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M.E.Ch.A. de S.J.D.C. Agenda for Friday, March 5, 2010. • San Joaquin Delta College • 5151 Pacific Ave • Stockton, CA . I . Organizational items: Call to order (1:12pm) Welcome and Introductions Comments from the Public (3 min. max)
M.E.Ch.A. de S.J.D.C. Agenda for Friday, March 5, 2010 • San Joaquin Delta College • 5151 Pacific Ave • Stockton, CA • I. Organizational items: • Call to order (1:12pm) • Welcome and Introductions • Comments from the Public (3 min. max) • Approval of the Minutes Motioned by Co-Chair Estrada Seconded by Martha Limon. • Approval of the Agenda Motioned by Xavier Vazquez Seconded by Co-Chair Estrada • II. New business/discussion: • 1. Operation Cherry Season May 11-June 2010 (8min): Co-Chair Estrada talked about how Migrant Education approached her to see if we are interested in participating in their project of going to tutor children in grades K-12. She passed a sign in sheet and she will give you further information about it. • 2. Clubs Night March 12 @ 4pm-10pm (8min): We discussed who we were going to dress for that evening. We all decided to work with these three colors: red, black, and white. Also Chair Carrasco announced that the games will be Knowledge Ball, Tug-a-War, Extreme Musical Chair(Yoga Ball), and a Carnival that would consist of the Games; Poker, Texas Hold’Em, Beer Pong(root bear), and a mystery Game. Everything will happen during the hours of 4pm-10pm in Danner Hall and areas of SJDC. • 4. Cesar Chavez Event (10min): We would celebrate Cesar Chavez Day on March 25, due to that we have Spring Break on the official day of Cesar Chavez. Anthony Martinez mentioned that we should do a blood drive in celebration of Chavez like it was mentioned that throughout the Nation M.E.Ch.A. chapters are participating in. Anthony Martinez volunteered himself to check if we are still able to do a Blood Drive. Also to think of possible fundraising ideas for that day. • 5. March on 3/22/10(10min): Josh ICC Chair informed us that we will be able to have about 30-49 seats available for people who would like to go to the March on March 22 in Sacramento. However, due to what we as a region is going to do we might go carpooling, but it will not be sure until we have the regional meeting. • 6. Positions Available (1min): Chair Carrasco announced what positions are available. Sergeant of Arms, Publicist, Fund Raiser Coordinator. Also she announced that next meeting
M.E.Ch.A. de S.J.D.C. Agenda for Friday, March 5, 2010 • San Joaquin Delta College • 5151 Pacific Ave • Stockton, CA III. Old business/discussion: 1.March on March 4th “Black Thursday” Recap (10min): It was a great turn out. Many along with our Mechistas were present and showed their dedication in our causa. Also 3 of our Mechistas lead the march to symbolize more the dynamic of the death of our education. Our Mechistas were on the news and newspapers. Chair Carrasco gave a special thanks to everyone who helped out doing the posters, grave stones, and all the painting of all the things for the March. Community Rep. Diaz and Xavier Vazquez told us the committee wanted the Mechistas to attend the next meeting on next Thursday at 6pm. 2. Statewide Conference @PCC on April 16-18 (10min): Chair Carrasco asked that by March 19 those who want to go have a actual answer. Co-Chair Estrada gave a rough estimate of how much the hotel might be costing us. It would be $75 per night. Gas would be roughly $200. We are going to do 2 delegations since we are taking 16 people. More information will be given next week. 3. National Conference @ University of Washington (10min): Chair Carrasco mentioned it will take place in Seatle Washington. A committee will be created to take charge of researching the expenses such as Lodging, Transportation, and any other expenses. Xavier Vazquez will be chairing this committee. 4. Movie Screening Last Zapatistas/Corazon del Tiempo: Luis Campos would like for us to find a date for the movie screening so we can show it. Also he would like to have a date to give a pre-screening to us so we know what we are showing to the community. Chair Carrasco and Co-Chair Estrada will be looking into the dates available. 5. M.E.Ch.A. AB540/HS Scholarship: Chair Carrasco announced who are the ones that make up the committee. Chair of the committee Anthony Martinez. Xavier Vazquez, Martha G. Limon, Chloe Garcia, Jessica Vergara and Anthony Moreno will be in the committee. 6. Delta/UOP/HS BBQ: Anthony Martinez suggested to start drafting a plan for this and then go to UOP M.E.Ch.A. and work from there.
M.E.Ch.A. de S.J.D.C. Agenda for Friday, March, 12, 2010 • San Joaquin Delta College • 5151 Pacific Ave • Stockton, CA IV. ICC Meeting V. Open forum VI. Discussion (educational segment) Co-Chair Estrada showed a clip of the news. VII. Comments from the Board VIII. Comments from the Advisor IX. Adjournment (3:06) MexicaTiahui!