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The Theban Cycle

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The Theban Cycle

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Presentation Transcript

    1. The Theban Cycle

    2. Foundation myth I Cadmus

    3. Cadmus Zeus Europa Agenor

    4. Cadmus Cadmus Europas brother consults Delphi Founds Thebes Ares serpent Spartoi

    5. Cadmus Harmonia ROBE & NECKLACE their children Autono (Actaeon) Ino Semele (Dionysus) Agave (Pentheus) Polydorus==>Oedipus Cadmus abdicates

    6. Foundation Myth II Zethus & Amphion

    7. Zethus & Amphion The line of Nicteus

    8. Torture of Dirce

    9. Zethus & Amphion Zethus marries Theb Amphion marries Niobe

    10. Niobe

    11. Resolving two foundations? Cadmus Zethus & Amphion Conflicting legends

    12. The House of Labdacus

    13. Laius Pelops Chrysippus Curse Delphi

    14. Oedipus Son of Laius & Jocasta Polybus & Merope

    15. At the Crossroads

    17. Oedipus marries his mother (Jocasta) Ismene Antigone Polynices Eteocles

    18. Oedipus leaves Thebes with Antigone

    19. Seven Against Thebes Adrastus Polynices Tydeus (father of Diomedes) *Amphiaraos (prophet) Capaneus Hippomedon Parthenopaios (son of Atalanta)

    20. Seven Against Thebes

    21. Oedipus at Colonus

    22. Seven Against Thebes : Battle at Thebes 7 gates 7 against Thebes 7 Theban defenders

    23. Eteocles & Polynices kill each other

    24. Antigone buries Polynices against royal decree Sentenced to die

    25. Antigone Interpretations martyr complex male vs. female family vs. state divine law vs. human

    26. Theseus Theseus attacks Thebes Argives bury their dead

    27. Epigonoi: the sons of the seven Aegialeus (Adrastus) Thersandros (Polynices) Diomedes (Tydeus) Alcmaeon & Amphilocus (Amphiaraos) Sthenelos (Capaneus) Polydorus (Hippomedon) Promachus (Parthenopaios) Thebes is destroyed

    28. Alcmaeon Eriphyl (mother) furies Eriphyl's curse: King Phegius & daughter Arsino ROBE & NECKLACE

    29. Alcmaeon Drought Delphi Achelous & daughter Callirho ROBE & NECKLACE

    30. Alcmaeon Phegeus sons (Arsinos brothers) or Arsinos sons by Alcmaeon Callirhos revenge Akarnon & Amphotereus Achelous Dedicates ROBE & NECKLACE at Delphi

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