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Service–Learning Assessment of Faculty Needs Faculty Needs

Service–Learning Assessment of Faculty Needs Faculty Needs. Assessment Context. S econd-year graduate student in the SAHE Masters program at Miami University This project was completed as a part of a required internship/practicum experience for credit

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Service–Learning Assessment of Faculty Needs Faculty Needs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Service–Learning Assessment of Faculty Needs Faculty Needs

  2. Assessment Context • Second-year graduate student in the SAHE Masters program at Miami University • This project was completed as a part of a required internship/practicum experience for credit • Monica Ways, the Director of the Office of Community Engagement and Service, directly supervised • Gwen Fears, Associate Dean of Students, provided assessment development guidance

  3. Outline • Purpose • Method • Sample • Limits • Themes • Recommendations

  4. Purpose • To improve the Office of Community Engagement and Service’s best practices as it relates to supporting faculty and staff who teach courses with a Service-Learning component

  5. Method • Individual Interviews • ~45 Minutes Each • Not Recorded

  6. Interview Questions What motivated you to seek the Service-Learning designation for your course? Of the services and resources that the Office of Community Engagement and Service makes available to you, which ones do you use for your course? Please speak to the quality of the services and resources the Office of Community Engagement and Service provides. Are they comprehensive? Do they fit your needs? In terms of services and resources, do we deliver what we say we are going to deliver?

  7. Interview Questions Please rank the services and resources provided by the Office of Community Engagement and Service (1-5). 1=Unusable 3= Mixed 5=Very Helpful What services or tools would you like the Office of Community Engagement and Service to provide that you think would improve your Service-Learning courses? Are there support services that you need that are not being provided for your Service-Learning designated course? Whether your Service-Learning designated course is assessed the $50 fee or not, why have you chosen that option?

  8. Sample

  9. Limits • Sample Size • Time Constraints • Resources

  10. Themes

  11. Faculty Motivation • Faculty are motivated by deep beliefs in the mission and values of experiential learning because they have seen the direct impact on student learning and engagement as a result of engaging in Service-Learning courses

  12. S-L Designated Fee • Faculty split between understanding the S-L designated course fee and not using the S-L designation due to refusal to have students pay the fee

  13. OCES Staff Turnover Rate • Faculty have an understanding that OCES is understaffed, but very much so value their relationships with staff members and wish there wasn’t as high a turnover rate in staff

  14. Increasing S-L Buy-in • Faculty think the best way to get more faculty involved is to have students who have done S-L advocate for S-L amongst their peers, as well as educating faculty about how to create S-L courses in their discipline

  15. Recommendations • Develop a program for student Service-Learning Ambassadors (WES 103/203) • Petition for a portion of the general student fees to go towards Service-Learning, as to be able to drop or significantly cut the S-L designation fee • Encourage faculty to become involved in developing S-L course via informational sessions at department meetings

  16. Thank You Questions? Contact :Hillary Roviaro at Roviarhm@miamioh.edu

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