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Current 16e subblock interleaver

Current 16e subblock interleaver. All encoded symbols are split into 6 subblocks, A, B, Y1, Y2, W1, W2 Each subblock is interleaved independently with BRO operation

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Current 16e subblock interleaver

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Current 16e subblock interleaver • All encoded symbols are split into 6 subblocks, A, B, Y1, Y2, W1, W2 • Each subblock is interleaved independently with BRO operation • Formed to 4 interleaved blocks A, B, Y1/Y2, W1/W2, where Y1/Y2 and W1/W2 are symbol-by-symbol multiplexed sequence of Y1&Y2 and W1&W2, respectively. • Interleaved sequences are modulated sequentially

  2. Current 16e subblock interleaver

  3. Current 16e structure • Problem • There are 3 layers protection class for 64 QAM (Best: b2 & b5, Good: b1 & b4, Worst b0 & b3) • Mapping the interleaved bit into 64QAM constellation isn’t optimized • Systematic bits and their parity mapped into worst layer are always mapped into worst or good layer in form of burst. • Turbo decoder performance is degraded as a pair bits (systematic, parity) are always mapped into same layer position in 64QAM constellation. • Input burst mapped into worst layer make the decoder performance worse

  4. 64QAM constellation b2 & b5: Best layer b1 & b4 : Good layer b0 & b3 : Worst layer

  5. Mapping example (Nep=384, R=1/3, 64QAM) • Sequence of A(0, 1, …, 63) and B(0, 1, …, 63) and their parity sequences Y1(0, 1, …, 63) and W1(0, 1, …, 63) are always mapped into best layer (b2 or b5) according to current sub-block interleaver design as shown in the attachment (below zip file) • Sequences of A(64, 65, …, 127) and B(64, 65, …, 127) are mapped into good layer (b1 or b4) and their parity sequence Y1(64, 65, …, 127) and W1(64, 65, …, 127) are mapped into worst layer (b2 or b5) • Sequences of A(128, 129, …, 191) and B(128, 129, …, 191) are mapped into worst layer (b0 or b3) and their parity sequence Y1(128, 129, …, 191) and W1(128, 129, …, 191) are mapped into good layer (b1 or b4)

  6. Proposed Subblock interleaver

  7. Proposed Subblock interleaver (Cont’) • Subblock interleaver is same as 16e • C-symbol Permutation formula for the proposed subblock interleaver where C is modulation order, R= N/C , R1= 2N/C . δ = 1 for 64QAM andδ = 0 for other modulation. Ai(j), Bi(j), Y1/Y2i(j) and W2/W1i(j) are the permutation formula for j-th element of i-th group of interleaved sub-block I(A) I(B), I(Y1/Y2) and I(W2/W1), respectively

  8. Conclusions • New scheme has up to 2.2 dB gain at (R=1/3, 64QAM), 1.0 dB gain at (R=1/2, 64QAM) and 0.6dB gain at (R=2/3, 64QAM). • In 16QAM, new schemes has up to 0.4dB gain

  9. Simulation Parameters • Channel Model: AWGN • Turbo decoder: Max-log-map with 8 iterations • Packet size: 48, 144, 256, 288, 384, 512, 960, 1216, 1920, 2048, 2880, 3840, 4800 • Code Rate: 1/3, 1/2, 2/3

  10. Simulation Results

  11. Simulation Results

  12. Simulation Results

  13. Simulation Results

  14. Simulation Results

  15. Simulation Results

  16. Simulation Results

  17. Simulation Results

  18. Simulation Results

  19. Simulation Results

  20. Simulation Results

  21. Simulation Results

  22. Simulation Results

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