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Who was a more tyrannical leader: Hitler or Stalin? ADOLF HITLER

By: Emily Southey. Who was a more tyrannical leader: Hitler or Stalin? ADOLF HITLER. Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf. “... the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew .”. Mein Kampf.

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Who was a more tyrannical leader: Hitler or Stalin? ADOLF HITLER

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  1. By: Emily Southey Who was a more tyrannical leader: Hitler or Stalin?ADOLF HITLER

  2. Adolf HitlerMein Kampf • “...the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evilassumes the living shape of the Jew.”

  3. Mein Kampf • "The Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end...spying on the unsuspicious German girl he plans to seduce...He wants to contaminate her bloodand remove her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew hates the white race and wants to lower its cultural level so that the Jews might dominate." – Adolf Hitler

  4. John S. Conway • "The Nazis victimized some people for what they did, some for what they refused to do, some for what they were, and some for the fact that they were." - John Conway, author of The Nazi Persecution of the Churches 1933-45

  5. Propaganda Pictures  “All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”- Adolf Hitler

  6. Adolf Hitler in Salzburg,GermanyAugust 8, 1920 • “This Jewish contamination will not subside, this poisoning of the nation will not end, until the carrier himself, the Jew, has been banished from our midst.”

  7. Stages of Terror: Societal Outcasts • Out casting from society (boycott of Jewish shops, sewing the star of David onto their clothes, and refusal to serve Non-Aryans) “Jews: Enter at your own risk” Germany, 1930’s "Germans! Defend Yourselves! Don't Buy From Jews!"

  8. Nuremberg Laws • "None but members of the nation may be citizens of the State. None but those of German blood may be members of the nation. No Jew, therefore, may be  a member of the nation."- Adolf Hitler

  9. Kristallnacht: November 9 and 10, 1938 • 7,500 Jewish shops destroyed • 400 synagogues burnt down • 91 Jews were killed • 30,000 Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005201

  10. Stages of Terror: Arrests and Imprisonment • Hitler blamed Kristallnacht on the Jews • Forced to pay 1,000,000,000 reichsmark ($400 million American in 1938)in damages

  11. Hitler’s “Final Solution” • “The holocaust is the solution to the Jews final question”.-Adolf Hitler • Between 1933 and 1945 20,000 camps were established to imprison victims of Hitler http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005263

  12. Consequences • 100,000 Jewish displaced persons after the war led to establishment of Jewish homeland • 6,000,000 Jews murdered • 5,000,000 other minorities murdered

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