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AT91 Interrupt Handling. Main loop : Instruction 1 Instruction 2 Instruction 3 Instruction 4 Instruction 5. Interrupt routine : Instruction A Instruction B Instruction C Return from interrupt. What are interrupts ?. Stops the execution of main software
Main loop : Instruction 1 Instruction 2 Instruction 3 Instruction 4 Instruction 5 Interrupt routine : Instruction A Instruction B Instruction C Return from interrupt What are interrupts ? • Stops the execution of main software • Redirects the program flow, based on an event, to execute a different software subroutine • Interrupt behaviour :
Interrupt sources (1/2) • External Interrupts • Allows an external event to stop program execution • Can alert the core by an edge transition or a level • Signal can originate from external peripherals or systems • Example: external switch closure Interrupts AT91
Interrupt sources (2/2) • Internal Interrupts • Originate from on-chip peripherals • Notifies core that peripheral needs servicing • Typically can occur at any time • Can originate from software Counter overflow Timer/Counter End of conversion ADC End of transmission USART
ARM7TDMI Interrupt Sources • Two physically independent sources • Fast interrupt : FIQ • Used for fast interrupt handling • Private registers • Enable/disable with F bit in CPSR • Last vector in the exception vector table • Interrupt : IRQ • Standard interrupt request • Enable/disable with I bit in CPSR ARM7TDMI Processor IRQ FIQ
Advanced Interrupt Controller (1/3) • Features • 8-level Priority • Up to 32 Interrupt sources • Individually maskable • Hardware interrupt vectoring • Internal Interrupt sources • Level sensitive or edge triggered • External Interrupt sources • Low/High level sensitive or positive/negative edge triggered
Advanced Interrupt Controller (2/3) • Block Diagram
Atomic Interrupt Control (1/2) • For multi-task systems, it is sometimes useful to share peripherals • Interrupt Mask update is interruptible • Mask Register may be lost OS Scheduler Task 2 Task 1 Read IMR Task 1 Task 2 Read IMR Modify Modify Peripheral Write IMR Write IMR OS Scheduler
Atomic Interrupt Control (2/2) • Basic solution is to mask interrupt at core level before modifying IMR • ARM7TDMI limitations: • The CPSR is accessible only in ARM state and can be updated only from Privileged Mode • Usual solution is to switch in Supervisor Mode with a SWI • AT91 microcontrollers solution: • Enabling or disabling an interrupt request in only one instruction • STR rx,[ry,#IER] • STR rx,[ry,#IDR]
AIC_ISR Interrupt Vectors • Each interrupt source is associated with a Source Vector Register (AIC_SVR0-AIC_SVR31) which contains the address of the interrupt handler • When the Interrupt Vector Register (AIC_IVR) is read, it automatically returns the contents of the source vector register corresponding to the active interrupt ARM Exception vectors AIC Interrupt vectors AIC Source vectors AIC_SVR31 0xFFFFF0FC ldr pc,[pc,#-&F20] AIC_SVR30 0x0000001C AIC_FVR FIQ 0xFFFFF104 0x00000018 AIC_IVR IRQ 0xFFFFF100 Index = ABORT (Data) Interrupt Id. ABORT (Fetch) SWI UNDEF RESET AIC_SVR1 AIC_SVR0 0xFFFFF080
Interrupt Prioritization (1/4) • The NIRQ line is controlled by an 8-level priority encoder • Each source has a programmable priority level of 7 to 0. Level 7 is the highest priority. • The AIC manages the prioritization by using an internal stack on which the current interrupt level is automatically pushed when AIC_IVR is read, and popped when AIC_EOICR is written • Between these two events, the software can manage the state and the mode of the core in order to re-enable the IRQ line and to allow an interrupt with a higher priority.
Interrupt Prioritization (2/4) • When an interrupt is managed by the processor, R14_irq and SPSR_irq are automatically overwritten without being saved • It is mandatory to save these registers before re-enabling the IRQ line and to restore them before exiting the interrupt routine • If the interrupt treatment performs function calls (Branch with link), R14_irq is used. In this case, IRQ can not be re-enabled while the processor is in IRQ mode • It is mandatory to first change the processor mode to SYSTEM mode in order to keep all exceptions available
Interrupt Prioritization (3/4) • The standard sequence of an interrupt handler is: • Validate the nested interrupts • Save R14_irq and SPSR_irq in the IRQ stack • Set the mode bits in CPSR with the SYSTEM Mode value • Re-enable IRQ by clearing bit I in CPSR • Perfom interrupt treatment • call C handler • Disable the nested interrupts • Disable IRQ by clearing bit I in CPSR • Set the mode bits in CPSR with the IRQ Mode value • Restore R14_irq and SPSR_irq from the IRQ stack • This sequence is automatically preceded by a read of AIC_IVR and must be followed by a write in AIC_EOICR before exiting from the interrupt
Fetch Decode Execute Linkret Adjust Fetch Decode Fetch Fetch Decode Execute Spurious Interrupt (1/2) • A Spurious Interrupt occurs when the ARM7TDMI processor is interrupted and the source of interrupt has disappeared when IVR is read : • With any sources programmed to be level sensitive, if the interrupt signal of the AIC input is de-asserted at the same time as it is taken into account by the ARM7TDMI. • If an interrupt is asserted at the same time as the software is disabling the corresponding source through AIC_IDCR. Operation STR [xxx_IDR] xxx xxx (0x018) Branch to routine NIRQ
Spurious Interrupt (2/2) • The AIC is able to detect these Spurious Interrupts and returns the Spurious Vector when the IVR is read • The Spurious Vector can be programmed by the user when the vector table is initialized. • It is mandatory for the Spurious Interrupt Service Routine to acknowledge the “Spurious” behavior by writing to the AIC_EOICR (End of Interrupt) before returning to the interrupted software. • Spurious Interrupt Service Routine Sequence: • Adjust and save lr_irq in stack • Write the End of Interrupt Command Register • Run a trace function if necessary • Returns by restoring LR directly in PC
AT91 Interrupt Control Strengths (1/2) • Atomic Interrupt Enable/Disable • Interrupt Controller Level • Peripheral Level • Resolve the problem of RISC • No Read/Modify/Write Instruction • Limit the Spurious Exceptions • Fully Secured • Spurious Interrupt Protection • Spurious Vector Register • Debugger Protection • Protect Mode avoids the debugger to start an interrupt • Automatic Vectoring • Speeds up the interrupt handler branching
AT91 Interrupt Control Strengths (2/2) • Highly Programmable Sources • External Sources • Edge/Level Selection • Internal Sources • Edge/Level Selection • Built In Test Support • Force any Interrupt Assertion • High Level Operating System Compatible • Source Status Register gives the current source number • Pending Interrupt Register • NIRQ, NFIQ Signals Mirror