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Unit 4, Book 1 Reading Activities. Pre-reading activities While-reading activities Post-reading activities. Pre-reading activities Background information
Unit 4, Book 1Reading Activities • Pre-reading activities • While-reading activities • Post-reading activities
Pre-reading activities • Background information • EQ (Emotional Quotient) is vital to your success of career. It is defined as the mental ability you are born with which gives you your emotional sensitivity and your potential for emotional learning management skills which can help you maximize your long term health, happiness and survival. Emotional intelligence gives you a competitive edge. Having great intellectual abilities may make you a superb fiscal analyst or legal scholar, but a highly developed emotional intelligence will make you a candidate for CEO or a brilliant trial lawyer. An analysis of the personality traits that accompany high IQ in men who also lack these emotional competencies portrays, well, the stereotypical
nerd: critical and condescending, emotionally bland. By contrast, men with the traits that mark emotional intelligence are poised and outgoing, committed to people and causes, sympathetic and caring, with a rich but appropriate emotional life -- they're comfortable with themselves, others, and the social universe they live in. EQ involves the ability to perceive and identify emotions in faces, tone of voice, body language. If you know how to perceive and identify emotions in people’s behavior, you may know how to behave in the best way to reveal the emotions you want to convey to others, that is, you know how to make a good impression on others. This is the first step to success.
2.Lead-in activity Before reading the passage, according to the title “How to make a good impression”, discuss in groups the way to making a good impression. We shall see which group will get the most. This group will get a little prize.
While-reading activities • Words and phrases • Language points • Text structure analysis
Words and phrases • Impression • He has told me his plan and he has made a good impression on me. • I have the impression that he’s not pleased. • 动词:impress • She’s always trying to impress people with her new clothes. • Conscious • The children were conscious of their mother’s unhappiness. • He was badly hurt, but he remained conscious.
Attitude • What is your attitude to her work? • Reaction • What’s his reactionto your idea? • Range • Prices range from $10 to $25. • There are 80 students whose ages range from 20 to 40. • They can take part in a wide range of free time activities. • We are within range of their guns. • Focus • We must focus on our sales force as the chief means of improving trade. • The children’s attention was focused on the stage.
Absorb • This material absorbs water. • History is a subject that absorbs her. • The artist was so absorbed in her work that she didn't’t hear her visitor enter the room. • Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book. • Consistent • He was consistent in arriving late. • The second statement is not consistent with the first one. • Committed • meaning: spending time or energy on sth./ giving attention to • 1) He is very committed to the cause of language teaching.
2) If you want to become an actor, you really have to commit yourself to it. Presentation: the presenting of something 表现,描述 I was asked to give a short presentation on the aims of the plan.他们要求我就这计划的目的作一个简短的陈述。 Rate 1) the speed with which something happens or is done速度,速率He works at a very fast rate.他工作的速度非常快。2) the number of occasion within a certain period of time when something happens 比率,率There is a high accident rate in this factory.这个工厂的事故率很高。
Depress: make someone unhappy使抑郁,使沮丧 1) The thought of going to work tomorrow really depresses me.想到明天要上班我就心烦。2) He's been very depressed since he lost his job.自失去工作以来他心情一直不好。 Roar: make a loud, deep sound; 大声叫喊,咆哮He roared with laughter at the joke.听到这笑话,他哈哈大笑。 Drive someone crazy:make someone feel very angry or annoyed; 逼得某人发疯,或受不了His lack of order drove his girlfriend crazy.他的不修边幅令他的女友受不了。 At one’s best: in one's best state or condition处于最佳状态,在全盛时期This is an example of his work at its best.这代表了他最佳时期的作品。
2. Language points • Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them. (Para. 1) • Meaning: "Research shows within the first seven seconds when we meet someone, we form our opinion about him or her through nonverbal communication." • 2) Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear. (Para. 1) • Meaning: "Whether we are aware of, or unaware of it, we use our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes to express our feelings. This causes a sequence of various reactions from comfort to fear."
3) Focus on the first seven seconds. What did you think and feel? How did you "read" the other person? Meaning: Pay special attention to the first seven seconds. What did you feel and think? How did you understand the information about the other person? 4) The secret has always been you are the message. (Para. 3) Meaning: The best way has always been you yourself give off the information about you to others. When we say that a way of behaving is the secret (of achieving something,) we mean it is the best way or the only way to achieve it. 5) You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment you lost all self-consciousness. (Para. 5)
Meaning: You were giving all your attention to what you were saying and you were so interested in it that you lost all your worries and embarrassments about what you looked like, how you behaved and what others thought of you. 6) Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities. (Para. 6) Meaning: "Many books that offer advice on how to make a good impression tell you to walk into a room with quick, long steps and make others feel admiration and respect for your good qualities." 7) If you follow all this advice, you'll drive everyone crazy - including yourself. (Para. 6) Meaning: If you act in the way the how-to books tell you, you'll make everyone upset or annoyed, and make yourself upset and annoyed too.
8)The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. (Para. 7) Meaning: The skilled way is that you always have your same behavior, attitude and good qualities all the time and perform as well as you are able to. 9)The most effective people never change from one situation to another. They're the same whether they're having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job. They communicate with their whole being; the tones of their voices and their gestures match their words. (Para. 7)
Meaning: The most effective people remain consistent in all situations. They act in the same way whether they're talking with others, or they're giving a speech to others in their garden club, or they're being interviewed for a job. They communicate not only with their speech but also with their eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes; the tones of their voices and their gestures are consistent with their words 10)Public speakers, however, often send mixed messages. (Para. 8) Meaning: Public speakers, however, often send confused messages that is, what they say does not agree with what they do.11)The audience always believe what they see over what they hear. (Para. 9) Meaning: The audience always think what they see with their own eyes is more important than what they hear, that is, seeing is believing.
12) He's not being honest. (Para. 9) Meaning: "He is, for the present time, not saying something honest. He is lying.""Be" is not usually used as the main verb in progressive tenses. However, you can use it in progressive tenses to describe someone's behavior at a particular time as in the sentence. 13)Some people start to say something while looking right at you, but three words into the sentence, they break eye contact and look out the window. (Para. 10) Meaning: Some people look at you only when they begin to say something, but very soon they begin to look somewhere else. 14)I disagree. If I did agree, I certainly wouldn't look at my feet or at the ceiling. I'd keep my eye on the lion! (Para. 11)
Meaning: I don't agree that entering a room full of people is like going into a lion's cage. Suppose I agreed with such a thought, I would not look at my feet or at the ceiling but look carefully at the lion to make sure it would not kill me because the lion was most dangerous. 15)Then the chairman threw back his head and roared with laughter. (Para. 13) Meaning: Then the chairman suddenly moved his head back and laughed in a very loud, deep way. 16)Humor broke the stress of a very uncomfortable scene. (Para. 13) Meaning: Humor ended the stress of a very uncomfortable situation.
17)Take a good hard look at yourself. (Para. 15) Meaning: Use enough time and energy to think about yourself thoroughly. 18)You already have within you the power to make a good impression, because nobody can be you as well as you can. (Para. 15) Meaning: You now have the ability that exists in yourself to produce a good effect on other people, because nobody can use your good qualities as well as you can.
3. Text structure analysis In Passage A, the writer presents the reader his ideas about "How to Make a Good Impression" with a general statement that is supported by a list of examples. This is one of the most common ways to support an idea or an opinion, very effectively, especially for a short paragraph. The key point for this kind of structure is: 1) You have to list examples, just by naming them. It is not necessary to go into detail about the examples, as the list of examples is quite enough to support the point. 2) All the examples in the list must be supporting the point you are making.
Post-reading activities • Key to exercises • A test of EQ
1. Key to exercises II. 1. We show our true feelings through unspoken communication, that is, through our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes. 2. The qualities we use include: physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gesture, expression through the eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of other people. 3. These books do not tell us that the trick of making a good impression is that we should consistently be ourselves a our best. 4. We should never change the way we act from one situation to another, whether we are having a conversation, or addressing a garden club, or being interviewed for a job.
5. He means that what they say does not match the way they look or what they do. 6. The author believes that, if you agreed these are similar, you would keep our eyes on the lion, and would not look at your feet or at the ceiling. 7. Look at those in the room and smile. 8. He believes that it is we who can be ourselves at our best, not anyone else. III. 1. presentation 2. Conscious 3. Depressed 4. ranges 5. Consistent 6. Impressed 7. Reaction 8. encounter IV. 1. Are committed to 2. Take…seriously 3. Absorbed in 4. Focus on 5. Made up his mind 6. Driving me crazy 7. Range from …to
V. • It rained for two weeks on end, completely flooding the village. • Running to catch the school bus, Sandy thought of her older brother Bill who was away at college. • The bus arrived one hour late, causing me to miss the beginning of the game. • The Marine sat there in the dimly-lit ward, holding the old man’s hand and offering words of hope and strength. • Realizing he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I guessed he really needed me. • VI. • 1. I was so excited about going away (that ) I couldn't sleep.
2. The chairman became so angry with his secretary (that) he decided to fire him. • 3. She speaks English so well (that)you would think it was her native language. • 4. He was so frightened (that) he broke eye contact and looked out the window. • 5. His presentation was so interesting (that) everyone listened very carefully. • VII. • Consciously or unconsciously, people show their true feelings with their eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear. • Think of your encounter with a stranger. Focus on the first seven seconds. What did you feel and think? How did you “read” this person?
3. You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment that you lost all self-consciousness. 4. Public speakers often send mixed messsages, but the audience always believe what they see over what they hear. 5. If you want to make a good impression, the trick/skilled way is to be consistently you, at your best. IX. Within; reaction; unconsciously; through; appearance; tone; absorbed; self-consciousness; Because; change; consistently;whole; Since; before; at; smile; by; being; certainly; can
2. 1) You're on an airplane that suddenly hits extremely bad turbulence and begins rocking from side to side. What do you do?a. Continue to read your book or magazine, or watch the movie, paying little attention to the turbulence. b. Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully monitoring the stewardesses and reading the emergency instructions card. c. A little of both a and b. d. Not sure -- never noticed.
2) You've taken a group of 4-year-olds to the park, and one of them starts crying because the others won't play with her. What do you do?a. Stay out of it -- let the kids deal with it on their own. b. Talk to her and help her figure out ways to get the other kids to play with her.c. Tell her in a kind voice not to cry. d. Try to distract the crying girl by showing her some other things she could play with. 3) Assume you're a college student who had hoped to get an A in a course, but you have just found out you got a C- on the midterm. What do you do?a. Sketch out a specific plan for ways to improve your grade and resolve to follow through on your plans. b. Resolve to do better in the future. c. Tell yourself it really doesn't matter much how you do in the course, and concentrate instead on other classes where your grades are higher.
d. Go to see the professor and try to talk her into giving you a better grade. 4) Imagine you're an insurance salesman calling prospective clients. Fifteen people in a row have hung up on you, and you're getting discouraged. What do you do?a. Call it a day and hope you have better luck tomorrow. b. Assess qualities in yourself that may be undermining your ability to make a sale. c. Try something new in the next call, and keep plugging away. d. Consider another line of work. 5) You're a manager in an organization that is trying to encourage respect for racial and ethnic diversity. You overhear someone telling a racist joke. What do you do?a. Ignore it -- it's only a joke. b. Call the person into your office for a reprimand.
c. Speak up on the spot, saying that such jokes are inappropriate and will not be tolerated in your organization. d. Suggest to the person telling the joke he go through a diversity training program. 6) You're trying to calm down a friend who has worked himself up into a fury at a driver in another car who has cut dangerously close in front of him. What do you do?a. Tell him to forget it -- he's okay now and it's no big deal. b. Put on one of his favorite tapes and try to distract him. c. Join him in putting down the other driver, as a show of rapport. d. Tell him about a time something like this happened to you and how you felt as mad as he does now, but then you saw the other driver was on the way to a hospital emergency room.
7) You and your life partner have gotten into an argument that has escalated into a shouting match; you're both upset and, in the heat of anger, making personal attacks you don't really mean. What's the best thing to do?a. Take a 20-minute break and then continue the discussion. b. Just stop the argument -- go silent, no matter what your partner says. c. Say you're sorry and ask your partner to apologize, too. d. Stop for a moment, collect your thoughts, then state your side of the case as precisely as you can.
8) You've been assigned to head a working team that is trying to come up with a creative solution to a nagging problem at work. What's the first thing you do?a. Draw up an agenda and allot time for discussion of each item so you make best use of your time together. b. Have people take the time to get to know each other better. c. Begin by asking each person for ideas about how to solve the problem, while the ideas are fresh. d. Start out with a brainstorming session, encouraging everyone to say whatever comes to mind, no matter how wild.
9) Your 3-year-old son is extremely timid, and has been hypersensitive about -- and a bit fearful of -- new places and people virtually since he was born. What do you do?a. Accept that he has a shy temperament and think of ways to shelter him from situations that would upset him. b. Take him to a child psychiatrist for help. c. Purposely expose him to lots of new people and places so he can get over his fear. d. Engineer an ongoing series of challenging but manageable experiences that will teach him he can handle new people and places.
10) For years you've been wanting to get back to learning to play a musical instrument you tried in childhood, and now, just for fun, you've finally gotten around to starting. You want to make the most effective use of your time. What do you do?a. Hold yourself to a strict practice time each day. b. Choose pieces that stretch your abilities a bit. c. Practice only when you're really in the mood. d. Pick pieces that are far beyond your ability, but that you can master with diligent effort.