen, Used in Proof-of-Principle Demonstration, Were Developed. GRT Status
Photo-Fission Technology, PFT is based on nuclear absorption of energetic gamma rays that above threshold energy induce fission in fissile materials, e.g., U-235, Pu-239, Th-232, and subsequent detection of the emitted delayed neutrons. High-Z Detection Technology, HZT is based on attenuation of dual or triple high energy gamma beams and solving simultaneous transmission equations for resolving high- and low-z materials.
Anticipated Roles • SCII - Provide Technology • BNL - Test Bed Facility for Human Effects & Detectors • NSWC IHD Code 240 • Establish HE Test Bed Facility (renovation of Bldg. 1899) • Conduct IED Detection Demonstrations at Stand-Off • NSWCDD (J) - Provide Direction • NSWCDD (G80) - System Integration with Platforms